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Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
he medical school is home to
a multitude of interdisciplinary
research centers and institutes
where faculty work in seamless
collaboration across disciplines.
The Center for Advanced
Biotechnology and Medicine
, now in its third decade as
a respected leader in research and
teaching, is dedicated to making
fundamental discoveries in bio-
medical research, developing new
technologies, and translating them
to improve human health. CABM
fulfills its vision with a distinctive
melding of eminent research, life
sciences education and robust
scientific relationships with the
private sector. CABM scientists
perform cutting-edge research in
the areas of infectious disease,
cancer, and neurodevelopmen-
tal/neurodegenerative disorders
including AIDS, hepatitis C,
influenza, leukemia/lymphoma,
autism, and metabolic diseases,
facilitated by collaboration among
investigators with expertise in
different disciplines. CABM is
known for ground-breaking
scientific innovation and widely
respected for its collaborative
mind-set and significant
successes in research and training
at the frontiers of biomedicine.
Centers and Multidisciplinary Institutes
The Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine
Cardiovascular Institute
is dedicated to improv-
ing heart health by pioneering
integrative strategies to prevent,
treat, and cure heart disease, by
translating science and technology
into new therapies and by training
future leaders in cardiovascular
medicine. CVI is uniquely posi-
tioned to achieve this mission be-
cause of its outstanding clinical
services, research, education and
community outreach programs,
its partnership with
Robert Wood
Johnson University Hospital
its proximity to the many pharma-
ceutical and medical device
companies located in New Jersey.
The faculty at CVI has participated
in the development and evalua-
tion of more than 100 cardio-
vascular agents and devices, and
New Jersey's Myocar-
dial Infarction Data Acquisition
(MIDAS), a database that
tracks more than 20 years of data
on patients in New Jersey who
have had a heart attack or stroke.
Institute faculty members are
involved in all levels of pre-
doctoral and post-doctoral educa-
tion within the medical school.
Third- and fourth-year medical
students are offered numerous
cardiovascular-related clinical
clerkships in advanced topics in
the diagnosis, treatment, and
prevention of cardiovascular
diseases. The
Internal Medicine
Residency Program
as well as
Cardiovascular Diseases
and Interventional Cardiology
provide additional
opportunities for clinical training
and research.
The Cardiovascular Institute
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,
does not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation,
gender identity or expression, disability,
age, or any other category covered by law
in its admission, programs, activities, or
employment matters.
The following people have been designated
to handle inquiries regarding the nondis-
crimination policies: Jackie Moran
Title IX Coordinator for Students and
ADA/Section 504 Compliance Officer,
Office of Student Affairs (848-932-8576,; and
Lisa Grosskreutz, Associate Director,
Office of Employment Equity, University
Human Resources (848-932-3980,
For further information on the notice of
nondiscrimination, you may contact
the U.S. Department of Education,
Office for Civil Rights, at 646-428-3900
Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment