A Word From Our Chair

Welcome to our pediatric residency program! Our residents are the heart of our department. Their vitality, curiosity and dedication to our patients reminds the faculty daily why we chose this profession. Our residents are a diverse and ambitious group headed by our dedicated medical education leaders. As you embark on this journey of apprenticeship know that we will be there to help you succeed. Your success equates directly to ours! In fact, one of our goals is to create a program where you will want to come back and work alongside us.

Our program is unique in that we are centralized in a strong Children’s Health campus where you can explore your various interests. The partnerships between the Department of Pediatrics of RWJMS and Child Health Institute of New Jersey, Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, and PSE&G Children's Specialized Hospital along with the many partners of Robert Wood Johnson Barnabas Health opens a door of exploration to many career paths.

Finally, I want to assure you that our team is focused on harmonizing your development as a pediatrician with a respectful work life balance. It won’t be perfect but working together WE will constantly innovate and make this an important focus of our mission.

OK, so let’s have fun… isn’t that why we chose peds!

Sally Radovick
Simon Li, MD
Interim Chair and Professor
Department of Pediatrics