Orthopaedic Surgery Residency

Overview of the Program
The Department of Orthopaedic Surgery offers three residency positions per year. Applicants are selected through the National Resident Matching Program. The program is five years and includes comprehensive training in all subspecialties of orthopedic surgery.
University and private practice faculty provide the framework for residency training. Didactic teaching sessions include weekly grand rounds, fracture conference, and lectures provided by attending physicians and senior residents. A monthly interactive arthroscopy lab is led by clinical faculty and focuses on both basic and advanced principals of arthroscopy. Anatomy sessions are conducted in the fall at the cadaver lab at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. These sessions provide the opportunity to review orthopaedic anatomy and practice basic surgical approaches and exposures.
Clinical research is encouraged throughout the training program, and facilities are available for both basic science and clinical studies. During the residency training, dedicated research time is allotted to all residents. It is a program requirement that a completed research paper be submitted for publication prior to graduation.
The program utilizes the services of the following hospitals for clinical rotations: Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, Robert Wood Johnson Somerset, St. Peter's University Hospital, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.
Clinical Overview
The orthopaedic trauma service is run at our Level-1 Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital trauma hospital. Here, we see and treat the majority of blunt, penetrative and high speed trauma in central New Jersey. All residents and attendings participate in the management of urgent and emergent traumatic cases on a daily basis. In addition, with fellowship trained traumatologists residents are frequently exposed to large acetabular and pelvic fracture surgeries as early as the PGY-2 year.
The main trauma service at RWJUH consists of a senior resident, a PGY-3, and an intern. Rotating on the trauma/general orthopaedic service gives the resident experience in long bone stabilization, pelvic trauma, and care of the multiply injured patient.
In addition, a resident-run & attending-supervised trauma clinic is held every Thursday afternoon at RWJUH.
The pediatric orthopaedic service affords the resident an opportunity to participate in operative care for children with scoliosis, cerebral palsy, injuries related to trauma and sports as well as other surgical problems at Robert Wood Johnson Hospital. Robert Wood Johnson is becoming a referral center for the entire state with the opening of the Children's Specialised hospital, enhancing the surgical experience for orthopaedic residents. The Pediatric Orthopaedic service consists of a three month experience at the PGY-4 and a PGY-2 level. Operative experience begins early at the PGY-2 level, with four operative days a week, assisting in scoliosis/neuromuscular surgeries. More autonomy is reserved for the PGY-4 level, where advanced pediatric surgical techniques are taught by the Attending staff.
Central to the residents experience is the RWJ Scoliosis program that hosts a resident run pediatric orthopaedic clinic held every Tuesday afternoon. This clinic provides orthopaedic care for all children in central New Jersey and is supervised by two pediatric orthopaedic attendings.
In addition, while on the service, residents are allotted time to travel to the pediatric orthopaedic physicians’ private office in the afternoon on a bi-weekly schedule. This opportunity gives the residents an additional experience in the management of nonoperative orthopaedic problems. Furthermore, an extensive pediatric orthopaedic didactic program, covering a broad range of topics, is presented throughout the resident’s rotation.
Second year and fourth year residents complete a four-month rotation in the hand service at Saint Peter’s University Hospital and UCAS, a state-of-the-art outpatient surgery facility, which are both located 5 blocks from RWJUH. Residents are involved in the operative and non-operative management of patients with various disorders of the hand, ranging from the surgical management of arthritis, rheumatologic diseases, minor hand trauma and microsurgery. Residents on the hand rotation also spend at least one day a week in the office to provide assistance to attendings during their office hours and promote continuity of care of surgical patients.
Take a look at the achievements and accomplishments of the residents and faculty of the Hand Department at Rutgers RWJ!
Residents participate in an Orthopaedic Sports Medicine rotation during the PGY-2 & PGY-5 year of the orthopaedic surgery residency program. The rotation involves a large share of time spent at the University Center for Ambulatory Surgery (UCAS) center where residents perform a large number of arthroscopic and open surgical cases. A functional arthroscopy lab is supervised by the sports clinical faculty throughout the year and provides an introduction to arthroscopic technique to junior residents and allows senior residents to apply advanced arthroscopic techniques in a laboratory setting. In addition, residents assist attending staff with office hours both in the office and training room settings on a weekly basis.
