About the Department of Radiology
Our Department of Radiology is comprised of the Clinical Radiology Department of the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and members of the University Radiology Group. The department consists of about 60 board certified radiologists providing expertise in all subspecialties of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology. Each radiologist practices primarily in his or her subspecialty.
Message from the Chair

We are pleased you have chosen to visit the Department of Radiology web site. Please take this opportunity to learn more about our Department and Radiology services. The mission of the Department of Radiology includes commitment to clinical service, education, research and service to the community.
Over the last decade, Radiology has emerged as a leader in minimally invasive diagnostic and treatment modalities. With the advances in diagnostic imaging and minimally invasive treatment has come increasing sub-specialization. This sub-specialization provides patients with sophisticated practitioners who concentrate their activities to various specific areas within Radiology.
Our department is made of divisions of General Diagnostic Radiology, with sections including breast imaging, pediatric radiology, chest radiology, diagnostic ultrasound, musculoskeletal imaging, and body imaging with MRI and CT. The Division of Neuroradiology includes both a diagnostic and interventional section. The Division of Nuclear Imaging includes radionuclide imaging, therapeutic radiopharmaceutical administration and PET scanning. The Division of Interventional Radiology provides the full gamut of image-guided minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment. Finally, the Research Division concentrates its efforts in biomedical imaging and bioengineering.
Education is an important facet of the mission of our department. In addition to medical student education, the department conducts a large Residency Program in Diagnostic Radiology and a Independent Interventional Radiology Residency. As a service to the community the department hosts high school and college students in summer fellowships. Finally, the department is active in patient education.
Research is the final component of our academic mission. The Division of Radiology Research provides expertise in Biomedical Imaging as well as Bioengineering. The Department is involved in basic science research in both Bioengineering and Imaging analysis. Members of the Department engage in clinical research and clinical trials along subspecialty lines.
Feel free to peruse our website for information about our department, faculty, medical student education, the Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program, Independent Interventional Radiology Residency, and departmental research.
John L. Nosher, MD
Chairman, Department of Radiology
Chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Residencies & Fellowship
Diagnostic Radiology Residency
Our large Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program delivers an excellent balance between the academic and practical aspects of radiology. Daily educational conferences, some of which are multidisciplinary, provide residents with a firm academic foundation. In addition, the attending radiologists are dedicated to teaching and to resident success. As the vast majority of them are subspecialized, residents receive an excellent and comprehensive educational experience encompassing the different branches of radiology.
Integrated Interventional Radiology Residency
Our training program is unique as it provides our IR/DR resident access to a large volume of cases across a broad spectrum of interventions under the mentorship of experienced fellowship-trained interventional radiologists. This exposure is facilitated by our affiliation with the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children's Hospital and the Children's Specialized Hospital. Our primary teaching facility is also a level one trauma center, level one stroke center, and the teaching site for residencies and fellowships of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Adjacent to the hospital is an outpatient interventional radiology facility housing our vein clinic.
We also have a diagnostic radiology residency, early specialization in interventional radiology (ESIR), and rotating medical students. The IR/DR resident has ample opportunity to teach along with being taught. Combined with unparalleled hands-on experience, the IR/DR resident has exposure to research, the liver multidisciplinary group, the vascular malformation clinic, the vein clinic, the pulmonary embolism response team, an outpatient clinic, and dedicated rotation time with vascular surgery, surgical oncology, neuro-interventional, and ICU. The IR/DR resident is mentored by an experienced program director and teaching faculty with decades of experience and a proven track in training successful and accomplished interventional radiologists.
Independent Interventional Radiology Residency(Fellowship)
Medical Student Education
Message from the Clerkship Director

When I was a medical student, I only met two radiologists during those four years, thus receiving only minimal contact with the field. My mother was an X-ray technologist, so I did know a little bit about what radiologists do.
Fast forward – we now have an enthusiastic radiology residency, each of whom are mentored by faculty with extensive experience in all areas of Radiology. As you are rotating through Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, Ob-Gyn, Neurology, Psychiatry, Family Medicine and other core rotations, you realize how imaging plays such a critical role in managing your patient. Have you seen any of your patients go to surgery without imaging? Any seriously ill patient being treated without imaging? Having a baby without imaging? The answer is most likely no to many of these questions.
Since Radiology is not a standardized core clerkship, we have created electives which will familiarize you with the field and its importance in the management of your patients. These electives are not only intended for students who are thinking about Radiology as a career, but for all medical students, as you will use imaging/Radiology in whatever field of Medicine you are thinking about.
Our Radiology Department welcomes any medical student to observe and find out about the role of imaging in the management of patients.
Alumni Association sponsored events are attended by Radiology residents and faculty to give information to medical students about both the overall field of Radiology, and information regarding careers in Radiology.
Mentoring has been an active part of our clinical responsibility. In fact, over 150 radiologists from RWJ medical students over the last 25 years have gone to pursue careers in Radiology!
Mentors will help you with making a decision about your career, advise you on your strengths and weaknesses, when to take your USMLE II, how to get the best LORs (Letters of Recommendation), how to construct a PS (Personal Statement), where to apply, how to prepare for interviews, etc.
Please feel free to contact me at amorosa@rwjms.rutgers.edu if you have any questions regarding these matters.
Judith Korek Amorosa, MD
Radiology Clerkship Director and
Vice Chair for Faculty Development and Academic Affairs
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital

State-of-the-Art Clinical Settings
Learn in dynamic environments where medical education, leading-edge research, and outstanding patient care converge. Our principal teaching hospital, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, and clinical affiliations with RWJBarnabas Health and numerous hospitals and ambulatory care sites across New Jersey provide extraordinary opportunities to hone your skills under the guidance of renowned mentors and clinicians.
Life at Rutgers

Envision Yourself Here
Rutgers is located in central New Jersey in the city of New Brunswick and across the Raritan River in Piscataway. Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon counties rank fourth in per capita income nationwide. It is a manufacturing center, agricultural center, high-tech corporate center, and small-town America rolled into one.
Quality Improvement Resident Director
The QI Resident Director is a position on the same level as chief resident. This resident provides a leadership role and given opportunities to enhance education regarding the intricacies of QI activities. This resident assists in the education of other residents regarding QI.
The selected resident is given financial support to attend a national meeting with a focus on QI. Upon his or her return, the resident provides a summary of the meeting to the other residents in the program.
This resident completes a substantial QI project and submits the resulting manuscript to a major peer-reviewed radiology journal. The presentation of the project at a national meeting is encouraged. The project selected is be designed to enhance departmental QI activities. Mentorship from faculty is provided from Dr. Basak, Dr. Kempf, and Dr. Schonfeld.
The resident QI director serves as the contact person for junior residents to help them deal effectively with adverse events or quality issues that may impact them. The resident QI director is involved in the formulation of the monthly QA conferences run by an attending and another resident. The resident QI director lectures on QI topics derived from suggestions and recommendations from residents, issues identified at the department QA conference, and self-selected topics. This resident works closely with Dr. Schonfeld, the QI program director, and the associate program director in enhancing QI opportunities and education for the residents in the program. Furthermore, this resident serves as a liaison between the residency program and the University Radiology Group's QA Committee.
A critical component of the radiology residency is completion of a Quality Improvement project. This involves direct involvement in a project that involves findings a practice problem to improve upon or correct, developing an intervention, implementing that intervention and then quantitatively measuring the effect of the intervention. Examples include accuracy of radiology reports regarding right/left discrepancy, complications related to image guided procedures and documentation of communication with referring physicians regarding urgent findings.
Accordion Content
- 2023 Selected QI Resident Directors - Anum Aslam, MD and Charles Sutton, MD
- 2022 Selected QI Resident Directors - Anum Aslam, MD and Ali Saifuddin, MD
- 2021 Selected QI Resident Directors - Anthony Labib, DO and Ali Saifuddin, MD
- 2020 Selected QI Resident Directors - Anthony Labib, DO and Henal Patel, MD
- 2019 Selected QI Resident Directors - Halley Park, MD and Henal Patel, MD
- 2018 Selected QI Resident Directors - Catherine King, MD and Halley Park, MD
- 2017 Selected QI Resident Directors - Catherine King, MD and Sara Venezia, DO
- 2016 Selected QI Resident Directors - Martha Ksepka, MD and Kumar Shah, MD
- 2015 Selected QI Resident Director - Philip Murilo, MD
- 2014 Selected QI Resident Director - Justin Alpert, MD
- 2013 Selected QI Resident Director - Puneet Belani, MD
The following are some recent QI projects completed/currently underway in our residency:
- Anthony Labib, Rebecca Nardi, Victor de Carvalho, Jeffrey Kempf-Teaching Radiology Residents Contrast Reaction Treatment-Setting up a Simulation Laboratory Experience.
- Ali Mahmood, Censullo, M. AST Grading of Hepatic and Splenic Trauma.
- Shelly Uppal, Bramwit, M.-Calcaneal US Screening for Osteoporosis in an Underserved Population.
- David Tsai, Robert Tokarz, Jeffrey Kempf-Pediatric Head CT Dose Reduction.
- Peter Girgis, Greg Ngo, Steven Schonfeld, Jeffrey Kempf- Standardized reporting of Pathological Cervical Lymphadenopathy in Head and Neck Cancers
- Ngo, G., Girgis, P., Kempf, J., Schonfeld, S. Cervical Lymphadenopathy for Staging Head and Neck Cancer: What the Radiology Resident Needs to Know. Association of University Radiologists 67th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, Accepted for oral presentation, April 9-12, 2019.
- Patel, H. King C., Kempf, JS. PET/CT Report Addenda, presented at 2018 SNMMI
- Patel, H., King, C., Mehta, D, Kempf JS; PET/CT Report Addenda: A Review of Over 18,360 PET Studies-A Quality Improvement Project: What Can We Learn? Scientific Poster Presentation at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 2018.
- Mannan Parikh, Albert Li-TIRADS standardized Thyroid Nodule Review and Implementation, in progress.
- Parikh, M., Li, A. “Implementation of ACR TI-Rads.” Accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiology, May 2019.
- Jay Sangani, Sara Venezia, Jeffrey Kempf. NM Addendums
- Sangani, J., Venezia, S., Kempf, JS. “Five Year Retrospective Review of the Etiology of Nuclear Medicine Addenda- A Quality Improvement Project.”
- Presented at the 2018 Northeast Regional Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Newport, Rhode Island, October 26, 2018.
- Expanded study submitted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society of NM and Molecular Imaging, Anaheim, California, June 2019.
- Dayan, J., Shah K., Kempf, JS- The Frequency and Etiology of Interventional Radiology Report Addenda
- Shah, K, Dayan, M, Aboff, A, Gendel V, Kempf, J; The Frequency and Etiology of Interventional Radiology Report Addenda-A Quality Improvement Project: What Can We Learn?Scientific presentation at the 2017 Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, March 4-9, 2017.
- Francis Kang, Ani Peshtani , Judith Amoroso– Lung Cancer Screening
- Halley Park, Donna Eckstein, Stephanie Hanhan, Jeffrey Kempf- Creating a Curriculum on the Culture of Wellness and Physical Activity for Radiologists
- Eckstein, D., Park, H., Hanhan, S. Creating a Curriculum of Health and Wellness for Radiologists. JACR 4126 DOI 10.1016/j.jacr.2017.10.019
- Park, H., Peshtani, A., Barot, A., King, C., Kempf, JS. Our Expanded Wellness Curriculum for Radiology Residents. Accepted for Presentation at The Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, Baltimore, Md., April 2019.
- Halley Park, Ksepka, M., Basak, S., Kempf, J. – Creating a Resident Curriculum to Teach Root Cause Analysis-Presented January 2ndand 3rd, 2018.
- Anupriya Barot and Shivam Shah, Jeffrey Kempf – Radiation Safety in Fluoroscopy
- Shah S, Barot A, Yudd A, Kempf JS; Fluoroscopic Safety and Patient and Operator Radiation Dose Reduction; Creating a Focused Fluoroscopic Curriculum for Radiology Residents; Educational Exhibit presented at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiology, Washington, D.C., May 21-25th, 2017.
- Sarah Pettyjohn, Judith Amoroso – Recognizing the Radiographic Appearance of Routinely Imaged and Infrequently Encountered Cardiothoracic Hardware
- Sarah Pettyjohn M.D., Judith Amorosa M.D., and Sri Hari Sundararajan M.D. Name that Device! Recognizing the Radiographic Appearance and Function of Frequently Encountered Cardiothoracic Hardware and Associated Complications. Rutgers- Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.· Accepted and presented as an electronic presentation at Society of Thoracic Radiology Meeting in March 2016.
- Catherine King, Jeffrey Kempf– Reducing Patient Radiation Exposure in Myocardial Perfusion Imaging with Cardiac SPECT imaging
- Chrystal Webb, Judith Amoroso – Imaging Appropriateness for Medicine and Surgery Housestaff,
- Tiffany Tsai, Jeffrey Kempf-Etiologies of Ultrasound Addenda-What can we Learn?
- Depalma and K. Shah: Assessment of Rate of Urinary Tract Infection Occurrence in Postoperative Neurointerventional Stroke patients after Implementing a Mandatory Standardized Protocol for Urinary Foley Catheter removal.
- Eckstein, Hasan, Alpert: Streamlining of process of ordering and reporting of radiographs assessing retained foreign bodies in the OR.
- Sheikh and Shingala: Assessing Radiation Dose Associated with Head CTs in the Pediatric Population at RWJUH.
- Garg: Improving ICD-10 Compliance Using Standardized Reporting of Extremity Radiographs with Templated Laterality.
- Samartine and Bramwit: Evaluating and Improving Patient CT Imaging Beyond Anatomic Boundaries.
- Jamil Shaikh: Analysis of "Time-Outs" during outpatient IR procedures.
- Effective Communication of Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives in Obtaining Informed Consents for Radiologic Procedures.
- Naidu and Kempf: Use of Wide Beam Reconstruction for Cardiac SPECT Myocardial Perfusion Studies to Decrease Patient Radiation Dose.
- Belani and Zou: Ergonomics in Radiology: What the Radiologist Needs to Know.
- Cost Benefit Analysis of Sonographic Evaluation for Acute Appendicitis. Murillo, Schnall, Simon, Underberg-Davis
- Discrepancy Rates of Radiology Resident Interpretations of Cases During Call Shifts- Banbahji, Labib, Schonfeld, Nosher, DeCarvalho
- Recommendations for the Role of Ultrasound Evaluation for Acute Appendicitis in Pediatric Patients at RWJUH- Murillo, Schnall, Simon, Underberg-Davis
- Module on Radiation Risks from CT- From Basic Radiology Biology Understanding Cancer Risks to CT Dose Reduction: An Educational Module for Radiology Residents - Sundararajan, Kempf, Basak
- Evaluating and Improving Radiology Turnaround Time at RWJUH- Belani, Zou, Becker
- Kempf and Alpert presented at ARRS annual meeting in 2015 on Inpatient PET/CT Utilization at RWJUH
- V M Lee, MD; R Bhavsar, MD; P Ohman-Strickland, PhD,MS; J McCoy, MD; M P Bramwit, MD. Awareness of High CT Utilization Patients in the Emergency Department and Its Effect on the Ordering Practices of Emergency Department Physicians.
Awards and Accolades
The following are awards and accolades our radiology residents have received both during and at the completion of their training.
Designation of Chief Radiology Resident
Designation of Quality Improvement Resident Director
Recipient of the Randy Siegel Award for Compassion and Excellence
Recipient of the Wilhelm Roentgen Research Award
Accordion Content
July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023
- Kyle Morris, M.D.
- Kush Shah, D.O.
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
- Kyle Morris, M.D.
- Kush Shah, D.O.
- Andrew Soliman, M.D.
- David Tsai, M.D.
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
- Andrew Soliman, M.D.
- David Tsai, M.D.
July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020
- Francis Kang, M.D.
- Halley Park, M.D.
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
- Anupriya Barot, M.D.
- Catherine King, M.D.
July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018
- Andres DePalma, M.D.
- Prapti Shingala, M.D.
July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017
- Rahul Garg, M.D.
- Silvano Samartine, M.D.
July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016
- Anjani Naidu, M.D.
- Sri Hari Sundararajan, M.D.
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
- Mina Labib, M.D.
- Lily Zou, M.D.
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
- Mina Labib, M.D.
- Lily Zou, M.D.
July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013
- Sam Greene, M.D.
- Gerard Reddy, M.D.
July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012
- Jason Lee, M.D.
- Vincent Lee, M.D.
January 1, 2011 - December 30, 2011
- Ian Tseng, M.D.
- Keyur Patel, M.D.
January 1, 2010 - December 30, 2010
- Shivani Ahlawat, M.D.
- Christina Levchook, M.D.
January 1, 2009 - December 30, 2009
- Tim Chen, M.D.
- Payam Torrei, M.D.
January 1, 2008 - December 30, 2008
- Matthew Robbins, M.D.
- Andrew Lischuk, M.D.
- Benjamin Schneider, M.D.
July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023
- Anum Aslam, M.D.
- Ali Saifuddin, M.D.
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022
- Anthony Labib, D.O.
- Ali Saifuddin, M.D.
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021
- Anthony Labib, D.O.
- Henal Patel, M.D.
July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020
- Halley Park, M.D.
- Henal Patel, M.D.
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019
- Catherine King, M.D.
- Halley Park, M.D.
July 1 , 2017 - June 30, 2018
- Catherine King, M.D.
- Sara Venezia, D.O.
July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017
- Martha Ksepka, M.D.
- Kumar Shah, M.D.
July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2016
- Philip Murillo, M.D.
July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015
- Justin Alpert, M.D.
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
- Puneet Belani, M.D.
Class of 2019:
- Sarah Pettyjohn, M.D.
Class of 2018:
- Andres DePalma, M.D.
Class of 2017:
- Kumar Shah, M.D.
Class of 2016:
- Sri Hari Sundararajan, M.D.
Class of 2015:
- Lily Zou, M.D.
Class of 2014:
- Sam Greene, M.D.
Class of 2013:
- Vyacheslav "Slava" Gendel, M.D.
Class of 2012:
- Devang Vasani, M.D.
Awarded to outstanding residents and fellows as evidenced by the following:
- Presentations of scientific papers at regional or national meetings
- Publications of scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Receipt of research grant or contributions to the success of a research program within a department.
Class of 2019:
- Catherine King, M.D.
Class of 2018:
- Prapti Shingala, M.D.
Class of 2017:
- Omar Hasan, M.D.
Class of 2016:
- Sri Hari Sundararajan, M.D.
Class of 2015:
- Puneet Belani, M.D.
Class of 2014:
- Lily Zou, M.D.
Class of 2013:
- Vyacheslav Gendel, M.D.
Class of 2012:
- Jason Huang Lee, M.D.
Class of 2011:
- Ihah Haddadin, M.D.
Class of 2010:
- Serena McClam, M.D.
Class of 2009:
- Salil Soman, M.D.
Class of 2008:
- Anthony Burgos, M.D.
Class of 2007:
- Matthew Robbins, M.D.
Class of 2006:
- Jerry Chung, M.D.
Class of 2005:
- Ravi S. Pradad, M.D.
Class of 2004:
- Adarsh Verma, M.D.
Class of 2003:
- Kavin D. Mistry, M.D.
Class of 2002:
- Linda, M. Kulzer, M.D.
Class of 2001:
- Albert Su, M.D.
Class of 2000:
- Jared Saul, M.D.
Class of 1999:
- David Goldberg, M.D.
Class of 1998:
- Issam F. Moubarak, M.D.
Class of 1997:
- David Landsnes, M.D.
Class of 1996:
- Bright Wong, M.D.
John L. Nosher, MD
Chairman, Department of Radiology
Chief of Vascular and Interventional Radiology
Judith K. Amorosa, MD, FACR
Vice-Chair for Faculty Development and Academic Affairs
Chief of Thoracic Imaging
Jeffrey S. Kempf, MD, FACR
Residency Program Director
Chief of Nuclear Imaging
Accordion Content
- Rajiv Biswal, M.D.
- Leonard J. Bodner, M.D.
- Michael L. Censullo, M.D.
- Daniel E. Flynn, M.D.
- Christopher E. Gribbin, M.D.
- Harsha R. Jonna, M.D.
- Pavan Khurana, M.D.
- Philip S. Lakritz, M.D.
- Albert C. Li, M.D.
- Issam F. Moubarak, M.D.
- John L. Nosher, M.D.
- Andrew S. Novick, M.D.
- Rahul Patel, M.D.
- Grant J. Price, M.D.
- Shayan Rashid, M.D.
- Alan M. Saunders, M.D.
- Norman S. Sorkin, M.D.
- Jeffrey E. Stirling, M.D.
- Judith K. Amorosa, M.D., FACR
- Mark P. Bramwit, M.D., FACR
- Michael R. Carroll, M.D.
- Lai-No Chiu-Serodio, M.D.
- Teresa Ecker, M.D.
- Robert Einhorn, M.D.
- Richard W. Epstein, M.D.
- Robert E. Epstein, M.D., FACR
- Nicole L. Glynn, M.D.
- Steven C. Gross, M.D.
- Laura A. Grygotis, M.D.
- John T. Harrigan, M.D.
- Pnina Herskovits, M.D.
- Steven Honickman, M.D.
- Jonathan A. Isserow, M.D.
- Brian P. Kennedy, M.D.
- Eugene C. Kennedy, M.D.
- Joseph F. Mammone, M.D., Ph.D.
- Nancy C. Prendergast, M.D.
- Aleksandr Rozenberg, M.D.
- A. Ross Sussmann, M.D.
- Christopher Taylor, M.D.
- Jaehoon Bang, M.D.
- Adam Brandeberry, M.D.
- Yekaterina Bulkin, M.D.
- Anthony J. Caravello, D.O.
- Erin D. Carney, M.D.
- Laurence S. Chaise, M.D.
- Deanna G. Chin, M.D.
- Teresa M. Edwards, M.D.
- Evan Freiberg, M.D., Ph.D.
- Caroline M. Greenberg, M.D.
- Jeannete G. Greer, M.D.
- Allyn Hernandez, M.D.
- Ronald B. Kolber, M.D.
- Eileen M. Krieg, M.D.
- Elizabeth Lane, M.D.
- Ellen Lee, M.D.
- Anne L. Moch, M.D.
- Dipti Pandya, M.D.
- Lina F. Paster, M.D.
- Gitanjali Patel, M.D.
- Leonard B. Resnikoff, M.D.
- Mansi S. Saraiya, M.D.
- Adriann S. Schram, M.D.
- Prapti Y. Shingala, M.D.
- Prasann Vachhani, M.D.
- David M. Walor, M.D.
- Heidi K. Winchman, M.D.
- Roger S. Yang, M.D., FACR
- Barry A. Zicherman, M.D.
- Somto Akunyili Asuzu, M.D.
- Salim Banbahji, M.D.
- Steven J. Bier, M.D.
- Bob Chai, M.D., Ph.D.
- Jeffrey Dorr, M.D.
- Anna M. Eardley, M.D.
- Azadeh Esmaeili, M.D.
- Wahid S. Girgis, M.D.
- Ajay S. Hira, M.D.
- Chandru Jain, M.D.
- Sandor A. Joffe, M.D.
- Khadijeh Kadivar, M.D.
- Janani Kamesan, M.D.
- Mina L. Labib, M.D.
- Ling Lai Lam, M.D.
- Elizabeth W. Lazzara, M.D.
- Yaron Lebovitz, M.D.
- Charles D. Levine, M.D.
- Yair Levy, M.D.
- Jody M. Melendez, M.D.
- Roshan Modi, M.D.
- Rebecca Nardi, M.D.
- Henry Notardonato, M.D.
- Elder A. Oliveros, M.D.
- Keyur B. Patel, M.D.
- Karen Salmieri, M.D.
- Scott D. Schlesinger, M.D.
- Victor L. Simoes de Carvalho, M.D.
- Sudha Thota, M.B.B.S.
- Devang Vasani, M.D.
- Sara E. Venezia, D.O.
- Charles Yang, M.D.
- Hyukjun Yoon, M.D.
Research Activities
The Department of Radiology at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School has a strong commitment to research. The research mission of the department is to promote the improvement in radiological and medical practice through collaborative and independent investigations. In pursuit of this mission, the department has established an extensive record of collaboration in multi-center trials sponsored by industry, the federal government and non-profit agencies. The department also very actively collaborates with other members of the Rutgers community who seek to have a radiology component to their research.
The department is undergoing considerable growth in the area of independent investigation conducted by both clinical researchers and basic scientists within the department. Basic-science research is now performed within the Center for Biomedical Imaging and Informatics that is operated in collaboration with the Department of Pathology.
Research in the department is closely integrated with training programs in the department and opportunities for participation in research are available to interventional radiology fellows, medical residents, medical students and graduate students. Graduate students are drawn from the Rutgers- Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences and Rutgers University. Clinical investigation is supported by state-of-the-art facilities at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and the affiliated University Radiology Group.
Resident and Faculty Research
Raynor WY, Kempf JS. Somatostatin Receptor PET Imaging of Physiologic and Benign Processes: Implications for Image Interpretation, Avoiding Pitfalls, and Clinical Applications. Applied Radiology. Jan. 25, 2024.
Abbasi R, Hsu D, Sozio SJ, Ferro J, Roychowdhury S, Gupta G, Abramyan A, Sundararajan S. A rare case of atraumatic CSF leak into brachial plexus elements. Surgery Case Reports. February 2024.
Roychowdhury S, Lowenthal J, Rosenfeld E, Kane I, Gupta G, Hegyi T, Hogan J, Bramwit M, Rosen T. The medicolegal use of neuroimaging in term neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. CEOS Obstetrics and Gynecology 2:1-152024.
Yu, R., Hogan, J. “Castleman disease”. ACR Case in Point. February 2024.
Sozio SJ, Castro A, Sundararajan SH, Schonfeld S, Gupta G, Prendergast NC, Keller IA, Roychowdhury S. Identifying the Sylvian Triangle on CT angiography: A technique for detecting distal middle cerebral artery occlusions. Interv Neuroradiol. 2024 Jun 4:15910199241258373. doi: 10.1177/15910199241258373. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38832443.
Rahman S, FitzPatrick M, Roychowdhury S. Bilateral concurrent type I and type II persistent proatlantal arteries: A case report. Radiol Case Rep. 2024 Aug 13;19(11):4832-4835. doi: 10.1016/j.radcr.2024.07.082. PMID: 39228935; PMCID: PMC11367455.
Amorosa JK, Barot A, Bouhmam H, Scalabrino R, Reede D. Practicing radiology for 1000 years…by women. Clin Imaging. 2024 Nov;115:110300. doi: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2024.110300. Epub 2024 Sep 17. PMID: 39378541.
Sozio SJ, Abramyan A, Soliman A, Gupta G, Sun H, Nourollah-Zadeh E, Roychowdhury S, Sundararajan SH. CTA and DSA findings in carotid blowout syndrome: An overview and approach to imaging diagnosis. Clin Imaging. 2024 Nov;115:110304. doi: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2024.110304. Epub 2024 Sep 21. PMID: 39368250.
Raynor WY, Sozio SJ, Kempf JS. FDG altered biodistribution in white adipose tissue, a rare entity: case report and review of the literature. EJNMMI Rep. 2024 Jul 15;8(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s41824-024-00209-5. PMID: 39004664; PMCID: PMC11247065.
Sozio SJ, Raynor WY, Becker MC, Yudd A, Kempf JS. Carcinoid crisis in Lutetium-177-Dotatate therapy of neuroendocrine tumors: an overview of pathophysiology, risk factors, recognition, and treatment. EJNMMI Rep. 2024 Sep 13;8(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s41824-024-00216-6. PMID: 39266864; PMCID: PMC11393224.
Kim V, Abramyan A, Berezovsky D, Afridi M, Sozio SJ, Gupta G, Roychowdhury S, Sundararajan SH. “Utilizing the Comaneci Device for Dural Venous Sinus Thrombectomy.” The International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy. January 2024. Miami, Florida.
Raynor WY, Chaise M, Kempf JS. Effects of Corticosteroid Use on FDG Biodistribution: Case Report and Literature Review. Scientific Poster Presentation, SNMMI Mid-Winter and ACNM Annual Meeting. 2024 Feb 2; Orlando, FL, USA.
Pisciotti, Hsu D, Glick Y, Sundararajan SH, Roychowdhury S “Raising Awareness for Overlooked Intracranial Venous Sinus Stenoses: A Quality Improvement Proposal.” QI Presentation at the Annual American College of Radiology Meeting, April 2024, Washington, D.C.
Hsu D, Glick Y, Sundararajan SH, Roychowdhury S. "Be Careful What You Normalize! Lessons from a Retrospective Analysis of Outpatient Intracranial MR Venography and Overlooked Stenoses.” Scientific Presentation at the American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting 2024, May 18-22.
Raynor WY, Sozio SJ, Yudd, A, Mayer T, Kempf, JS. Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Incidentally Detected on PSMA PET/CT: Comparison With FDG PET/CT and Implications for Management. Scientific poster presentation at the SNMMI 37th Annual Northeast Regional Scientific Meeting. 2024 November 1-3, Newport, RI, USA.
Sozio SJ, Raynor WY, Becker M, Patel D, Kempf JS. Calvarial Intraosseous Venous Malformation (Hemangioma) Diagnosed on Technetium-99m labeled RBC Scan. Scientific poster presentation at the SNMMI 37th Annual Northeast Regional Scientific Meeting. 2024 November 1-3, Newport, RI, USA
Refereed Original Articles between 7/1/18 and 6/30/19
- Dow R, Shah K, Gupta G, Censullo M, Roychowdhury S. Interventional Removal of Traumatic Nail from Skull Base After Endovascular Coining of Internal Carotid Artery and Jugular Vein. World Neurosurg. 2018 Jul;115:138-142. Pubmed 29689400
- Weiner AA, Gui B, Newman NB, Nosher JL, Yousseff F, Lu SE, Foltz GM, Carpizo D, Lowenthal J, Zuckerman DA, Benson B, Olsen JR, Jabbour SK, Parikh PJ. Predictors of Survival after Yttrium-90 Radioembolization for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases. Journal of Vascular Interventional Radiology. 2018 August. DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2018.02.020. PMID: 29754852
- Hasan O., Greco S., Kennedy T., Carpizo D., Kempf J., Nosher JL. Aberrant arc between the common hepatic artery and a replaced right hepatic artery resulting in misperfusion in a patient with a hepatic arterial infusion pump. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy. Springer Paris. 05 January 2019. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00276-018-2158-2 PMID: 30612141
- Feola GP, Hogan MJ, Baskin KM, Cahill AM, Connolly BL, Crowley JJ, Charles JA, Heran MKS, Marshalleck FE, Sierre S, Towbin RB, Walker TG, Silberzweig JE, Censullo M, Dariushnia SR, Gemmete JJ, Weinstein JL, Nikolic B. Quality Improvement Standards for the Treatment of Pediatric Empyema. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2019 Feb;30(2):279.. Pubmed 30197257
- Kamal N, Majmundar N, Damadora N, El-Ghanem M, Nuoman R, Keller IA, Schonfeld S, Rybinnik I, Gupta G, Roychowdry S, Al-Mufti F. Mechanical thrombectomy - is time still brain? The DAWN of a new era. Br J Neurosurg. 2018 Jun;32(3):245-249. doi: 10.1080/02688697.2018.1426726. Epub 2018 Feb 8. Review. Pubmed 294178393.
- Jordan DW, Becker MD, Brady S, Keenan MA, Rosen MP, Sengupta D, Strauss KJ and Cody DD. Validation of Adult Relative Radiation Levels Using the ACR Dose Index Registry: Report of the ACR Appropriateness Criteria Radiation.
- Al-Mufti F, Kamal N, Damodara N, Nuoman R, Gupta R, Alotaibi NM, Alkanaq A, El-Ghanem M, Keller IA, Schonfeld S, Gupta G, Roychowdhury S. Updates in the Management of Cerebral Infarctions and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Secondary to Intracranial Arterial Dissection: A Systematic Review. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jan;121:51-58. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2018.09.153. Epub 2018 Sep 27. Pubmed 302685502.
- G Shih, JK Amorosa: Augmenting the NIH Chest Radiograph Dataset with Expert Annotation of Possible Pneumonia. Radiology/Artificial Intelligence! : 1 Jan 2019 https://doi.org/10.1148/ryai.2019 180041
- Schonfeld SM. Perspectives AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2019 Feb;40(2):205. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.P0052. No abstract available. PMID30760461
- Mwikirize, C., Nosher, J. L., and Hacihaliloglu, I. Learning needle tip localization from digital subtraction in 2d ultrasound. International journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS), March 25, 2019. DOI:10.1007/s11548-019-01951-z https://doi.org/10.1007/s11548-019-01951-z.
- Ali, N., Donohue, K., Zandieh, S., Chen, C.. Moore, D., Poplin, E., Shah, M., Nosher, JL., Gui, B., Jabbour, S., Spencer, K., Carpizo, D. Conditional Survival Analysis of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Living ≥24 Months A Single Institutional Study. American Journal of Clinical Oncology (AJCO), April 9, 2019
- Sri Hari Sundararajan, John L. Nosher, Steven Calamita, Peter Girgis, et al., “Sequential Interventional Management of Osseous Neoplasms via Embolization, Cryoablation, and Osteoplasty,” Journal of Oncology, vol. 2019, Article ID 5247837, 6 pages, April 14, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/5247837. PMID 31110519
- Sussman, AR. Congenital bilateral absence of the semimembranosus muscles. Skeletal Radiology. April 15, 2019. Pubmed ID = 30982941
- Girgis, P., Ngo, G, Rowchowdhury, S. Seqential Interventional Management of Osseous Neoplasms via Embolization, Cryoablation, and Osteoplasty. . Journal of Oncology, April 2019.
- Barinov L, Jairaj A, Becker M, Seymour S, Lee E, Schram A, Lane E, Goldszal A, Quigley D and Paster L. Impact of Data Presentation on Physician Performance Utilizing Artificial Intelligence-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Decision Support Systems. J Digit Imaging, 2018. Oct 15; 1-9.
- Sozio, S., Ngo, G., Girgis, P., Gupta, G., Roychowdhury S. Novel Approach to Intraoral Hemorrhage after Mandibular Arteriovenous Malformation Embolization: Transoral Onyx Embolization of the Posterior Alveolar Vein. Journal of Oral Surgery. Article ID ORS12431. DOI 10.111/ors.12431.
Abstracts, posters, and presentations given at international, national, or regional meetings between 7/1/18 and 6/30/19
- Patel H, Zhou L, Kempf J. Calyceal Diverticula as a Mimic of Serious Renal Pathology. American College of Radiology Case in Point, published July 3, 2018.s
- Wattamwar, K., Webb, C., Li, A., Post Biliary Drainage Arteriobiliary Fistula American College of Radiology Case in Point, Published August 8, 2018.
- Kempf, J. Invited Keynote Speaker: “68Gallium Dotatate Imaging and PRRT for Neuroendocrine Tumors-2019.” 119th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, Honololu, Hawaii, May 10th, 2019.
- Kempf, J. Invited Moderator, Scientific Nuclear Medicine Oral Abstract Session, 119th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, Honololu, Hawaii, May 10th, 2019.
- Kempf, J. Invited Speaker: “Prostate Molecular Imaging Update 2018-Fluciclovine and PSMA PET.” Presented at the 2018 Northeast Regional Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, October 26th, 2018, Newport, Rhode Island.
- Kempf, J. Invited Moderator and Co-Program Chair -2018 Northeast Regional Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, October 26th, 2018, Newport, Rhode Island.
