Division of Hematology
Welcome to the Division of Hematology
The Division of Hematology is dedicated to providing the highest quality advanced subspecialized hematology care in an academic medical school setting. Our practice strives to incorporate the latest in hematologic research and teaching into the care of patients with hematologic disorders. The Division develops and provides clinical, academic, research, laboratory, and teaching programs through Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers Health, and its primary teaching hospital, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital.
Hematology division faculty actively participate in teaching and training the next generation of Hematology subspecialists, Internal Medicine Program residents, as well as second-, third-, and fourth-year medical students. The Division offers a 3-year ACGME-accredited fellowship training program in Hematology and Medical Oncology through an integrated program in conjunction with Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey and RWJ Barnabas Health.
Hematology Division faculty conduct a large number of research projects with federal, state, foundation, and industry grant funding support. This support enables the division to provide several specialized and statewide referral centers and programs – providing advanced subspecialized clinical care and specialized coagulation laboratory services for patients with hematologic disorders on an inpatient and outpatient basis.
We welcome you and encourage you to explore our Division!
Claire Philipp, MD
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of Hematology
Melvyn, Abraham, and Yetta Motolinsky Chair of Hematology
Department of Medicine
View Our Specialty Programs
Browse Our Programs and Meet Our Providers
The Division of Hematology provides specialized care for patients with conditions that primarily affect the blood. We offer many different programs for patients with specific blood-related disorders with a wide variety of experienced and trusted providers available to treat your conditions.
Advance Your Career
The Robert Wood Johnson Medical School/Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey Hematology/Oncology Fellowship is an accredited three-year combined hematology and medical oncology fellowship training program.
Fellows can develop their teaching skills, under the supervision and mentorship of the attending faculty, in bedside teaching, small group, and conference presentations for medical students and internal medicine residents.
Faculty Research Efforts
Accordion Content
- Screening for Bleeding Disorders in women with menorrhagia.
- Elevated Factor VII as a risk factor for recurrent fetal loss
- Association of intrauterine growth restriction with maternal and fetal hemostatic risk factors.
- Role of a hemophilia treatment center in the management of women with menorrhagia.
- Integration and Prevention Services for persons with bleeding and clotting disorders.
- Management of Menorrhagia in women with bleeding disorders.
- Universal Data and Serum Specimen Collection System for Hemophilia.
- Platelet abnormalities in women with unexplained menorrhagia.
- Recombinant antihemophilic factor without added human or animal protein: previously treated severe Hemophilia A.
- Recombinant antihemophilic factor without added human or animal protein: severe Hemophilia A patients undergoing surgery.
- Epidemiologic study of placental abruption.
- Age and the Prevalence of Bleeding Disorders in women with menorrhagia.
- Utility of bleeding time and platelet function analyzer in women with menorrhagia.
- Open Label Study to Characterize the Safety and Efficacy of BDDrFVIII Manufactured by the Albumin Free Process (ReFacto AF) in the Treatment of Previously Treated Patients (PTP) with Severe Hemophilia A.
- Open-Label Single Arm, Safety and Efficacy Study of Recombinant Human Factor IX (rFIX; BeneFIX®) in Children Less than 6 years of age with severe Hemophilia B.
- Open Label, Safety and Efficacy Study of Recombinant Human Factor IX (rFIX; BeneFIX) in previously treated patients (PTPs) with Hemophilia B (FIX: C £ 2%).
- NovoSeven® (rFVIIa) by Single Dose for Home Treatment of Joint Bleeds in Hemophilia Patients with Inhibitors: A Pilot, Double-Blind Study versus Standard Multiple Doses of Novoseven and Open-Label FEIBA®.
- Philipp CS, Faiz A, Dowling NF, Beckman M, Owens S, Ayers C, Bachmann G. Development of a screening tool for identifying women with menorrhagia for hemostatic evaluation. Am J Obstetrics Gynecology, 2008; 198(2):163.e1-8. PMID: 18226613
- Strair RK, Gharibo G., Schaar D., Rubin A, Harrison J, Aisner J, Taber K, Li Shen, Dudek L., Lin H, Lin Y, Goodell L, Rabson A, Medina D. Nuclear Factor- kappaB modulation in patients with AML undergoing induction chemotherapy for acute myelogenous leukemia Clin Cancer Research 2008 Vol 14(22); 7564-8. PMID: 19010875
- Chen-Deutsch X, Garay E, Zhang J, Harrison JS, and George P. Studzinski c-Jun N-terminal kinase 2 (JNK2) antagonizes the signaling of differentiation by JNK1 in human myeloid leukemia cells resistant to vitamin D. Leukemia Research 2009; 33(10):1298-300. PMID: 19339050
- Kouides P, Byams V, Philipp C, Stein S, Heit J, Lukes A, Skerrette N, Dowling N, Evatt B, Miller C, Owens S, Kulkarni R. Multisite management study of menorrhagia with abnormal laboratory hemostasis: a prospective crossover study of intranasal desmopressin and oral tranexamic acid. British Journal of Haematology, 2009, 145(2) 212-220. PMID: 19236375
- Rose S, Ali Y, Kumar A, Saidi P. Deep venous thrombosis caused by congenital interruption of the inferior vena cava and hereditary thrombophilia. Am J Med Sci 2009; 337(1): 67–70. PMID: 19002010
- Philipp CS, Faiz A, Byams V, Miller CH, Heit JA, Kouides PA, Kulkarni R, Lukes A, Stein SF. Screening tool for bleeding disorders in women with menorrhagia: evaluation in a prospective US multi-site cohort. Blood 2008; 112: 1237 (Presented American Society Hematology, 2008)
- Heit JA, Beckman M, Grant A, Key NS, Manco-Johnson MJ, Moll S, Bockenstedt P, Kulkarni R, Ortel TL, Philipp CS. Venous thromboembolism (VTE) characteristics among white- and black-Americans: a cross-sectional study. Blood 2008; 112: 3831 (Presented American Society Hematology, 2008)
- Rossova V, Zhang J, Khanin M, Pesakhov S, Shpilberg O, Harrison JS, Levi I, Rouvio 0, Studzinski GP, Danilenko M. Plant polyphenols potentiate vitamin D-induced differentiation of myeloid leukemia cells: Role of the antioxidant effect and upregulation of VDR and RXR Cancer Research (2009) Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Cancer Research, April 2009)
- Vergano S, Wang X, Harrison J. Large granular lymphocyte leukemia and pure red cell aplasia in a patient with autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1. (Presented at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinology, 2009