Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity
Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity
The Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity (CHFCD) is dedicated to leadership, advocacy, and excellence in promoting culturally-responsive, quality health care for diverse populations.
The Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity recognizes that persisting racial and ethnic health disparities in health and health care are major clinical, public health, and societal problems. It has evolved from a program focused primarily on multicultural education and training for health professionals, to an expanded and growing resource for technical assistance, consultation, and research/evaluation services. We foster justice and equity in health care.
Founding Director
Robert C. Like, MD, MS
Emeritus Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health
Rutgers RWJMS
Our Mission
Our mission is to improve the delivery of culturally-responsive, patient-and family-centered care to diverse populations through:
education and training;
curricular innovations for health care professionals;
technical assistance and consultation;
research/evaluation that examines access utilization, effectiveness, and outcomes of culturally and linguistically competent health services delivery; and
dissemination of diversity information.
Multicultural Education and Training
Our faculty and staff have provided multicultural education and training to residents and medical and public health students at the medical school as well as to numerous physicians and other health care professionals in the United States and abroad.
Technical assistance/ consultation has also been provided to academic medical centers, hospitals, ambulatory care facilities, managed care plans, community organizations, governmental agencies, and medical communications and pharmaceutical companies.
Topics addressed include:
Eliminating health and healthcare disparities
Developing clinical and organizational cultural competence
Caring for patients with limited English proficiency and health literacy challenges
Participatory quality improvement
Cross-cultural health promotion and disease prevention
Our approach to developing cultural competency involves a systems/ecological perspective, a focus on life-long professional and personal learning, and collaboration with key stakeholders and constituency groups.
Karen WeiRu Lin, MD, MS, FAAFP
Professor and Director, Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity
In partnership with Federal, state and local organizations, we aim to improve the delivery of culturally-responsive, patient-and family-centered care to diverse populations through:
Integrating multicultural education into health professions curricula.
Infusing multicultural education into residency and fellowship training programs in hospital and ambulatory care settings.
Providing cultural diversity workshops and seminars for faculty, administration, and staff.
Offering clinical cultural competency courses, workshops, and programs to practicing physicians and other health care professionals.
Serving as a multicultural education resource center for information about family-centered health care and ethnic and cultural diversity.
Assisting health care organizations (e.g., managed care organizations, hospitals, ambulatory care facilities, and home health care agencies) in the delivery of culturally and linguistically appropriate services to diverse populations.
Collaborating with local communities to assess their health care needs and strengths/assets and to develop culturally-responsive service delivery programs.
Advising state and local government in the development and implementation of policies and procedures relating to culturally and linguistically appropriate health care.
Evaluating the effectiveness of clinical cultural competency training programs for physicians and other health care professionals.
Evaluating the effectiveness of organizational cultural competency training programs for health care organizations.
Conducting outcomes research on selected health and illness problems in various racial, ethnic, and socio-cultural groups.
Conducting health services and policy research relating to culturally competent health care.
Selected examples of major cross-cultural training, technical assistance and research initiatives the CHFCD has actively participated in include:
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine's "Recommended Core Curriculum Guidelines for Culturally Sensitive and Competent Health Care" (
American Institutes for Research/Office of Minority Health "Cultural Competency Curriculum Modules for Family Physicians" project (
Institute for Healthcare Improvement/HRSA National Health Disparities Collaboratives "Cultural Competence in the Clinical Care of Patients with Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease Curriculum"
National Committee on Quality Assurance (NCQA) Culturally and Linguistically Applied Services (CLAS) Awards Expert Panel, Minority Grants Advisory Panel and Multicultural Quality Improvement Project
Georgetown University National Center for Cultural Competence, "Cultural Competence Health Practitioner Assessment Instrument" and Cultural and Linguistic Competency Policy Assessment” projects (
UMDNJ Continuing Medical Education Multicultural Education Programs - "REACH: Realizing Equity Across Cultures in Healthcare" and "Building Cultural Competency in Clinical Practice" (Eden Communications/Pfizer)
The Praxis Partnership -- Division of CME, University of Alabama School of Medicine; Division of CME, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; and Nexus Communications, Inc. “Initiative for Decreasing Disparities in Depression (I3D)” (project supported by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals) (
American Medical Student Association’s (AMSA) Achieving Diversity in Dentistry and Medicine through Implementing Cultural Competency Curricular Guidelines for Medical Schools Program, “Transforming the Curriculum at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School: Educating Students and Faculty about Culturally Competent Patient Centered Care” grant (
Montana State University – Bozeman/Health and Human Development. “Messengers for Health grant” (Indian Health Service health care providers)