Sports medicine clinics have been operational since 1976 at both Princeton University and Rutgers University. During the PGY-4 year, residents assist in the care of the Rutgers and Princeton athletic teams. The residents take part in pre-season evaluation of athletes, provide game-time care for the players, and assess and treat injuries throughout the respective season. This experience gives the resident an extensive exposure to all aspects of athletic injury. In the fall, senior residents also cover local high school home football games.
The Orthopaedic spine service is run primarily at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital (RWJUH). During the PGY 3 and PGY 4 years, residents assist in a multitude of elective and emergent spine surgical cases for 4 and 3 months, respectively. Being at a large level one trauma center, RWJ receives the majority of multiply injured patients from Central New Jersey. Spine trauma call is shared with the Neurosurgical service on an alternating week schedule.
The adult reconstruction service is composed of a chief resident and a PGY-3. On this service, residents provide operative assistance for primary hip and knee arthroplasty, as well as more complex revision arthroplasty cases. The residents also spend time in the attending’s office in learning the nuances that come with preoperative assessment, indication for surgery, and short and long term follow up of arthroplasty patients.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center is the world's oldest and largest private cancer center. For 4 weeks during the PGY-4 year, residents will live in NYC and learn musculoskeletal orthopaedics from some of the specialty's leading figures.
Current Residents
Jomar Aryee, MD
Hometown: Kingston, JA
Undergraduate: The College of William and Mary, BS Kinesiology & Minor Chemistry - Captain, Men's Track & Field
Medical School: The University of Virginia School of Medicine
Why Orthopaedics? I love anatomy so Ortho is perfect given it's a high impact specialty heavily reliant on a knowledge and understanding of musculoskeletal anatomy/physiology that focuses on improving patients’ quality of life.
Why Robert Wood Johnson? I wanted a program that married camaraderie and peer-peer education amongst residents with faculty dedicated to teaching and nurturing my career in orthopaedics.
Research Interests/Publications
- Aryee JNA, Silver JM, Grossman J, Polonet D, Buckley PS. Acute Exertional Bilateral Thigh Compartment Syndrome in a Patient with Rhabdomyolysis After Spin Class: A Case Report. JBJS case Connect. 2023;13(2). doi:10.2106/JBJS.CC.23.0003
- Tawfik, A; Elkehechen, J; Sirch, F;Aryee, JNA; Filtes, P; Katt, B. The Effect of Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint Corticosteroid Injections on Outcomes Following Arthroplasty. Hand (N Y). April 2022:155894472210818. doi:10.1177/15589447221081862
- Katt, B; Tawfik, A; Aryee, JNA; Aita, D; Beredjiklian, P; Fletcher, D. The Efficacy of Intra-articular versus Extra-articular Corticosteroid Injections in the Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint. J Hand Surg Glob Online. 2022. doi:10.1016/j.jhsg.2022.01.002
- Aryee JNA, Akinleye SD, Ugwu-Oju OC, Moore CC, Freilich AM. A Series of Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Flexor Tenosynovitis Infections and Cost of Treatment. J Wrist Surg. 2021 May 4;10(6):511-515. doi: 10.1055/s-0041-1728801. eCollection 2021 Dec
- Aryee JNA, Bolarinwa SA, Montgomery SR, Novicoff W, Dacus AR. Race, Gender, and Residency: a Survey of Trainee Experience. J Natl Med Assoc. 2021 Apr;113(2):199-207. doi: 10.1016/j.jnma.2020.09.001. Epub 2020 Sep 24
- Aryee JNA, Akinleye SD, Freilich AM, Deal DN. Mycobacterium Immunogenum Flexor Tenosynovitis: A Case Report. J Wrist Surg. 2021 Jun;10(3):241-244. doi: 10.1055/s-0040-1715803. Epub 2020 Aug 31
Most Recent Presentations
- Aryee JNA, Frias, G; Guerrero, K; Chen, V; Monica, J; Katt, B (May 2023) Understanding Variations in the Management of Displaced Distal Radius Fractures with Satisfactory Reduction at the 31st Annual Richard J. Smith Memorial Lectureship, Boston, MA and at the RWJ Resident Research Day, New Brunswick, NJ
- Aryee JNA, Tyagi, A; Filtes, P; Farrell, S; Diane, A; Gatt, Charles; Buckley, P (April 2023) Distraction Related Complications after Hip Arthroscopy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Distraction Techniques at the New Jersey Orthopaedic Society Annual Symposium, Somerset, NJ
- Aryee JNA (October 2022) Balancing Act: A Primer on Knee Alignment and the Role of Kinematic Alignment in Adult Reconstruction at the RWJ Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, New Brunswick, NJ
- Aryee JNA*, Bolarinwa SA, Montgomery SR, Novicoff W, Dacus AR (May 2022) Race, Gender, and Residency: a Survey of Trainee Experience at the NJOS Resident and Research Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ
- Aryee, JNA* (January 2022) Measure Twice, Cut Once: Traumatic Amputations about the Elbow in Children at the RWJ Orthopaedic Grand Rounds, New Brunswick, NJ
Specialty Interest: Orthopaedic Sports Surgery and Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
Hobbies: Running, Hiking, Weight training, Team Sports (Soccer, Flag Football)
Daniel Haddad, MD
Hometown: Jersey City, NJ
Undergraduate: Rutgers, Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Medical School: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Why Orthopaedics? I found anatomy fascinating and had great mentors early on in medical school at RWJ that showed me how diverse the practice of Orthopaedic surgery can be and the positive impact you can have on patients
Why Robert Wood Johnson? We get a broad exposure to Orthopaedic subspecialties and given the high volume and diverse patient population, this program really offers a well-rounded training experience.