- Becker M. Invited Speaker- Regional North American Neuroendocrine Society Regional NET Education: The Multidisciplinary Management of NET Cancers. Role of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine - Imaging Modalities in NETs. New Brunswick NJ, 9/15/18. https://nanets.net/regionals/new-jersey
- Kempf, J. Invited Speaker-Regional North American Neuroendrocrine Tumor Society NET Education: The Multidsciplinary Management of NET Cancers, “Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy for Neuroendocrine Tumors and Clinical Trials for 2018.” September 15th, 2018-https://nanets.net/regionals/new-jersey
- Nosher, JL. Invited Speaker “Loco-Regional Therapy: RFA and TACE” at the NANETS Regional NET Education the Multidisciplinary Management of NET Cancers, September 15, 2018, New Brunswick, NJ.https://nanets.net/regionals/new-jersey
- King, C., Patel, H, Mehta, D*, Kempf JS; PET/CT Report Addenda: A Review of Over 18,360 PET Studies-A Quality Improvement Project: What Can We Learn? Presented at the Second Annual High Value Practice Alliance Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, September, 2018.
- Becker, M. ACR–SPR Practice Parameter for Imaging Pregnant Or Potentially Pregnant Adolescents And Women With Ionizing Radiation. Member Collaborative Committee ACR. Diagnostic Radiology: Nuclear Medicine Practice Parameters and Technical Standards. Diagnostic Radiology: Nuclear Medicine Practice Parameters and Technical Standards. 10/1/2018 (Resolution 39).
- Sangani, J, Venezia, S, Haque, H, Kempf, JS; NM Report Addenda: A Quality Improvement Project of Nuclear Medicine Studies Retrospective Five Year Review; Presented at the 2018 Northeast Regional Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Newport, Rhode Island, October 26-28th, 2018.
- Girgis, P., Kempf, D., Becker, M., Kempf, J. Sokol, L. Sunday Nuclear Medicine Case of the Day: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. The Radiological Society of North America 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, November 25th, 2018.
- Ngo, G., Kempf, J., Becker, M., Sokol, L. Monday Nuclear Medicine Case of the Day: Lipomatous Hypertrophy of the Interatrial Septum. Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. The Radiological Society of North America 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, November 26th, 2018.
- Patel, J., Shingal, P., M.D., Funsch,C B.S., King, Catherine M.D., Pettyjohn, S., Tsai , T., Amorosa, Introducing On-Call into Medical Student Radiology Clerkship: Our Experience.· Presented as an electronic presentation at The Radiological Society of North America 104th Scientific Annual Meeting November 25th-30th, 2018.
- Nohser, JL. Invitted Presentation- “Genitourinary Intervention” at the RUTGERS Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Urology Grand Rounds, January 9, 2019, New Brunswick, NJ
- Uppal S, Creighton, S. Censullo M, Combined Antegrade and Retrograde Balloon Occluded Transvenous Obliteration for Refractory Gastric Variceal Hemorrhage” International Symposium on Endovascular Therapy Meeting, Hollywood, FL, January 27-30, 2019.
- Nosher, JL. Invited Speaker “Interventional Oncology” at New Jersey Interventional Radiology Symposium 2019, RWJ University Hospital, March 2, 2019, New Brunswick, NJ https://njirs.splashthat.com/
- Tsai T, Kohut A, McKevitt M, Simon M, Balica A. International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) and Resident Education Effectiveness, presented at The Society of Abdominal Radiology Annual Meeting, Mar 17th-22nd, 2019, Orlando, Florida.
- Ngo, G., Kang, F., Kempf, J., Amorosa, J. Daily Case Review with Attendings is the Most Effective Learning Experience According to Residents- A Unique 10 Step Approach to Daily Case Review. Accepted for Presentation, Association of University Radiologists 67th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, April 9-12, 2019.
- Park, H., Peshtani, A., Barot, A., King, C., Kempf, JS. Our Expanded Wellness Curriculum for Radiology Residents. Accepted for Presentation, Association of University Radiologists 67th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, April 9-12, 2019.
- Ngo, G., Girgis, P., Kempf, J., Schonfeld, S. Cervical Lymphadenopathy for Staging Head and Neck Cancer: What the Radiology Resident Needs to Know. Accepted for Oral Presentation, Association of University Radiologists 67th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, April 9-12, 2019, Oral Presentation.
- Ngo, G., Girgis, P., Kempf, J., Schonfeld, S. Cervical Lymphadenopathy for Staging Head and Neck Cancer: What the Radiology Resident Needs to Know. Association of University Radiologists 67th Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD, April 9-12, 2019, E-poster presentation.
- Nosher, JL. Invited Speaker “HCC, Cholangiocarcinoma and Management” at The 25th GI Symposium: Update on the Management of Gastrointestinal and Liver Disorders. The Westin Jersey City Newport, Jersey City, NJ, April 27, 2019. https://rutgers.cloud-cme.com/default.aspx?P=5&EID=295
- Parrikh, Mannan and Li, Albert. “Implementation of ACR TI-RADS in a Large Community Practice.” Accepted for e-poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiology, meeting, May 2019.
- John Nosher “Safety and Efficacy of Left Sided Infusion Ports Place by InterventionalRadiology” Abstract presented as a Scientific electronic exhibit at the 119th AnnualMeeting American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS), May 5-10, 2019, Hawaii Convention Center.
- Mwikirize C., Nosher JL., Hacihaliloglu I., “Learning needle tip localization from digital subtraction in 2D ultrasound”. The International Conference of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS). June 17-21, 2019. Rennes, France
- Che H., Nosher JL, Hacihaliloglu I. “Liver Classification Based on SVM for Ultrasound Images”. In 45th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 20-22 March 2019.Rutgers University, Livingston Campus, New Brunswick, NJ
Chapters or textbooks published between 7/1/18 and 6/30/19
Garg R, Schonfeld SM; Neuroimaging of Acute Stroke in Ischemic Stroke, Diagnosis and Treatment, Schild-Martin, Editor. Rutgers University Press 2018
Selected Topics in Interventional Radiology A Compendium of Student Honors Papers (In Progress)
Nosher, JL Co-Investigator
Local Phase Feature Guided Learning Framework for Advanced Kidney and Liver Cancer Imaging Using Ultrasound
Sponsor: American Cancer Society – Early Investigator Pilot Award
Funded: $50,000
Period: 1 year
Nosher, JL Co-Investigator
Machine learning methods for real-time needle localization from
ultrasound data.
Sponsor: Rutgers University Tech Advance AwardPeriod: 1 year
Funded: $100,0003/2019-3/2020
- Keller, I. A Phase II, Multi-center, Open-label Study of a Conditionally Replicative Adenovirus (DNX-2401) with Pembrolizumab (KEYTRUDA®) for Recurrent Glioblastoma or Gliosarcoma CoPI with Dr. Robert Aiken, Dr. Simon Hanft, Dr. Shabbar Danish, Dr. Irwin Keller CoPI
- Keller, I. SLATE (Stereotactic Laser Ablation for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy) Pro 20170000608 Medtronic, Inc. Dr. Stephen Wong, Dr. Shabbar Danish, Dr. Irwin Keller CoPI
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Dow R, Shah K, Gaurav G, Censullo ML, Roychowdhury S. Interventional Removal of Traumatic Nail from Skull Base After Endovascular Coiling of Internal Carotid Artery and Jugular Vein. World Neurosurgery 115: 138-142, July 2018.
- Eckstein DA, Park HJ, Hanhan SB. Creating a Curriculum of Health and Wellness for Radiologists. Journal American College of Radiology, S1546-1140(17)31304-2, December 2017. PMID 29290590.
