About the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a department that has a rich history of excellence in research, education and service. Our faculty contributes to the education of medical, graduate and undergraduate students in the classroom and in the laboratory; carries out research at the forefront of biomedical science while training the next generation of research scientists; and serves the medical school, university, national and international scientific communities.
Message from the Chair

Welcome to the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.
Our research programs cover diverse areas of basic and translational research including:
- DNA replication enzymology,
- heterochromatin assembly,
- epigenetics,
- mechanisms and regulation of gene expression from DNA to RNA to protein,
- proteostasis,
- protein design and evolution,
- growth regulation by nutrients and hormones,
- lysosome biology,
- bacterial signal transduction,
- bacterial toxins and antitoxins, molecular mechanisms of disease ranging from neurodegenerative diseases, to infectious diseases, cancer and therapeutic target discovery.
Faculty members are recognized nationally and internationally as experts in their fields, earning prestigious honors including member of the National Academy of Sciences, Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and of the American Academy of Microbiology, and President of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) among others.
Our faculty publish their research in top-tier scientific journals and serve on journal editorial boards and grant review panels from federal and other agencies. As such, they are often called upon to serve on journal editorial boards and grant review panels.
Extramural research funding has been competitively awarded to our faculty from a range of federal, state and private agencies including:
- National Institutes of Health (NIH),
- National Science Foundation,
- Department of Defense,
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
- New Jersey Stem Cell Commission,
- New Jersey Commission on Cancer Research,
- Human Frontiers Science Program,
- American Cancer Society,
- and Stand Up To Cancer, to name a few.
Our faculty also directs NIH training grant awards devoted to increasing the participation of underrepresented minorities in biomedical science and training postdoctoral fellows.
In addition to research, there are many departmental contributions to education and community service. Faculty lead and/or participate in numerous teaching activities for medical and graduate students. Our faculty teach in core and non-core courses within the graduate programs of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) and have been instrumental in the development of the Masters of Biomedical Sciences Program in SGS at the medical school. The department is responsible for organizing and teaching within the GI, Metabolism, and Nutrition course in the curriculum for medical students, and for teaching in many other blocks within the first- and second-year medical school curriculum.
Please explore the research interests of our faculty, learn more about the graduate programs and training opportunities in which we participate, and contact us with any questions.
Céline Gélinas, Ph.D.
Professor and Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Senior Associate Dean for Research,
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Biomedical and Health Sciences Graduate Programs
Biomedical and Health Sciences Graduate Programs
The Rutgers University Biomedical and Health Sciences graduate programs in New Brunswick/Piscataway, NJ provide personalized academic support for Master's, Ph.D., and M.D./Ph.D., and Certificate programs to prepare graduate students for success.
Life at Rutgers

Envision Yourself Here
Rutgers is located in central New Jersey in the city of New Brunswick and across the Raritan River in Piscataway. Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon counties rank fourth in per capita income nationwide. It is a manufacturing center, agricultural center, high-tech corporate center, and small-town America rolled into one.
Who We Are
Our department is comprised of full-time, adjunct, and emeritus faculty.
Accordion Content
Explore the list of accomplished faculty comprising the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Emine Ercikan Abali, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorEdward Arnold, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorLori Covey, PhD
Adjunct Associate ProfessorPhilip Furmanski, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorMichael Leibowitz, MD, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorGaetano Montelione, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorMichael Newlon, PhD
Adjunct Associate ProfessorNicola Partridge, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorStuart Peltz, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorDanny Reinberg, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorVictor Stollar, MD
Adjunct ProfessorVasily Studitsky, PhD
Adjunct ProfessorYuh-Hwa Wang, PhD
Adjunct Associate ProfessorLawrence Wennogle, PhD
Adjunct Assistant Professor -
Gad Avigad, PhD
Emeritus ProfessorTerri Kinzy, PhD
Emeritus ProfessorMasayori Inouye PhD
Emeritus ProfessorPeter Lobel, PhD
Emeritus ProfessorMichael Hampsey PhD
Emeritus ProfessorMasayori Inouye, PhD
Emeritus Distinguished Professor
About the Fund

This fund was established in 1986 and serves to honor Dr. John A. Holowczak who was cherished by students, fellows and other members of the faculty and school as an outstanding researcher and educator. It was expanded in 2020 in honor of John’s wife Mary Ann (Kugler) Holowczak, who made early contributions in characterizing messenger RNA structure.
Dr. Holowczak was a member of the legacy UMDNJ Department of Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Immunology (MGMI) for 18 years before his untimely death in 1986. Upon realignment of selected UMDNJ faculty and the merger with Rutgers University, MGMI was renamed the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB). Mary Ann (Kugler) Holowczak passed away in 2020 and had served for 16 years as a grants accountant at Rutgers’ Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine (CABM).
The fund was established to support research advancement in the BMB department, including fellowships and awards for meritorious graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Funds may also be donated to support cutting edge basic biomedical research on DNA/RNA/protein biology, the molecular mechanisms of disease ranging from cancer, to infectious diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and therapeutic target discovery; to support distinguished lectures; and/or for critical research instrumentation/infrastructure to help advance discoveries.
We are extremely grateful to our donors for their generous gifts to help advance important research at the forefront of biomedical science and train the next generation of research scientists.
For questions, please contact Dr. Gélinas’ assistant Evelyn Blas at blasev@rwjms.rutgers.edu.
Staff Listing
The Basic Science Departments Administration supports the non-clinical departments at the medical school: The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; The Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology; The Department of Pharmacology.
Responsibilities include general administration and operations; finance and budget; human resources and international student and scholar services; pre and post award grants and contracts administration; procurement and acquisitions.
Jonathan Weininger, CRA
Business Administrator
Research Tower R136
Caryn Carroll
Principal Management Assistant
Research Tower R136
Letice Smith
Administrative Analyst
Research Tower R125
Mayra Paz
Program Assistant
Research Tower
Jamie Carr
Senior Grants Administrator
Research Tower R133
Deshanda Porter
Senior Grants Administrator
Research Tower R134
Toni Napier
Senior Grants Administrator
Research Tower R134A
Bella Mercado
Principal Lab Assistant