Research interests/Publications
Daniel's background as a pharmacist has driven his strong interest in developing effective strategies to optimize pain management in the post-operative orthopaedic setting, as well as advocating for patient focused opioid prescribing guidelines.- Haddad D.K., Sherman OH. Developing opioid prescribing recommendations in the postoperative orthopedic setting. J Opioid Manag. 2019;15(4):333-341. doi:10.5055/jom.2019.0518
Specialty Interest: Hand and Upper Extremity
Hobbies: Music, Cooking, and trying to keep up with my one year old
Jeremy Silver, MD
Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Undergraduate: Penn State, BS/MS Bioengineering - President, Club Golf
Medical School: Penn State College of Medicine
Why Orthopaedics? Ortho is a great blend of surgical technique combined with knowledge of biomechanics and anatomy to address complex pathology.
Why Robert Wood Johnson? We have a close knit group of residents with great operative experience, invested attendings, and exposure to all specialties.
Research Interests/Publications
- Tawfik AM, Silver JM, Katt BM, Patanker A, Rivlin M, Beredjiklian PK. Patient Perceptions of COVID Precautions and its Effect on their Experience with Hand Surgery. J Hand Surg Glob Online. 2021 Jul;3(4):167-171. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsg.2021.04.003
- Garay M, Silver J, Reynolds A, Hess J, Armstrong D, Hennrikus W. Golf Cart Injuries in Children: The Experience of Trauma Centers in a Single State. J Pediatr Orthop B. 2021 Jun 7. Doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000001786
- Patterson M, Silver J, Armstrong D, Hennrikus W. Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon Time Utilization in Clinic: A Pilot Study. J Pediatr Orthop. 2021 Mar 3. doi:10.1097/BPO.0000000000001786.
- Silver JM, Hennrikus W. Septic Arthritis of the Pediatric Wrist: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Cureus. 2020 Mar 28:12(3)e7444. doi:10.7759/cureus.7444.
- Silver J, Ferranti K, Radtka J. Open Surgical Ligation of a Symptomatic Mycotic Aneurysm of the Peroneal Artery. J Vasc Surg Cases Innov Tech. 2019 Mar 11; 5(1):68-70. doi:10.1016/j.jvscit.2018.10.008.
- Weinheimer K, Michelotti B, Silver J, Taylor K, Payatakes A. A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blinded Controlled Trial Comparing Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen Versus Hydrocodone and Acetaminophen for Soft Tissue Hand Procedures. J Hand Surg Am. 2019 May; 44(5):387-393. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2018.10.014.
Book Chapters
- Tria AJ, Silver J, Imergamo C, Andrzej Brzezinski. Clinical Guide to Musculoskeletal Medicine: A Multidisciplinary Approach: Chapter 37: Surgical Intervention in Shoulder. 1st. Ed. 2022. ISBN-13: 978-3030920418.
