“Information technology can help support everything a hospital tries to do.” —Adam Landman, MD ’04 COURTESY OF ADAM B. LANDMAN, MD ’04 interests in clinical informatics and health care, as he researched the adoption of health information technology (HIT) in the emergency department and prehospital settings. Expanding Clinical Informatics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital I n 2010, Dr. Landman joined the emergency department (ED) at BWH to serve as director of clinical informatics. He led a $7 million custom software development project for the department, which moved its clinicians from a paper-based system to electronic documentation, including electronic discharge instructions for patients and documentation for providers. “Information technology can help support everything a hospital tries to do,” says Dr. Landman, “and the pace at ‘The Brigham’ was picking up.” In 2013, after the rollout and implementation of the ED system, Dr. Landman was appointed to serve as the hospital’s chief medical information officer for health information innovation and integration. While continuing to teach and work several shifts a month in the ED, he eagerly stepped into an expanded administrative role, developing larger and more specialized systems for the hospital. “Our team does the whole life span of a system,” says Dr. Landman, “from the initial concept to helping to evaluate the investment, developing a proposal, finding partners, often building the system ourselves, implementing and advertising it, and training support staff.” Over the past three years, his team’s projects have included an integrated system for the hospital’s laboratories and specialized systems for internal departments. Working with a development partner, Dr. Landman’s team recently built a new app for the Burn Center at BWH, one of two in Massachusetts. The center’s leaders proposed the concept: to use the tools of HIT to make it easier for outside hospitals to refer burn patients promptly. The completed system allows doctors in the area to download an iOS or Android app, page a Burn Center doctor 24–7, and determine both the patient’s immediate need and the best course of treatment. Dr. Landman also works closely with the hospital’s information security —Continued on page 45 Robert Wood Johnson I MEDICINE 41