
Jeanne Ferrante is a Professor at the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, Research Division. She also serves as a family physician and health services researcher in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

She is the Director of the New Jersey Primary Care Research Network, a member of the Cancer Control and Prevention Program at the Cancer Institute of New Jersey, a member of the New Jersey Institute for Food, Nutrition, and Health, and an associate member of the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research.

Before joining Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in 2007, she was an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at New Jersey Medical School from 2001-2007, an Associate Professor at the University of South Florida College of Medicine from 1994-2000, and Major in the United States Air Force from 1990-1994.

Dr. Ferrante has over 40 awards for teaching, research, and clinical activity, including Top Doctors and The Best Doctors in America. She has served on grant review panels of the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, and Bureau of Health Professions, Department of Health and Human Services. Dr. Ferrante has been a member of the New Jersey Obesity Prevention Task Force and the New Jersey Task Force on Prevention, Early Detection, and Treatment of Cancer in New Jersey.

She currently acts as a member of the Editorial Boards for the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine and Family Medicine and Community Health. Dr. Ferrante’s research focuses on obesity, gut microbiome, cancer control, and the role of primary care in improving health outcomes and decreasing disparities.