Leadership and Administration
Dean Murtha draws on the expertise of diverse leaders who are dedicated to fulfilling the missions of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in education, patient care, research, community and global health, and administration.
Inclusion and Diversity

Patricia N. Whitley-Williams, MD, FAAP
Senior Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion, Professor of Pediatrics, and Chief, Division of Allergy, Immunology and Infectious Diseases

Céline Gélinas, PhD
Senior Associate Dean for Research, Professor and Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Resident Faculty, Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine
Areas of ExpertiseSignaling pathways and therapeutic targets in cancer and HIV latency

Shawna Hudson, PhD, FSBM
Director, RWJMS Center Advancing Research and Evaluation for Person-Centered Care (CARE-PC), Senior Associate Dean for Population Health Research, Professor, Vice Chair of Research and Henry Rutgers Chair of Family Medicine and Community Health, Vice Chancellor for Dissemination and Implementation Science, Rutgers Health, and Associate Director, NJ Alliance for Clinical and Translational Science (NJ ACTS)
Community and Global Health

Eric G. Jahn, MD
Senior Associate Dean for Community and Global Health and Associate Professor

Phil Mesisca, MBA

Rhonda M. Smith, PhD

John J. Drudy, MBA, CRA

Georgia Kyrifides, PE, MS

Maged Mohamed, MBA