medical student working in a lab


Transforming discoveries into life-changing health for all.

Pioneering Breakthroughs Begin Here

Robert Wood Johnson Medical School is committed to excellence in basic biomedical, translational and clinical research across a broad spectrum, from studies designed to improve the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases to fundamental exploration of molecular biology, biotechnology, and informatics. Our nationally and internationally recognized faculty lead innovative research programs that offer a wealth of training opportunities for postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and medical students.

FY23 Total Grants and Contracts Expenditures
FY23 NIH grant awards
FY23 NIH grant funding (school and affiliates)
Increase in NIH funding, FY22–FY23

A Research Powerhouse

Our investigators are leading interdisciplinary research across the departments, institutes, and centers of Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and Rutgers Health. Explore our groundbreaking work at these research-focused units and learn more.

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Institute for Neurological Therapeutics

The institute supports translational research in neurodegenerative disorders to develop novel therapies and fosters clinical research and trials in neurological disorders.

Child Health Institute of New Jersey

Researchers are focused on molecular genetics and development to address childhood diseases by translating discoveries into education, research, and treatment.

Women's Health Institute

Dedicated to the advancement of health care for women, the institute focuses on interdisciplinary research, clinical trials, education, advocacy, and community and global outreach.

Center for Dermatology

A leading center for academic dermatology devoted to the delivery of exemplary patient care, teaching, and research.

The Cardiovascular Institute of New Jersey

Dedicated to battling the No. 1 cause of death, disability, and expense in the United States: cardiovascular disease. From groundbreaking research, to advanced clinical treatments, the institute is at the forefront of care for life-threatening conditions.

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