- Puvabanditsin S, Mehta R, Palomares K, Gengel N, Dasilva C, Roychowdhury S, Gupta G, Kashyap A, Sorrentino D. Vein of Galen Malformation in a Neonate: A Case Report and Review of Endovascular Management. World J Clin Pediatr February 2017 PMID: 28224101
- Kamal N, Majmundar N, Damadora N, El-Ghanem M, Nuoman R, Keller IA, Schonfeld S, Rybinnik I, Gupta G, Roychowdhury S, Al-Mufti F. Mechanical thrombectomy - is time still brain? The DAWN of a new era. Br J Neurosurg. Feb 8: 1-5 PMID:2941783
- Cercek A, Gendel V, Jabbour S, Moore D, Chen C, Nosher J, Capanu M, Chou JF, Boucher T, Kemeny N, Carpizo DR.? A Comparison of Yttrium-90 Microsphere Radioembolization to Hepatic Arterial Infusional Chemotherapy for Patients with Chemo-refractory Hepatic Colorectal Metastases.? /curr Treat Options Oncol 2017 Jul;18(7):42.? doi:10.1007/s11864-017-0481-1. PMID: 28608276
- Nosher JL, Patel A, Jagpal S, Gribbin C and Gendel V. Endovascular Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism: Selective Review of Available Techniques.? World Journal of Radiology 9(12):426-437. Published online Dec 28, 2017. doi: 10.4329/wjr.v9.i12.426 PMID: 29354208
- al Radiologic and Hepatobiliary Surgical Approach to a Complex Traumatic Hilar Biliary Stricture.? International Journal of Surgery Case Reports, 2018-01-01, Volume 44, Pages 185-190, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijscr.2018.02.043 PMID: 29525612
- Mwikirize C,?Nosher?JL, Hacihaliloglu I. Convolution neural networks for real-time needle detection and localization in 2D ultrasound.Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2018 May;13(5):647-657. doi: 10.1007/s11548-018-1721-y. Epub 2018 Mar 6. PMID: 29512006
- Weiner AA, Gui B, Newman NB, Nosher JL, Yousseff F, Lu SE, Foltz GM, Carpizo D, Lowenthal J, Zuckerman DA, Benson B, Olsen JR, Jabbour SK, Parikh PJ. Predictors of Survival after Yttrium-90 Radioembolization for Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2018 May 10. pii: S1051-0443(18)30960-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jvir.2018.02.020. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 29754852
- Dhami, F, Amorosa J: Comprehensive genomic profiling aids in treatment of a metastatic endometrial cancer. PMID 29588307
Books and Chapters
- Bryun J, Nosher JL and Jabbour S. Radiolabeled Spheres: Precision Radiation Oncology, Rutgers University Press Medicine, New Jersey. Chapter 10, pp.206-22225, May 2018. ISBN978-0-8135-8596-3
- El-Ghanem M, Gupta G, Roychowdhury S, Al-Mufti F. Chapter 15: Neurointerventional Surgery. The Neuro ICU Board Review. McGraw-Hill 2017. ISBN 978-1-260-01100-5
Invited Presentations, Poster, and Abstracts
- Cosmas M, Nosher JL and Hacihaliloglu I. Local Phase-based Learning for Needle Detection and Localization in 3D Ultrasound. Presented at the MICCAI Workshop on Clinical (Image-based Procedures (MICCAI, CLIP 2017), Quebec, Canada, September 14, 2017.
- Jeffrey Kempf, MD: Invited Keynote Speaker. Prostate Molecular Update 2018: Fluciclovine, PSMA, and Theranostics. April 27th, 2018 at the 118th Annual Roentgen Ray Meeting, Washington DC.
- Jeffrey Kempf, MD: Invited Moderator, Scientific Paper Session Presentations: ARRS 2018 Annual Meeting, April 27th, 2018, Washington DC.
- Jeffrey Kempf, MD: Invited Speaker. Prostate Imaging Update 2017-Fluciclovine and Beyond. November 5th, 2017, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeast Regional Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Mystic Ct.
- Jeffrey Kempf, MD: Invited Speaker. Interesting and Challenging Nuclear Medicine and PET Cases. (SAM session). November 5th, 2017, presented at the Annual Meeting of the Northeast Regional Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Mystic, Ct.
- Invited Moderator, Jeffrey Kempf, MD: Northeast Regional Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Meeting, Mystic Ct., November 4-6th, 2017.
- Judith Amorosa, MD. Invited Speaker: Lung Cancer Screening and Women. Radiology Grand Rounds, Montefiore Medical Center, NYC, September, 2017.
- Judith Amorosa, MD. Invited Lecturer. Diagnostic Radiology Thoracic Review. SUNY Downstate Medical Center, December 12, 2017.
- Barot A, Becker M, Kempf J, Sokol L. Tuesday Case of the Day. RSNA Scientific Assembly 11/2017 Chicago.
- Park H, Becker M, Sokol L. Sunday Case of the Day. Uterine Fibroid. RSNA Scientific Assembly 11/2017 Chicago.
- Orzan D, Hollender K, Lane J, Jablonski A, Al-Mufti F, Roychowdhury S, Rybinnick I, Mehta D. Process Modification to Reduce Door to Puncture Time for Patients with Large Vessel Ischemic Stroke. International Stroke Conference Los Angeles 2018
- King Francis, Shah K, Park H, Gendel V, Roychowdhury S, Gribbin G. Balloon-Assisted Onyx Embolization of High Flow Arteriovenous Malformations with Dual Lumen Coaxial Balloon Microcatheter: Technical Aspects and Clinical Results. SIR Los Angeles 2018
- Patel, H., King, C., Mehta., Kempf JS. PET/CT Report Addenda: A Review of Over 6,000 PET Studies-A Quality Improvement Project: What Can We Learn? Accepted for Scientific Poster Presentation at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, June 2018, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Shingala, P., Tsai, T., Paster, L.,Kempf, J. Stereotactic Breast Biopsy Practicum for Radiology Residents. Electronic Educational Exhibit Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, May 7th-10th, 2018, Orlando, Florida.
- Pettyjohn, S., Kempf, JS. 68Gallium Dotatate Imaging Somatostatin Receptor PET/CT Imaging: What The Radiologist Needs to Know. Electronic Educational Exhibit Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, May 7th-10th, 2018, Orlando, Florida.
- DePalma, A., Sokol, L., Kempf JS. The Use of Fluciclovine PET in Prostate Cancer and Future Directions. Educational Poster Exhibit Presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists, May 7th-10th, 2018, Orlando, Florida.
- Orzano D, Hollender K, Lane J, Jablonksi A, Al-Mufti F, Roychowdhury S, Rybinnik I, Mehta D. Process Modification to Reduce Door to Puncture Time for Patients With Large Vessel Ischemic Stroke. International Stroke Conference Los Angeles 2018
- King, C., Mehta, D., Patel, H., Kempf JS. PET/CT Report Addenda: A 7 Year Retrospective Review-What Can We Learn? Scientific Poster Presentation Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Mid-Winter Meeting, January 25-27th, 2018, Orlando, Florida.
- Mehta, D., King C., Patel, H., Kempf JS. The Frequency and Etiology of of PET/CT Report Addenda-What Can We Learn? Scientific Poster Presentation at the 2017 Northeast Regional Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Meeting, October 2017, Groton, Ct.
John Nosher, MD
Title: Computational Ultrasound for Advanced Kidney and Liver Imaging
Agency: Siemens Corporate Research North America
Period: 3 years (Ongoing)
Submission date: September, 26, 2016
Amount requested: In-Kind Axius Direct URI SW (Research software access)Title: Multi-modal ultrasound for improved imaging of liver cancer and liver disease.?
Agency: NIH R21-Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants
Period: 2 years
Submission date: Jun 16, 2018 (preparing to submit)
Amount requested: $404,157
PI: Ilker Hacihaliloglu Co-PI: John NosherTitle: Computational methods for needle localization from real-time ultrasound data
Agency: QED Science Program
Period: 2 years
Submission date: July 13, 2018 (preparing to submit)
Amount requested: $200,000
PI: Ilker Hacihaliloglu Co-PI: John NosherTitle: Computational methods for needle localization from real-time ultrasound data
Agency: DoD Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program, Idea Award with Special Focus
Period: 2 years
Submission date: July 20, 2018
Amount requested: $400,000
PI: Ilker Hacihaliloglu Co-PI: John NosherJudith Amorosa, MD
Co-Investigator, Artemis-IPF: A Phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, multicenter, parallel-group, event driven study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Ambrisentan in subjects with early idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), 2009 present.
Co-Investigator, CINJ #040706, Phase I/II Trial of Letrozole (Femara) and Sorafenib (Nexavar) in Post-menopausal Women with Hormone-Receptor Positive Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer, 2009 ? present.
Co-Investigator, Mycophenolate vs. Oral Cyclophosphamide in Scleroderma Interstitial Lung Disease (SLS-II), 2010 present.
Co-Investigator, Retrospective & Prospective Study of Efficacy & Tolerability of Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) as Compared to Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate or no Treatment in Interstitial Lung Disease Secondary to Scleroderma, 2007 present.
Co-Investigator, CINJ 040608: Phase II Trial of Capecitabine (Xeloda) and Lapatinib (Tykerb) as First-line Therapy in Patients with HER2/neu-Overexpressing Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer, 2011-present.
Co-Investigator, A novel class prediction algorithm for the analysis of nodules in lung cancer patients, 2013-present.
Co-Investigator, A Radiogenomic Risk Model for Lung Cancer
Co-Investigator, Tumor image texture heterogeneity as a potential biomarker in lung cancer.
Open & Affordable Textbook Grant
Amount Awarded: $1000
Date of award: January 29, 2018DNAtrix, Inc. Study Number 2401BT-002P entitled A Phase II, Multi-center, Open-label Study of a Conditionally Replicative Adenovirus (DNX-2401) with Pembrolizumab (KEYTRUDA) for Recurrent Glioblastoma or Gliosarcoma.. Investigator Robert Aiken, MD, Sub-investigators: Shabbar Danish, MD; Simon Hanft, MD; Irwin Keller, MD; Tina Mayer, MD.