Most Recent Presentations
- Chan PYW, Silver JM*, Phelan J, Moore K, Green A, Katt B. (September 2022) Defining Radial Height in Distal Radius Fractures: A Confusing History. ASSH Annual Meeting Scientific Poster Presentation, Boston, MA
- Silver JM*. (June 2022) Surgical Management of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy: Anterior, Posterior, and the Role of Cervical Laminoplasty. Rutgers RWJ Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds
- Silver JM*, Swan KG. (May 2022) Locked Knee and Inferior Patellar Dislocation in an Elderly Patient: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. NJOS Resident and Research Meeting, New Brunswick, NJ
- Silver JM*. (March 2022) Current Trends in the Management of Metacarpal Fractures. Rutgers RWJ Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds
- Katt B, Tawfik A, Imbergamo, Silver JM*, McEntee R, Beredjiklian P, Ilyas A. (June 2021) Patient Comprehension of Operative Instructions with a Handout versus Video: A Prospective Randomized Control Trial. NYSSH Residents and Fellows Conference
- Silver JM*, Patterson M, Armstrong D, Hennrikus W. (May 2020) Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon Time Utilization in Clinic: A Pilot Study. Penn State Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Grand Rounds
Specialty Interests: Hand & Upper Extremity Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Surgery
Hobbies: Golf, Pickup Sports, Beating the Attendings at the Thanksgiving Flag Football Game, Playing the Viola
Matthew Diehl
- Hometown: Dayton, OH
- Undergraduate: University of Notre Dame, BA Psychology, Loyola University of Chicago, MA Medical Sciences
- Medical School: Wright State Boonshoft SOM
- Why Orthopaedics?
- Orthopaedics pairs fascinating human anatomy with complex pathology and biomechanics allowing for critical thinking to optimally treat patients and restore them to their pre-injury states
- Why Robert Wood Johnson?
- Camraderie of residents in a program that values hard work and a true dedication to the continued ability of preparing successful orthopaedic surgeons-
- Specialty Interest: Spine, Trauma, Joints
- Hobbies: Ranch Sorting, Team Penning, Trap Shooting, Bourbon, Watersports, Rugby, Weightlifting
Ryan Scheer, MD
- Hometown: Oceanside, NY
- Undergraduate: Binghamton, BS Biochemistry
- Medical School: SUNY Downstate
- Why Orthopaedics?
- Ortho allows me to work with a diverse patient population, contribute to a dynamic and ever-changing field, all while promptly and often definitively addressing a myriad of musculoskeletal injuries/concerns.
- Why Robert Wood Johnson?
- Hard-Working culture, great camaraderie amongst residents and attendings, plus a world-class operative experience
Research interests/Publications
- Scheer RC, Newman JM, Zhou JJ, Oommen AJ, Naziri Q, Shah NV, Pascal SC, Penny GS, McKean JM, Tsai J, Uribe JA. Ankle Fracture Epidemiology in the United States: Patient-Related Trends and Mechanisms of Injury. The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery. 2020;59(3):479-483
- Morrissey PJ, Scheer RC, Shah NV, Penny GS, Koehler SM. Increases in Fireworks-Related Upper Extremity Injuries Correspond to Increasing Fireworks Sales: An Analysis of 41,195 Injuries across 10 Years. Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 2021;29(13):667-674
- Zhou JJ, Shah NV, Scheer RC, Newman JM, Hariri OK, Tretiakov M, Koehler SM, Hesham K, Aibinder WR, Chapman CR. Trends and Epidemiology of Radial Head Subluxation in the United States from 2004 to 2018. European Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology. 2021.
- Shah, N.V., Conway, C., Zhou, J.J., Rathod, J., Scheer, R., Newman, J.M., Naziri, Q., Murray, D.P., Eldib, A., Kelly, J.J., Stroud, S.G., Penny, G.S., Pascal, S.C., Diebo, B.G., Paulino, C.B.. Epidemiology and trends of 39,296 fractures of the lumbar spine from 2007 to 2016 in the United States. The Spine Journal. 2018, Aug; 18(8): S25
- Shah, N.V., Scheer, R., Rathod, J., Zhou, J.J., Newman, J.M., Smerling, J.L., Naziri, Q., Kelly, J.J., Conway, C.A., Ford, B., Murray, D.P., Pascal, S.C., Eldib, A., Penny, G.S., Diebo, B.G., Paulino, C.B.. An epidemiological study of 131,176 fractures of the cervical and thoracic spine from 2007 to 2016 in the United States. The Spine Journal. 2018, Aug; 18(8): S11-S12
- Shah, N.V., Lettieri, J.M., Scheer, R., Sedaghatpour, D., Ford, B., Diebo, B.G., Paulino, C.B.. Does asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus (AHIV)-positive status in patients undergoing spinal fusion for degenerative disc disease (DDD) increase risk for adverse postoperative outcomes?. The Spine Journal. 2020, Sep; 20(9): S10
Specialty Interest: Hand and Sports
Hobbies: Golf, Football, Poker, Steak, and walking my Wiener dog Poppy
Jason Yang, MD
Jared Sain, MD
- Hometown: Morganton, NC
- Undergraduate: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, BA Religious Studies
- Medical School: The University of North Carolina School of Medicine
- Specialty Interest: Undecided
- Hobbies: Playing guitar, running
Michael Simon, MD
- Hometown: Colts Neck, NJ
- Undergraduate: Georgetown University, BS Health Care Management and Policy
- Medical School: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Why Orthopaedics?