Bildner Family Foundation New Jersey Campus Diversity Initiative - "Developing Cultural Competency at UMDNJ"
Northeast Consortium on Cross Cultural Medical Cultural Medical Education and Practice
American Journal of Multicultural Medicine Series (Liberty Communications Network/Cardinal Health)
Diversity in Health and Care journal, Editorial Advisory Board
Medscape and UMDNJ Center for Continuing and Outreach Education, Health Diversity Resource Center Initiative and Health Disparities/Cultural Competency Online Education programs (
Aetna Foundation-funded research project, "Assessing the Impact of Cultural Competency Training Using Participatory Quality Improvement Methods"
American Heart Association Cultural Competency Initiative
European Union’s Migrant–Friendly Hospitals Initiative to Promote the Health and Health Literacy of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities and Amsterdam Declaration (
The center offers cultural competency workshops and seminars, hosts conferences, and provides consultation and technical assistance services to a wide variety of academic medical centers, hospitals, health care professionals, and other public and private sector organizations both in the United States and abroad. Cultural Competency Workshops are available for a full-day or two half-day workshops - “Improving the Quality of Care to Our Diverse Populations” (6 credit hours).
Learning Objectives
Review epidemiologic statistics relating to disparities in health and health care in the United States
Define the concept and rationale for culturally competent health care
Discuss selected cultural and language issues, as well as bias and stereotyping, that contribute to racial and ethnic disparities in clinical care settings
Describe the importance of understanding both the patient’s and one’s own perspectives about the management of health and illness and quality of care
Learning Objectives
Review demographic statistics relating to cultural diversity in the United States
Discuss how an individual’s social and historical context can affect health beliefs and illness behaviors
Promotion and disease prevention programs in multicultural communities
Describe various health concerns and barriers to care experienced by newcomers, immigrants, and refugee populations
Discuss why community partnerships are needed in developing successful health
Learning Objectives
Identify key dimensions of patient-centered care and the role played by communication in developing a therapeutic alliance
Discuss selected clinical cases, challenges, and strategies for providing more culturally responsive and effective health care
Make use of practical interviewing mnemonics such as LEARN, BATHE, and ETHNIC during clinical encounters
Describe selected patient-centered attributes and practices that are being adopted in clinical care settings and the importance of a medical home
Learning Objectives
Review statistics about linguistic diversity in the United States
Identify language access requirements related to the care of individuals with limited English proficiency
Recognize how cultural values and beliefs, and the lack of effective communication can impact on the delivery of health care
Discuss the “do’s and don’ts” of working with medical interpreters
Discuss existing interpreter standards of practice
Learning Objectives
Define the scope and impact of low health literacy in America
Discuss selected clinical cases illustrating health literacy challenges
Describe practical strategies and resources that can facilitate caring for patients from diverse backgrounds with limited health literacy
Learning Objectives
Define the concept of organizational cultural competence
Become familiar with selected DHHS Office of Minority Health/CLAS Standards
Describe tools that can be used to assess the “organizational cultural competence” of your practice setting
Describe best and promising practices relating to cultural competency that are being implemented in health care organizations.
Interactive didactic lectures with Powerpoint slides, videos, clinical case studies, small group exercises, and question and answer discussions are employed.
Clients and Audiences
Ben Gurion University of the Negev (Beersheva , Israel)
Congress of Azorean Communities (Terceira/Azores Islands, Portugal)
Covenant House (Toronto/Ontario, Canada)
Easter Seal Society of Canada (Toronto/Ontario, Canada)
International Center of Family Medicine Conference (Lisbon , Portugal)
International Conference on Developmental Disabilities (Herzliya, Israel)
Kiryat Hadassah, Hadassah Medical Organization (Jerusalem , Israel)
Royal College of General Practitioners (Copenhagen , Denmark)
University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen , Denmark)
University of Odense (Odense , Denmark)
University of Toronto (Toronto/Ontario, Canada)
World Health Organization/European Union's "Migrant-Friendly Hospitals"
Initiative to Promote the Health and Health Literacy of Migrants and
Ethnic Minorities" (Cadiz , Spain; Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
User Liaison Program
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Department of Health and Human Services
Health Resources and Services Administration
Health Resources and Services Administration
Bureau of Primary Health Care
Center for Health Services Financing and Managed Care
National Institutes of Health
National Institutes of Mental Health
United States Public Health Service
Office of Minority Health
Office on Women's Health
United States Agency for International Development
Aetna Foundation
Bildner Family Foundation
California Endowment
Palm Healthcare Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Child Regional Network
Eastern Society for Pediatric Research
Gateway Maternal Child Health Consortium
Nassau County Department of Health (New York)
National Health Service Corps, Regions I and II
Northeast Association of Occupational Health Nurses
Office for Civil Rights (Region III)
Powhatan Nation Annual Spring Gathering
Alzheimer' Association, Central New Jersey Chapter
American Cancer Society (New Jersey Division)
ARC of New Jersey
Atlantic County Division of Public Health
Cancer Institute of New Jersey
Cerebral Palsy Association of Middlesex County
Clinical Nutrition Affiliated Network of New Jersey
Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies Coalition of Jersey City
Hudson Perinatal Consortium, Inc.
