Zeeshan Ahmed, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Meet Dr. Ahmed
Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed, PhD, is an academic computational scientist with a broader goal of implementation of novel artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), biostatistics, and bioinformatics applications to support translational research and precision medicine. His lab at Rutgers is focused on innovative and collaborative research with high productivity. He has published over 35 peer reviewed articles within last three years, where he led the research and contributed as the corresponding last / first author.
More specifically, he implements conventional statistical techniques and cutting-edge AI/ML approaches to discover novel biomarkers and predict complex traits including cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). He has examined and reported on disease causing genes and variants through whole genome/exome sequencing (WGS/WES) and RNA-seq (bulk and single-cell) data, alongside metabolomic, demographic and clinical data. He employs orthodox bioinformatics and classical statistics to analyze variant and expression patterns associated with disease phenotypes, harnessing AI/ML for disease susceptibility predictions.