Lawrence Kleinman, MD, MPH

Professor and Vice Chair Academic Development and Division Director, Pediatric Population Health, Quality, and Implementation Sciences (PopQuIS)

Department(s) Pediatrics


Lawrence Kleinman is a pioneer and national leader in child health services research, and in measuring and improving the quality of health and health care. He serves as vice chair and professor for academic development and as director of the Division of Population Health, Quality, and Implementation Sciences the Department of Pediatrics, and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School.

His strength is leading multi and transdisciplinary collaborative teams that convene diverse perspectives and committed individuals and stakeholders to solve difficult problems that require engagement, methodological rigor, and resolution of logistical challenges to advance health and health equity for children from birth through adolescence, mothers, and families.

Dr. Kleinman's research provides the evidence that will support an equitable high high-performing health care system that is well integrated with populations and communities, and improves the health of all Americans while reducing the impact of social determinants on health disparities. A primary care pediatrician, he also has expertise in health equity, data analysis, population and community health, social determinants, and evaluation.

Over the past year, Dr. Kleinman has emerged as a leading thinker regarding the intersection of measurement, COVID-19, and children.