Middlesex County Department of Human Services
Multicultural Family Institute
Network of Affiliated Family Practice Residency Programs
New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians
New Jersey Association of Mental Health Agencies, Inc.
New Jersey Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services
Division of Mental Health Services
Managed Care Task Force
Cultural Competency Task Force
New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services
Diabetes Prevention and Control Program Collaborative
Division of Family Health Services
National Health Service Corps Fellowship of Primary Care Health Professionals
Office of Cancer Control and Prevention
Office of Minority and Multicultural Health
Women's, Infant's, and Children's (WIC) Services
New Jersey Dietetics Association
New Jersey Maternal and Child Health Coalition
New Jersey Mental Health Institute
New Jersey Partnership for Cancer Control in Underserved Populations
New Jersey Policy Forums on Health and Medical Care
New Jersey Primary Care Association
New Jersey Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
New Jersey Society for Community Health Assessment and Improvement
New Jersey Statewide Network for Cultural Competence
Northern New Jersey Perinatal Consortium
Abington Memorial Hospital (Abington, PA)
Alegent Health, with co-sponsors Tyson Foods and IBP (Omaha , NE)
Austin Regional Clinic (Austin, TX)
Children's National Medical Center (Washington, D.C.)
Clifton Family Practice Center (Clifton, NJ)
Cooper University Hospital (Camden, NJ)
Eric B. Chandler Health Center (New Brunswick , NJ)
Family Institute of New Jersey (Metuchen, NJ)
Family Practice Center, Inc. (New Brunswick , NJ)
Good Samaritan Hospital (Lebanon, PA)
Holy Cross Hospital (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Holy Cross Hospital (Silver Spring, MD)
Horizon Health Center (Jersey City, NJ)
Illinois Masonic Medical Center (Chicago, IL)
Inova Health Systems (Fairfax, VA)
Jamaica Hospital Medical Center (Queens, NY)
Jersey Shore Medical Center/Meridian Health System (Neptune, NJ)
John F. Kennedy Hospital Family Practice Residency (Edison, NJ)
Kennedy Health Systems (Stratford, NJ)
Lenox Hill Hospital (New York, NY)
Liberty HealthCare Systems, Inc. (Jersey City, NJ)
Maine Medical Center (Portland, ME)
Memorial Regional Medical Center (Hollywood , FL)
Metropolitan Hospital (New York , NY)
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center/St. Barnabas Health Care System (Newark, NJ)
New York Downtown Hospital (New York, NY)
North Broward Medical Center (Pompano Beach, FL)
Oakwood Healthcare System (Dearborn, MI)
Princeton Medical Center (Princeton, NJ)
Princeton University Health Services (Princeton, NJ)
Queens Hospital Center (Queens, NY)
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (New Brunswick, NJ)
Rutgers University Health Services (Piscataway, NJ)
Solaris Health Systems (Edison, NJ)
Somerset Medical Center (Somerset, NJ)
St. Francis Hospital and Medical Center (Hartford, CT)
St. Joseph 's Hospital and Medical Center (Paterson, NJ)
St. Lukes Episcopal Hospital (Houston, TX)
St. Peter's University Hospital (New Brunswick, NJ)
Temple University Health System (Philadelphia, PA)
Union Hospital (Terre Haute, IN)
University Behavioral Healthcare (Piscataway, NJ)
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Hospital (Dallas, TX)
Woodhull Medical and Mental Health Center/North Brooklyn Health Network (Brooklyn, NY)
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University
Amherst College
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Case Western Reserve University
Cornell University Weill College of Medicine
Dartmouth Medical School
Eastern Virginia Medical School
Georgetown University
National Center for Cultural Competence
Indiana University School of Medicine
Medical College of Georgia
Medical College of Ohio
Meharry Medical College
Michigan State University
Montefiore Medical Center
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
New Jersey Area Health Education Center Interdisciplinary Training Institute
New York Medical College
Northeast Consortium on Cross-Cultural Medical Education and Practice
Rutgers University, Center for State Health Policy
Stanford University
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Stony Brook University Medical Center/Department of Social Welfare
Temple University Health System
Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
University of Arizona
University of California at Davis
Hispanic Center of Excellence
University of Connecticut
