Useful equation for calculating binding constants from CD data. These equations are set up for use with SigmaPlot but can easily be modified to work with other plotting programs. I. Fit data to the Hill equation. [Parameters] ;Modify these values for your data n=.15 ;vmax h=2 ;Hill Coefficient k=100 ;association constant divided by 10^6 C=.010 ;constant to offset data if it doesn't pass though the origin. [Variables] x=col(1) ;ligand concentration in micromolar y=col(2) ;change in CD, absorbance, rate etc. [Equations] u=n*k^h*(x^h) d=1+(k^h*(x^h)) f=u/d +C fit f to y; fit calculated binding curve to raw data II. Calculate the association constant of an enzyme-ligand complex assuming a tight binding model. [Parameters] ; modify these initial values to fit your data. M=10 ;Amax k=100 ; ka association constant (divided by 10^6) nbs=1 ; number of binding sites [Variables] x=col(1); ligand concentration in micromolar y=col(2); spectral change at each ligand concentration [Equations] n=1/nbs P=1; protein concentration in micromolar q=(1+(n*k*x)+(k*P))/(2*k*P) r=((1+(n*k*x)+k*P)/(2*k*P))^2 s=(n*x/P) f=M*(q-sqrt(r-s)) fit f to y; fit calculated to observed spectral change.