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Phosphorimaging and Microarray Facility

Molecular Dynamics 9410 Phosphorimager
This unit is in room R-700A on the 7th floor of the Research Tower (Piscataway, NJ). The facility charges $550.00 per year to use the instruments. Please see Rick Wernoski (R-738, 235-4937) to sign up. The phosphorimager requires the use of Molecular Dynamics cassettes for analysis of radioactive samples. The cassettes can be used with 3H, 14C, 35S, as well as 32P and 33P. Users must purchase their own cassettes as there are no extras available. For assistance with the instrument contact Dr. Gary Brewer (R-735,235-3473).

Stratagene Mx4000 Multiplex Quantitative PCR system
This instrument permits users to quantify changes in mRNA expression in multiple samples. The system can be adapted for use with a number of different PCR assays using various fluorescent dyes. Click Here for technical specifications. The instrument is located in the Staged Research Building 2 (room 109) in the laboratory of Dr. Yufang Shi. Users must pay the membership fee and provide their own PCR reagents. Contact Dr. Jian-Nian Zhou at 235-4502 for more information.

Mx4000 Multiplex Quantitative PCR System
For quantitative analysis of gene expression.

Kodak Image Station 440CF
For Superior Sensitivity and Digital Ease for Chemiluminescence, Fluorescence, Chromogenic Detection, and Densitometry.

ELISA Reader

Wallac MicroBeta TriLux and 96-Well Plate Harvester
For rapid cell proliferation assay.

FacScan Flow Cytometer
For analysis of protein expression at the single cell level.

Nikon ECLIPSE TE2000 Florescent Microscope
Equipped with Cool CCD Digital Camera and automatic focus, for Image acquisition and analsysis. It can also take serial picture for movie presentation.