University of Copenhagen
University of Iowa Health Sciences Center
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Department of Family Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Department of Psychiatry
Biomedical Careers Program
HIPHOP Program
New Jersey Medical School
Department of Family Medicine
Hispanic Center of Excellence
Rutgers School of Osteopathic Medicine
Rutgers School of Public Health
University of Odense
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Texas Health Sciences Center
University of Toronto
University of Vermont College of Medicine
University of Virginia at Charlottesville
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
Alliance for Continuing Medical Association
Alliance for Psychosocial Nursing
Ambulatory Pediatric Society
American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
American Academy of Family Physicians
American Academy on Physician and Patient
American Anthropological Association
American Association of University Women
American Geriatric Society
American Medical Association
American Psychological Association
Association of American Colleges and Universities Program on Health and Higher Education
Association of Black Cardiologists
Association for Health Services Research
Association of American Medical Colleges
Broward County Medical Association
Collaborative Family Health Care Coalition
Commission to End Healthcare Disparities
(formerly Federation Task Force on Disparities in Health Care, co-sponsored by the American Medical Association and National Medical Association)
Medical Library Association
National Association of Medical Minority Educators
National Hispanic Medical Association
National Medical Association
National Working Group on Medical Interpretation in Health Care
New York Academy of Medicine
North American Primary Care Research Group
Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
AmeriChoice of PA (formerly HMA)
Health Partners
Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey
Kaiser Permanente of Southern California ( Anaheim , CA )
Keystone Mercy Health Plan
Oak Tree Health Plan
Physicians Health Services (PHS) Health Plans
Santé Health Systems/ Santé Community Physicians IPA
University Health Plans, Inc.
Institute for Healthcare Improvement
National Committee for Quality Assurance
National Initiative for Children's Healthcare Quality
Peer Review Organization of New Jersey
QSource Center for Health Care Quality
Janssen Pharmaceutical
Pfizer, Inc.
Advanced Health Media
Advanstar/Medical Economics
Center for Advanced Medical Education
Center for Business Intelligence
Eden Communications
Institute for International Research
Liberty Communications Network/Cardinal Health
American Journal of Multicultural Medicine
Medical Directions, Inc.
Strategic Research Institute
Families Adopting Children Everywhere
Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, Inc.
National Conference for Community and Justice -- Florida and New Jersey Regions
Stars of David International, Inc.
Aetna/US Healthcare Academic Medicine and Managed Care Forum
American Institutes for Research
American International Health Alliance
Center for Cross-Cultural Health (Minneapolis, MN)
Connecticut Hospital Association
DC Area Health Education Center
HRSA/Institute for Healthcare Improvement (Boston, MA)
Institute for Healthcare Improvement (Boston, MA)
National Health Disparities Collaboratives
Long Island Center for Ethics
Management Sciences for Health
National Advisory Group for the National Conference Series on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations,
National Board of Medical Examiners
National Managed Health Care Congress
North American Primary Care Research Group
Northern Virginia Area Health Education Center
Oklahoma and Northeast Area Health Education Centers
PACT Training, Inc.
Resources for Cross-Cultural Health Care
Rhode Island Department of Health/Office of Minority Health
St. Paul Medical Services
Texas Association of Health Plans HEDIS Conference
Texas Managed Care Association
Tulin DiversiTeam Associates
Grants and Special Projects
The Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity received major grant funding for carrying out a cultural competency/quality improvement study from the Aetna Foundation, and for developing an applied primary care/health services research curriculum from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Accordion Content
Medical Education - General
Academic Medicine. Special Theme Issue on Cultural Competence (12 articles) 2003; 78(6), 2003.