Impact of Data Presentation on Physician Performance Utilizing Artificial Intelligence-Based Computer Aided Diagnosis and Decision Support Systems." Full author list: Lev Barinov; Ajit Jairaj; Ellen Lee; Adriann Schram; Elizabeth Lane; Alberto Goldszal; Diane Quigley; Lina Paster (PI)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Narwani V, Kempf J, Lubitz S. Unexpected I-131 uptake in the Right Pelvis-What is the Diagnosis? Endocr Pract. 2017 May;23(5):633. doi: 10.4158/EP161474.VV. Epub 2016 Sep 15. PMID: 27631845
- Cercek A, Gendel V, Jabbour S, Moore D, Chen C, Nosher J, Capanu M, Chou JF, Boucher T, Kemeny N, Carpizo DR. A Comparison of Yttrium-90 Microsphere Radioembolization to Hepatic Arterial Infusional Chemotherapy for Patients with Chemo-refractory Hepatic Colorectal Metastases. Curr Treat Options Oncol 2017 Jul;18(7):42. doi:10.1007/s11864-017-0481-1. PMID: 28608276
- Gui B, Weiner AA, Nosher J, Lu SE, Foltz GM, Hasan O, Kim SK, Gendel V, et al. Assessment of the Albumin-Bilirubin (ALBI) Grade as a Prognostic Indicator for Hepatocellular Caricnoma Patients Treated with Radioembolization. Am J Clin Oncol. 2017 Apr 17. Doi: 10.1097/COC.0000000000000384. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 28418940
- Puvabanditsin S, Mehta R, Palomares K, Gengel N, Silva CFD, Roychowdhury S, Gupta G, Kashyap A, Sorrentino D. Vein of Galen malformation in a neonate: A case report and review of endovascular management. World J Clin Pediatr 2017; 6(1): 103-109
- Eng OS, Grant SB, Weissler J, Simon M, Roychowdhury S, Davidov T, Trooskin SZ. Operative bed recurrence of thyroid cancer: utility of a preoperative needle localization technique. Gland Surgery. 2016;5(6):571-575.
- Appalla D, Depalma A, Calderwood S. Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Inhibitor Induced Complete Remission of a Recurrent Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma in a Patient Without Features of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 2016; 63: 1276?1278. doi:10.1002/pbc.25964
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
- Nassiri N, Crystal DT, Gendel V, Pontoriero F, et al. Staged endovascular and surgical treatment of a hemorrhagic colorectal venous malformation. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsc.2017.04.001.
- Garima Thapar, MD, Anupriya Barot, MD, Anupa Sharma, MD, Lisa Fletcher, MHA, RT, Robert Tokarz, MS, Sara Lubitz, MD, Jeffrey S. Kempf, MD. Radioactive I-131 Treatment of The Hyperthyroid Patient with Severe Chronic Kidney Disease on Hemodialysis: Patient and Staff Considerations, A Multidisciplinary Approach. Scientific poster presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Greater New York and New England Chapter Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Stamford CT, November 4-6, 2016.
- Shah K, Dayan M, Aboff A, Gendel V, Kempf J. The Frequency and Etiology of Interventional Radiology Report Addenda-A Quality Improvement Project: What Can We Learn? Scientific presentation accepted for the 2017 Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, March 4-9, 2017.
- Aviva Cohn, MD, Garima Thapar, MD, Anupa Sharma, DO, Anupriya Barot, MD, Robert Tokarz, MS, Jeffrey S. Kempf, MD, FACR, Sara Lubitz, MD. Radioactive Iodine Treatment for Hyperthyroidism in a Patient with End Stage Renal Disease. Poster presented at The Endocrine Society's 99th Annual Meeting, April 2017, Orlando, FL.
- Garg R and Kempf J. Amyloid Plaque Brain PET Imaging: What the Radiologist and Radiology Resident Need to Know. Poster presentation accepted for presentation at the Association of University Radiologists (AUR) meeting, Hollywood, FL, May 8-11, 2017.
- Kempf J. Designing and Implementing a Senior Focused Elective in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. Poster presentation accepted for presentation at the Association of University Radiologists (AUR) meeting, Hollywood, FL, May 8-11, 2017.
- Ksepka M, Simoes De Carvalho V, Kempf JS. Etiologies for Radiology Addendums for CT and Body MRI Imaging: A Six Month Retrospective Review of over 10,000 Patients. Presented at The Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiology, May 21-25, 2017, Washington, DC.
- Shah S, Barot A, Yudd A, Kempf JS. Fluoroscopic Safety and Patient and Operator Radiation Dose Reductions; Creating a Focused Fluoroscopic Curriculum for Radiology Residents. Accepted for presentation at The Annual Meeting of the American College of Radiology, May 21-25, 2017, Washington, DC.
- Kumar Shah, MD, Jeffrey Kempf, MD, Vyacheslav Gendel, MD, Issam Moubarak, MD, MS, Omar Hasan, MD. Teaching Interventional Radiology Technical Skills and Concepts for Radiology Residents Through a Hands-On Practicum: How We Do It. Educational poster presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists Meeting, May 8th-11th, 2017, Hollywood Florida.
- Jeffrey Kempf, MD, Martha Ksepka MD, Vyacheslav Gendel, MD. Designing and Implementing a Senior Focused Elective in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety. Educational poster presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists Meeting, May 8th-11th, 2017, Hollywood Florida.
- Rahul Garg, MD and Jeffrey Kempf MD. Amyloid Plaque PET Brain Imaging: What the Radiologist and Radiology Resident Need to Know. Educational poster presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists Meeting, May 8th-11th, 2017, Hollywood Florida.
- Silvano Samartine, MD, Jeffrey Kempf, MD, Vyacheslav Gendel MD, Levi Sokol, MD. NaF Pet Bone Imaging: From Acquisition and Interpretation to Current Applications and Future Directions. Educational poster presentation at the 65th Annual Meeting of the Association of University Radiologists Meeting, May 8th-11th, 2017, Hollywood Florida.
- Nosher, Murillo, Liszewski, Gendel, Gribbin. Vascular Anomalies: A Pictorial Review of Nomenclature, Diagnosis and Treatment. The World Journal of Radiology. World J Radiol 2014; 6(9):677-692.
- Becker M, Goldszal A, Detal J, Gronlund-Jacob J, Epstein R. Managing a Multisite Academic-Private Radiology Practice Reading Environment: Impact of IT Downtimes on Enterprise Efficiency. J Am Coll Radiol. 2014 Nov 4. pii: S1546-1440(14)00730-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jacr.2014.11.002. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:25686641
- J Nosher, I Ahmed, A Patel, V Gendel, P Murillo, R Moss, S Jabbour. Non-operative therapies for colorectal liver metatases. J of Gastrointest Oncol. J Gastrointest Oncol 2015;6(2):224-240.
- Sundararajan S, Gendel V, Goyal S, Giglio M, Gupta G, Nosher J, and Roychowdhury S. Sequential Interventional Treatment of Osseous Neoplasms via Angiographic Embolization, Cryoablation, and Stabilization Plasty Combinational Therapy. Radiologic Society of North America Annual Meeting, Nov -Dec 2014.
- Krishnaraj A, Siddiqui A, Goldszal A. Meaningful Use. In: IT Reference Guide for the Practicing Radiologist, 2nd Edition. American College of Radiology (ACR). In Press, 2014.
- Krishnaraj A, Siddiqui A, Goldszal A. Meaningful Use: Participating in the Federal Incentive Program. J Am Coll Radiol 2014; 11:1205-1211.
- Iacobas I, Simon ML, Amir T, Gribbin CE, McPartland TG, Kaufman MR, Calderwood S, Nosher JL. Decreased vascularization of retroperitoneal kaposiform hemangioendothelioma induced by treatment with sirolimus explains relief of symptoms. Clin Imaging 39 (2015) 529-532
- Nosher JL, Ahmed I, Patel AN, Gendel V, Murillo PG, Moss R and Jabbour SK. Non-operative therapies for colorectal liver metastases. J Gastrointest Oncol 2015;6(2):224-240
- Cruz JE, Saksena R, Jabbour SK, Nosher JL, Hermes-DeSantis E, Moss RA. The Power of Genes: A Case of Unusually Severe Systemic Toxicity after Localized Hepatic Chemoembolization with Irinotecan-Eluted Microspheres for Metastatic Colon Cancer. Ann Pharmacother 2014 Dec; 48(12):1646-50.
- Histopathologic Evaluation of Non-Neoplastic Liver Following Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) presented at the 2014 ASCP (American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology) Annual Meeting, October 8-11, 2014, Tampa, FL. Jeanine Chiaffarano, MD and John Nosher, MD.
- Eckstein DA, Amorosa JK, Nosher JL. Creating Interventional Radiology Learning Materials for Medical Students. Society of Interventional Radiology Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA, Feb 28-March 5, 2015.
- S Sundararajan,R Garg H Kaufman, V Gendel, S Roychowdhury. Clinical Utility of Neurophysiological Monitoring in CT-Guided Interventions. American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2015.
- R Garg, S Sundararajan, S Danish, S Roychowdhury. Injection of n-Butyl Cyanoacrylate and Epidural Fibrin Sealant for the treatment of Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension Secondary to a Sacral Perineural Root Sleeve Cyst American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2015.
- Ksepka, M; Li, Albert; Sorkin, N. Cystic Adventitial Disease. 2014 SRU Toshiba Resident Teaching Case. Accepted for publication by Ultrasound Quarterly. Pub med 25851825
- K. Shah, J Nosher, A. Aboff, J. Kempf. Evaluating Efficacy of Radium-223 Alpha Therapy in Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer in Patients Treated at a Single Center Academic Institution at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. Association of University Radiologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 2015.
