
Research is a vital part of the Department of Psychiatry. We are committed to increase our knowledge through research and apply it directly to the care of the individual patient.

Departmental Faculty Research Interests:

Viwek Bisen, DO
Nina Cooperman, PhD
Roseanne Dobkin, PhD
Molly Erickson, PhD
Javier Escobar, MD
Michael Gara, PhD
Gary Aston-Jones, PhD
Kenneth Kaufman, MD
Brian Keane, PhD
Anna Kline, PhD
Paul Lehrer, PhD
Paul Manowitz, PhD
Humberto Marin, MD
Matthew Menza, MD
Sherrie Novotny, MD
Ted Petti, MD, MPH
Rusty Reeves, MD
Jessica E. Salvatore, Ph.D.
Dan Schneider, MD
Steve Silverstein, PhD
Marc Steinberg, PhD
Anthony Tobia, MD
Adam Trenton, MD
Jill Williams, MD