Alexander M. "Cinemeducation: An Innovative Approach to Teaching Multi-Cultural Diversity in Medicine," Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education 1995; 2(1):23-28.
Anderson LM, Scrimshaw SC, Fullilove MT, Fielding JE, Normand J. "Culturally Competent Healthcare Systems. A Systematic Review," American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2003; 24(3 Suppl):68-79.
Association of American Medical Colleges. "Teaching and Learning of Cultural Competence in Medical School," Contemporary Issues in Medical Education 1(5), 1998.
Azad N, Power B, Dollin J, Chery S. "Cultural Sensitivity Training in Canadian Medical Schools," Academic Medicine 2002; 77(3):222-228.
Beach MC, Price EG, Gary TL, Robinson KA, Gozu A, Palacio A,; Smarth C, Jenckes M, Feuerstein C, Bass EB, Powe NR, and; Cooper LA. "Cultural Competence: A Systematic Review of Health Care Provider Educational Interventions," Medical Care 2005; 43(4):356-373.
Beagan BL. "Teaching Social and Cultural Awareness to Medical Students: 'It's All Very Nice to Talk about It in Theory, But Ultimately It Makes No Difference.'" Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):605-614.
Betancourt JR. "Cross-Cultural Medical Education: Conceptual Approaches and Frameworks for Evaluation," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):560-569.
Betancourt JR, Like RC, Gottlieb BR, eds. "Caring for Diverse Populations: Breaking Down Barriers," Special Issue of Patient Care: The Practical Journal for Primary Care Physicians, 2000; 34(9), May 15, 2000 (
Blenning CE. Cultural issues skill development [letter to the editor]. Family Medicine 2004;36(7):462.
Chin MH, Humikowski CA. "When is Risk Stratification by Race or Ethnicity Justified in Medical Care?" Academic Medicine 2002; 77(3):202-208.
Crampton P, Dowell A, Parkin C, Thompson C. "Combating Effects of Racism Through a Cultural Immersion Medical Education Program," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):595-598.
Crandall SJ, George G, Marion GS, Davis S. "Applying Theory to the Design of Cultural Competency Training for Medical Students: A Case Study," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):588-594.
Crosson J, Deng W, Brazeau C, Boyd L, Soto-Greene M. Evaluating the effect of cultural competency training on medical student attitudes," Family Medicine 2004;36(3):199-203.
Crosson J, Deng W, Brazeau C, Boyd L, Soto-Greene M. Authors Respond to "Cultural Issues Skill Development Letter," Family Medicine 2004; 36(9):615
Dolhun EP. "Cross-cultural Education in U.S. Medical Schools: Development of an Assessment Tool," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):615-622.
Donini-Lenhoff FG, Hedrick HL. "Increasing Awareness and Implementation of Cultural Competence Principles in Health Professions Education," Journal of Allied Health 2000; 29(4):241-245.
Drouin J, Jean P. "Educating Future Physicians for a Minority Population: A French-Language Stream at the University of Ottawa," Academic Medicine 2002; 77(3):217-221.
Drouin J, Rivet C. "Training Medical Students to Communicate with a Linguistic Minority Group," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):599-604.
Ferguson WJ, Keller DM, Haley HL, Quirk M. "Developing Culturally Competent Community Faculty: A Model Program," Academic Medicine 2003; 78:1221-1228.
Flores G, Gee D, Kastner B. "The Teaching of Cultural Issues in U.S and Canadian Medical Schools," Academic Medicine 2000; 75(5):451-455.
Fuller K. "Eradicating Essentialism from Cultural Competency Education," Academic Medicine 2002; 77(3):198-201.
Principles and Recommended Standards for Cultural Competence Education of Health Care Professionals, 2003
A Manager's Guide to Cultural Competence Education for Health Care Professionals, 2003
Resources in Cultural Competence Education for Health Care Professionals, 2003
Godkin MA, Savagneau JA. The Effect of a Global Multiculturalism Track on Cultural Competence of Preclinical Medical Students," Family Medicine 2001; 33(3):178-186.
Goldman RE, Monroe AD, Dube CE. "Cultural Self-Awareness: A Component of Culturally Responsive Patient Care," Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education 1996; 3(1):37-46.
Gonzalez-Lee T, Simon HJ. "Teaching Spanish and Cross-Cultural Sensitivity to Medical Students. Western Journal of Medicine 1987; 146(4):502-504.