- K. Shah, D. Walor, S. Basak, J Kempf. A Primer on The International Classification of Disease (ICD) and Transition to ICD-10: What the Radiology Resident Needs to Know. Association of University Radiologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 2015.
- Omar Hasan, MD; Ashwani Sharma, MD; John Wandke, MD; Susan Hobbs, MD. How Does the Blood Get from Here to There? Illustration of Common Collateral Pathways Seen in the Thorax. Radiologic Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov-Dec 2014.
- R. Azizi, J. Kempf, S. Basak. Increasing Resident Education and Participation in the ACR: The New Jersey Experience. American College of Radiology, Annual Meeting, Washington DC, May 17-21 2015.
- RSNA Nuclear Medicine Case of the Day. Philip Murillo and Murray Becker. Breast Cancer as a Noncardiac Finding on Myocardial Perfusion Imaging. Radiologic Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov-Dec 2014.
- RSNA Nuclear Medicine Case of the Day. Lily Zou, MD Levi Sokol, MD and Murray D. Becker, MD, PhD. Occult Tonsillar Cancer. Radiologic Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov-Dec 2014.
- RSNA Nuclear Medicine Case of the Day. Mina Labib, Jeffrey S. Kempf, MD, and Murray D. Becker, MD, PhD. Thyroiditis: Incidental Diffuse FDG Uptake in the Thyroid Gland is Most Commonly due to Hashimoto's (Chronic Lymphocitic) Thyroiditis. Radiologic Society of North America Annual Meeting, Chicago, Nov-Dec 2014.
- Amorosa J, Sundararajan S, and Murillo P. Flipped Classroom. Society of Thoracic Radiology Annual meeting, Carlsbad, California, March 2015.
- Sundararajan S, Belani P, Danish S, and Keller I. Early MRI Characteristics after MRI-guided Laser Assisted Cingulotomy for intractable pain control. Accepted by American Journal of Neuroradiology, publication in July 2015. PMID 25857760
- Belani P, Zou L, Amorosa J, and Schonfeld S. Ergonomics in radiology: what the radiologist needs to know. Association of University Radiologists Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April 2015. **3rd place recipient for Poster AUR Trainee prize.
- J Alpert, P Vachhani, H Patel, M Becker, J Kempf. Inpatient Hospital PET/CT Utilization: Is a Gatekeeper Necessary? Preliminary Results of Patients Referred for Pulmonary Indications. ARRS Annual Meeting, April 2015, Toronto Canada.
- Alpert J MD, Epstein R MD. Traumatic AVF of the Wrist. ACR electronic publication, Case In Point. Accepted Aug 2014, pending publication
- Alpert J, MD. Flannery R, MD. Epstein R E MD, et al. Humeral Stress Edema: An Injury in Overhead Athletes, A Quarterback with Humeral “Shin” Splints: A case report. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. 2014 Sep;24(5):e59-61.
- Belani P, Hammer D, Marcus A, and Basak S. Gliosarcoma. American Journal of Neuroradiology, Case of the Week. Published February 16, 2015 on http://www.ajnr.org/site/home/ow/02162015.xhtml
- Puneet Belani, MD, Sumra Ahmed,BA; Borislav Stoev, DO, and Mark Bramwit, MD. Mega Appendix. Radiological Case. Applied Radiology, January 2015
- Kazerooni EA, Armstrong MR, Amorosa JK, et al. ACR CT Accreditation Program and the Lung Cancer Screening Program Description. J Am Coll Radiol 2015; 12:38-42.
- Jagpal S, Gendel V, Nosher JL and Uppaluri L. A Cystic Fibrosis Patient with Hemoptysis from an Unusual Cause. Monthly Clinical Case Presentation in the American Thoracic Society ATS Clinical Cases, September 2014.
- Enhancing Clinical Communication, Patient Engagement and Service Quality through Meaningful Use presented by Alberto Goldszal, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology, at New York’s Medical Imaging Informatics Symposium, September 18, 2014, New York, New York.
- Judith K. Amorosa, MD, FACR, Clinical Professor of Radiology, was invited to present to the 4th Central European Conference on Non-invasive Cardiovascular Imaging and Advanced Pulmonary Imaging Symposium held in Budapest, Hungary from September 11-14, 2014. Presented a special lecture on The New American College of Radiology Lung Cancer Screening Initiative: How Can We Apply this Program to Central Europe.
- Big Data Mining in Radiology ?? Volume, Velocity & Variety presented by Alberto Goldszal, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology, at the Inaugural Montage User Group Meeting, October 10, 2014, University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA.
- Impact of Liver Directed Therapy on Angiogenesis presented by John Nosher, MD to the CINJ IMPACT Committee (Institutional Multidisciplinary Paradigm to Accelerate Collaboration and Translation), September 23, 2014, Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, New Brunswick, NJ.
- Judith K. Amorosa, MD, FACR, Clinical Professor of Radiology, was an invited speaker at ISHRAD (International Society for the History of Radiology) in Verona, Italy in October 2014. She spoke about Updating the Events at the Radiology Department of Zsido Korhaz (Jewish Hospital) in Budapest, Hungary in 1944.
- Health IT Incentive Programs: Experience from Private Radiology Practices presented by Alberto Goldszal, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology, at the RSNA Annual Meeting’s RSNA 2014 Refresher Course: Informatics RC654, December 4, 2014, Chicago, IL.
- Su D, Bramwit M, Weiss R. Comparative Analysis of the Risk of Radiation Exposure and Cost of Reduced Imaging Intensity For Surveillance of Early Stage Nonseminomatous Germ Cell Tumors. J. Urology 85(1), 2015:141-6
- Hsu V, Bramwit M, Schlesinger N. Dual Energy Computed Tomography for the Evaluation of Calcinosis in Systemic Sclerosis. J Rehumatology. 2015:42(2):345-6. PMID 25641967
- Shah, Kumar; Gendel, Vyacheslav; Becker, Murray; Kempf, Jeffrey. 99m Technetium-Macroaggregated Albumin (MAA) SPECT/CT Liver Perfusion Imaging Prior to Radioembolization: Patterns and Pitfalls of Extrahepatic Activity. Scientific Electronic Education Presentation. The Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, June 6-10th, 2015, Baltimore, Maryland.
Interest in Radiologic Research
A cross-disciplinary team of investigators from Radiology and CINJ are developing new approaches for detecting, tracking and characterizing tumor response to treatment. This work has already resulted in a presentation at the Cancer Imaging and Radiation Therapy Symposium. Held in Atlanta, GA and a joint manuscript in the journal of Academic Radiology. Through funding from the Shimamura Fellowship, Rebekah Gensure, an MD, PhD student working under the direction of Dr. Foran and Dr. Nosher is expanding these studies and conducting performance analysis of the imaging and quantitative algorithms under development.
In a set of parallel efforts, Drs. Foran, Amorosa, Aisner (CINJ) and Nosher are using a reference library of low-dose helical computed tomography (CT) and standard chest X-ray provided by the National Lung Screening Trial to evaluate a suite of newly developed imaging tools for (1) tracking and assessing tumor response to treatment; (2) therapy planning; and (3) predicting patient outcomes.
The Department of Radiology has established a formal rotation in Medical Imaging and Informatics for the radiology residency program. The goal of this rotation is to educate the resident in four areas of medical imaging and informatics: (1) quantitative image analysis, (2) statistical pattern recognition, and (3) computer-assisted diagnosis (4) teleradiology. Residents and faculty who are interested in participating in these rotations and the associated seminar series are encouraged to contact Dr. Foran (foran@rwjms.rutgers.edu) or Dr. Nosher (nosher@rutgers.edu).
Vascular and Interventional Radiology
The Radiology Department of the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital performs approximately 209,000 diagnostic radiology examinations a year. Approximately 8,800 Vascular/Interventional procedures are performed each year by fellowship-trained Vascular/Interventional radiologists and Neurointerventional radiologists. Typically, two Vascular/Interventional radiologists and one Neuroradiologist are present in the Interventional Radiology suite.
There are three angiography rooms, two of which have biplane capabilities. There are two additional rooms for minor procedures and a dedicated CT scanner. A patient admission and holding area is fully staffed by a dedicated radiology team. Among the many procedures performed at our institution, the Vascular/Interventional Radiology department especially excels in interventional oncologic procedures and cerebral aneurysm/stroke interventions.
Some of the procedures performed include:
- Trauma Interventions
- Interventional Oncology
- Chemoembolization
- Radiofrequency Ablation and Cryoablation
- Uterine Fibroid Embolization
- Neuro-Interventions
- AVM and Aneurysm Coiling
- Stroke Intervention
- Carotid Artery Stenting
- Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty
- Drainage
- Biopsies (CT and US)
- Dialysis Access and Intervention
- Vascular Access
- Urologic Interventions
- Percutaneous Biliary and Gastrointestinal Procedures
- Non-invasive vascular Imaging (MRA, US, CTA, etc.)