A group of medical students standing and talking together

Rutgers Network of Affiliated Family Medicine Residencies

The Robert Wood Johnson Medical School convenes the Rutgers Network of Affiliated Family Medicine Residencies from eight family medicine residency programs located across suburban, urban, and semi-rural locations in New Jersey.

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Founded in 1975, the network offers high-quality resident and faculty career development programs and opportunities to its residency program members, with some offerings available to the broader medical community. Our workshops and conferences, peer-to-peer networking groups, and research and elective opportunities richly supplement the training and education offered by individual residency programs.

A Supportive Network in New Jersey
Since 1975

The goals of the network are to provide a supportive network for family medicine residency education in the State of New Jersey, to share resources and ideas across residency programs, to develop and enhance new and existing educational offerings, to provide program quality assurance, to develop and implement collaborative research projects among interested network residencies, to foster faculty development, and to provide medical student sites.

Students listen to a lecture at Rutgers

Educational Offerings

The network holds a variety of educational events and activities. These range from Grand Rounds to resident courses on ACGME requirements and milestones to faculty-focused seminars. Additionally, the network holds regularly scheduled planning and development meetings for committees of different residency program roles. 

Professionalism Workshop (PGY-I)

A half-day workshop designed for the PGY-1 resident to define professionalism and become familiar with the ACGME competencies for professionalism. By using vignettes, role plays, and small and large group discussions, PGY-1 residents will be able to identify personal growth opportunities for their professional development now and throughout their careers.

Family Medicine Career Day (PGY-II)

A half-day conference on wide-ranging opportunities for careers in Family Medicine, this event includes representatives from different practice types and concentration areas who give residents information and career advice in relation to market forces, income, job satisfaction, and lifestyle.  

Survival Skills in the Healthcare Marketplace (PGY-II/III)

This one-day conference highlights the ins-and-outs of embarking on one’s post-residency career, teaching skills on job hunting, CV building, interviewing and negotiation, financial management and debt reduction, and more.

ALSO® (Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics) Courses

The network sponsors two ALSO courses each fall for Network and community members. Instructors are ALSO-trained and certified network program faculty members. The course, designed by AAFP ALSO, is evidence-based and offers an interdisciplinary team-based approach to managing obstetric emergencies.

Network Grand Rounds

An opportunity for faculty and residents to hear subject matter experts on current issues and national topics relevant to the practice and teaching of Family Medicine.

Faculty Development Day

Speakers and workshops focused on skills and knowledge development on evidence-based practices, new curricular developments, or emerging needs for practicing and teaching Family Medicine.

Chief Resident Leadership Training

An intensive 3-day course designed and led by Patricia D. Williams, MD, a nationally renowned expert in human interaction and organization development, this leadership training increases the effectiveness of chief residents by developing their management and leadership skills.

Resident Research Symposium

The Resident Research Symposium provides a forum for residents from the eight network residency programs to share results from and discuss the healthcare implications of their research with other network residents and faculty.  Each network residency program selects oral presentations and poster presentations that represent the best of resident work via the following criteria: original research question, methodological rigor, clarity of organization, and quality of discussion, results, and conclusion.

Network Committee Meetings

The network organizes regular peer-to-peer meetings to share ideas and plan collaborative projects. Peer-organized committees meet at least quarterly. Current committees are composed of program directors, associate program directors, coordinators, behavioral scientists, and research faculty. These committee meetings are valued by members as opportunities for support and professional growth. 

Department of Family Medicine Resources

The department provides the network with leadership, resources, and expertise in its ongoing operations. The network is led by Jennifer R. Hemler, PhD. Departmental administrative support services are provided by Andrea Daitz, MA. Consultative services are available from department centers and concentrations, including the Center for Healthy Families and Cultural Diversity, Sports Medicine Center, Geriatric Medicine, and others.

Affiliated Residencies

Through the various residency programs that are part of the network, there are an estimated 300,000 annual outpatient visits around the state. In addition, an estimated 10,000 admitted patients are cared for by residents and faculty in the parent hospitals of the affiliated programs.

  • Hackensack Meridian Health JFK Medical Center Family Medicine Residency
  • HackensackUMC Mountainside Family Medicine Residency
  • Hunterdon Family Medicine Residency
  • Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Family Medicine Residency Program at CentraState Medical Center
  • Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Family Medicine Residency Program at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital 
  • St. Luke's University Health Network Family Medicine Residency at Warren
  • Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset Family Medicine Residency
  • Virtua Health Family Medicine Residency at Voorhees

Contact Info for Residencies in the Network

Contact Us

Rutgers Network of Affiliated Family Medicine Residencies
303 George Street
Matrix Plaza 1, Suite 301 
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: (848) 932-0225

Jennifer R. Hemler, PhD
Network Director
Email: hemlerje@rwjms.rutgers.edu

Andrea Daitz, MA
Network Coordinator
Email: andrea.daitz@rutgers.edu

Toya Williams, MPH, CHES
Network Coordinator
Email: toya.williams@rutgers.edu