Green AR, Betancourt JR, Carrillo JE. Integrating Social Factors in Cross-Cultural Medical Education. Academic Medicine 2002; 77(3):193-197.
Hedrick H, ed. Cultural Competence Compendium, Chicago : American Medical Association, 1999.
Helman CG: Culture, Health and Illness, Fourth Edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000.
Kagawa-Singer M, Kassim-Lakha S. "A Strategy to Reduce Cross-cultural Miscommunication and Increase the Likelihood of Improving Health Outcomes," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):577-587.
Kai J, Spencer J, Wilkes M, Gill P. "Learning to Value Ethnic Diversity - What, Why and How?" Medical Education 1999; 33(8):616-623.
Langer N. "Culturally Competent Professionals in Therapeutic Alliances Enhance Patient Compliance," Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 1999; 10(1):19-26.
Loudon RF, Anderson PM, Gill PS, Greenfield SM. "Educating Medical Students for Work in Culturally Diverse Societies," Journal of the American Medical Association 1999; 282(9):875-880.
Lum CK, Korenman SG. "Cultural Sensitivity Training in US Medical Schools," Academic Medicine 1994; 69(3):239-241.
McCullough-Zander K, ed. Caring Across Cultures: The Provider's Guide to Cross-Cultural Health, Second Edition, The Center for Cross-Cultural Health, Minneapolis, MN, 2000 (
Nora LM, Daugherty SR, Mattis-Peterson A, Stevenson L, Goodman LJ. "Improving cross-cultural skills of medical students through medical school-community partnerships," Western Journal of Medicine 1994; 161(2):144-147.
Nunez AE. "Transforming Cultural Competence into Cross-Cultural Efficacy in Women's Health Education," Academic Medicine 2000; 75:1071l-1080.
Price EG, Beach MC, Gary TL, Robinson KA, Gozu A, Palacio A, Smarth C, Jenckes M, Feuerstein C, Bass EB, Powe NR, and Cooper LA. "A Systematic Review of the Methodological Rigor of Studies Evaluating Cultural Competence Training of Health Professionals," Academic Medicine 2005; 80:578-586.
Robins LS, Alexander GL, Wolf FM, Fantone JC, Davis WK. "Development and evaluation of an instrument to assess medical students' cultural attitudes," Journal of the American Medical Women's Association 1998; 53 (3 Suppl.):124-129.
Robins LS, White GL, Gruppen LD, Grum CM. "Assessing Medical Students' Awareness of and Sensitivity to Diverse Health Beliefs Using a Standardized Patient Station," Academic Medicine 2001; 76(1):76-80.
Tang TS, Bozynski EA, Mitchell JM, Haftel HM, Vanston SA, Anderson RM. "Are Residents More Comfortable Than Faculty Members When Addressing Sociocultural Diversity in Medicine?" Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):629-633.
Taylor JS. "Confronting 'Culture' in Medicine's 'Culture of No Culture,'" Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):555-559.
Tervalon M. "Components of Culture in Health for Medical Students' Education," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):570-576.
Tervalon M, Murray-Garcia J: "Cultural Humility Versus Cultural Competence: A Critical Distinction in Defining Physician Training Outcomes in Multicultural Education," Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 1998; 9(2):117-124.
Turbes S, Krebs E, Axtell S. "The Hidden Curriculum in Multicultural Medical Education: The Role of Case Examples," Academic Medicine 2002; 77(3):209-216/.
Wachtler C, Troein M. "Mapping Cultural Competency," Medical Education 2003; 37(10):861-868.
Wear D. Insurgent Multiculturalism: Rethinking How and Why We Teach Culture in Medical Education," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):549-554.
Weissman JS, Betancourt JS, Campbell EG, Park ER, Kim M, Clarridge B, Blumenthal D, Lee KC, Maina AW, " Resident Physicians' Preparedness to Provide Cross-Cultural Care," JAMA 2005; 1058-1067.
Wright SM, Carrese JA. "Serving as a Physician Role Model for a Diverse Population of Medical Learners," Academic Medicine 2003; 78(6):623-628.
Zweifler J, Gonzalez AM. "Teaching Residents to Care for Culturally Diverse Populations," Academic Medicine 1998; 73(10):1056-1061.
Family Medicine/General Practice
Berlin E, Fowkes W. "A Teaching Framework for Cross-Cultural Health Care," Western Journal of Medicine 1983; 139:934-938.
