
Dr. Ten’s lab is an NIH-funded team of investigators focused on mechanisms of neonatal diseases driven by organ developmental failure due to prematurity. The team of investigators has developed two original neonatal murine models of diseases: Alveolar developmental arrest, the disease known as neonatal bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and the model of Diffuse White Matter Injury that manifests with permanent cerebral hypomyelination and sensorimotor deficit.

The main mechanistic concept is that the arrest of pulmonary development or failure of primary cerebral myelination is caused by sublethal mitochondrial dysfunction in the cells that define organ maturation. For example, the failure of oligodendrocytes to mature into their myelin-producing state. In addition, Dr. Ten’s lab studies mitochondrial mechanisms of cellular death following neonatal hypoxia-ischemia brain injury.


  • R01NS100850 (PI, Ten V) 04/01/2017-03/31/2022: Mitochondrial complex-I as a target for metabolic resuscitation in perinatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury.
  • R0 NS099109-1 (PI, Ten V), 09/01/2016 – 08/30/2022: Mitochondrial dysfunction and white matter injury.
  • R01 NS088197-01-06 (MPI V. Ten and R. Deckelbaum)   04/2021 – 09/2026 Omega-3 fatty acids, acute neuroprotection via mitochondria. Department of Pediatrics, RWJMS Start-up Research Fund 2021