A L U M N I P R O F I L E Adam B. Landman, MD ’04: Advancing Patient Care through Health Information Technology —Continued from page 41 team, ensuring privacy for business and research data as well as patient information. He coordinates with enterprise teams running the hospital’s computer systems serving more than 20,000 employees. Over the past three years, Dr. Landman also helped implement Partners eCare, an electronic health records system that links all administrative and patient information for Partners HealthCare, the multispecialty, multiplesite, clinical care group cofounded by BWH and Massachusetts General Hospital. Clinical informatics is now an American Board of Preventive Medicine subspecialty, says Dr. Landman, who created and serves as program director of the two-year Partners Clinical Informatics and Innovation Fellowship. The program is open to physicians from all medical specialties, accepting one fellow each year and attracting many more. “One of the best things about clinical and biomedical informatics is working with colleagues in all fields, with a common goal: HIT innovation,” says Dr. Landman, adding, “The program’s first fellow is from palliative care, and the second is from internal medicine.” establish the Brigham Innovation Hub (iHub) group, with a mission to “disrupt traditional medicine and reinvent health care.” The hugely successful initiative explores, nurtures, and supports ideas proposed by clinicians, scientists, and staff of the hospital and Partners HealthCare. With the goal of disseminating ideas that match the dual mission of disruption and “One of the best things about clinical and biomedical informatics is working with colleagues in all fields, with a common goal: HIT innovation,” says Dr. Landman. innovation, iHub helps inventors find tangible ways develop their ideas, from software creation, to finding partners and collaborators, to converting their ideas into new products and services that improve patient experiences and health outcomes. Dr. Landman has “a careful, conservative edge,” says Lesley K. Solomon, executive director, Brigham Innovation Hub. Dr. Landman’s approach works well for iHub, which constantly proposes ideas that are beyond a hospital’s normal comfort zone. “While we have great top-down support from the administration,” “The Fun Stuff”: The Innovation Hub and Hackathons “ A nd that brings us to the fun st u f f ,” s a y s D r. L a n d m a n . “Brigham and Women’s has always been a leader in information technology. We want to be the digital hospital of the future.” In 2013, he helped says Solomon, “they know that when Adam suggests something, he has thought it out carefully, and he and the inventor have looked at the idea from every possible vantage point.” Within two months of its establishment, iHub had sponsored the first “Hackathon,” a public event focused on brainstorming, innovating, and building solutions. Starting with raw ideas, interdisciplinary teams spent a creative weekend “hacking,” devising, and even naming products or services that would address current clinical challenges. Projects that have been supported by iHub include Volaytix, which builds on airport bomb-detection technology to create a breathalyzer device that can detect aspergillosis, a common but potentially fatal fungus. “One of my favorites,” says Dr. Landman, “evolved from a surgeon’s need for a hands-free paging system that would permit two-way communication from the OR.” The product that evolved is modeled on the Amazon Echo, a voice-controlled device that can be set for cross-room voice recognition, responds to orders, and answers questions. “Adam is a really good, thoughtful soul, and he’s a great connector.” says Solomon. “He’s the best-qualified person I can imagine for this job—one of the smartest people I’ve ever worked with—and has an amazing breadth of abilities.” The spirit of Adam Landman’s full-time firefighter is alive and well at BWH, saving lives, devising solutions, and helping to lead health care into the future. M Robert Wood Johnson I MEDICINE 45