Borkan JM, Neher JO. "A Developmental Model of Ethnosensitivity in Family Practice Training," Family Medicine 1991; 23(3):212-217.
Culhane-Pera KA, Like RC, Lebensohn-Chialvo P, Loewe R. "Multicultural Curricula in Family Practice Residencies," Family Medicine 2000; 32(3):167-173.
Culhane-Pera KA, Reif C, Egli E, Baker NJ, Kassekert R. "A Curriculum for Multicultural Education in Family Medicine," Family Medicine 1997; 29(10):719-723.
Kai J, ed. Ethnicity, Health, and Primary Care, Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003.
Kristal L, Pennock P, Foote S, Trygstad C. "Cross-Cultural Family Medicine Residency Training," Journal of Family Practice 1993; 17:683-687.
Shapiro J, Lenahan P. "Family Medicine in a Culturally Diverse World: A Solution-Oriented Approach to Common Cross-Cultural Problems in Medical Encounters," Family Medicine 1996; 28(4):249-255.
Shapiro J, Hollingshead J, Morrison EH. Primary Care Resident, Faculty, and Patient Views of Barriers to Cultural Competence, and the Skills Needed to Overcome Them," Medical Education 2002; 36:749-759.
American Academy of Pediatrics. "Culturally Effective Pediatric Care: Education and Training Issues," Pediatrics 1999; 103(1):167-170.
Davis BJ, Voegtle KH. Culturally Competent Health Care for Adolescents: A Guide for Primary Care Health Providers. Chicago, IL : American Medical Association, 1994.
Flores G. "Culture and the Patient-Physician Relationship: Achieving Cultural Competency in Health Care. Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 136(1):14-23.
Flores G, Abreu M, Schwartz I, Hill M. "The Importance of Language and Culture in Pediatric Care: Case Studies from the Latino Community," Journal of Pediatrics 2000; 137(6):842-8.
Pachter LM. "Cultural Issues in Pediatric Care," In Nelson WE, senior ed; Behrman RE, Kinegman RM, Arvin AM, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 15 th ed. Philadelphia, PA : WB Saunders Co; 1996.
Randall-David E. Strategies for Working with "Culturally Diverse Communities and Clients. Washington, DC : Association for the Care of Children's Health, 1989.
Internal Medicine
Bigby JA, ed. Cross-Cultural Medicine. Philadelphia : American College of Physicians-American Society of Internal Medicine, 2003.
Bobo L, Womeodu RJ, Knox ALJr. "Principles of intercultural medicine in an internal medicine program," American Journal of Medical Science 1991; 302(4):244-248.
Carillo JE, Green AR, Betancourt JR. "Cross-Cultural Primary Care: A Patient-Based Approach," Annals of Internal Medicine 1999; 130:829-834.
Kleinman A, Eisenberg L, Good B. "Culture, Illness, and Care: Clinical Lessons from Anthropologic and Cross-Cultural Research," Annals of Internal Medicine 1978; 88:251-258.
Kagawa-Singer M, Blackhall LJ. "Negotiating Cross-Cultural Issues at the End of Life. 'You've Got to Go Where He Lives,'" Journal of the American Medical Association 2001; 286:2993-3001.
Kobylarz FA, Heath JM, Like RC: "The ETHNIC(S) Mnemonic: A Clinical Tool for Ethnogeriatric Education," Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2002; 50:1582-1589.
Yeo G et al. Core Curriculum in Ethnogeriatrics. Developed by the Members of the Collaborative on Ethnogeriatric Education, Supported by the Bureau of Health Professions, Health Resources and Services Administration, USDHHS, October 2000 (
Obstetrics and Gynecology
ACOG Committee Opinion. "Cultural Competency in Health Care." No. 201, March 1998. Committee on Health Care for Underserved Women. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 1998 Jul, 62(1):96-99.
Psychiatry/Psychology Health/Social Work
Garza-Trevino ES, Ruis P, Venegas-Samuels K. "A Psychiatric Curriculum Directed to the Care of the Hispanic Patient," Academic Psychiatry 1997; 21(1):1-10.
Lu FH, Lim RF, Mezzich JE. "Issues in the Assessment and Diagnosis of Culturally Diverse Individuals," in Review of Psychiatry (Vol. 14), eds. JM Oldham and MB Riba, eds., London, England : American Psychiatric Press, 1995, pp. 477-510.
Lu FG. "Cultural Competence and Diversity: An Update for Psychiatric Educators," AADPRT, Winter, 1996.
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