- Orthopaedic anatomy, biomechanics, and musculoskeletal pathophysiology is fascinating, and it is a technically demanding field with excellent patient outcomes.
- Why Robert Wood Johnson?
- Exceptional, resident-focused operative experience, invested faculty, and a great, hard-working resident culture
Research Interests/Publications
- Simon M, Gencarelli P, Yang J, Elkhechen J, Avendano J, Kirschenbaum D, Katt B. “Postoperative Immobilization of Scaphoid Fractures: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature.” Hand, 2022. doi.org/10.1177/15589447221093675
- Brzezinski A, Imbergamo C, Pfaff W, Tarapore R, Nasra M, Simon M, Gatt C. “Biomechanical Comparison of Meniscal Allograft Root Fixation Techniques: Anterograde Interference Bone Plug Fixation Yields Favorable Results Compared to Transosseous Suture Fixation Alone.” Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation, 2022. 4(3):e907-e914. doi.org/10.1016/j.asmr.2022.01.001
- Brzezinski A, Mascarenhas D, Simon M, Kayiaros S. “A Unique Complication of Femoral Broach Fracture and Incarceration During Total Hip Arthroplasty. A Report of Two Cases.” Arthroplasty Today, 2021. 11:49-53. doi.org/10.1016/j.artd.2021.07.011
Specialty Interest: Undecided
Hobbies: Camping, whiskey
Hanbin Wang, MD
- Hometown; New York, NY
- Undergraduate: Wesleyan University, BA Biochemistry, Columbia University, BS Biomedical Engineering minor Mechanical Engineering
- Medical School: State University of New York Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine
- Why Orthopaedics? Ortho appeals to me as combination of applied biomechanics and technical procedures. It also allows me to see a wide range of patients clinically with great outcomes
- Why Robert Wood Johnson? Great culture and resident camaraderie, with a robust operative experience
Research Interests/Publications
- Dar QA, Avoricani A, Hayes WT, Levy KH, Wang H Jr, Koehler SM. Biomechanical Comparison of 3 Thumb Ulnar Collateral Ligament Repair Methods. J Hand Surg Am. 2021 Nov 22:S0363-5023(21)00625-0.
- Huddleston HP, Shah NV, Kurtzman JS, Dar QA, Wang H Jr, Carter J, Hayes WT, Avoricani A, Dua K, Koehler SM. Effect of Collagen Nerve Wrapping in a Rabbit Peripheral Neuropathy Model. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open. 2021 Nov 11;9(11):e3919.
- Wang H Jr, Kurtzman JS, Aibinder WR, Koehler SM. The top 50 most cited articles in both-bone forearm open reduction internal fixation in the skeletally mature patient. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2022 Feb;32(2):293-300
- Sladkova-Faure M, Pujari-Palmer M, Öhman-Mägi C, López A, Wang H Jr, Engqvist H, de Peppo GM. A biomimetic engineered bone platform for advanced testing of prosthetic implants. Sci Rep. 2020 Dec 17;10(1):22154
- Shah NV, Hayes WT, Wang H, Hordines JC, Karakostas JE, Paxinos O, Koehler SM. A pilot biomechanical study comparing a novel, intramedullary Nail/Plate construct to standard Dual-Plate fixation of intra-articular C2.3 distal humerus fractures. Injury. 2020 Oct;51(10):2148-2157
Specialty Interest: Undecided
Hobbies: Cooking/Grilling, Hiking
Srikaran Kalahasti, MD
- Hometown: Warren, NJ, but I’ve lived in India, Delaware, Maryland, Michigan, Manhattan, and West Virginia!
- Undergrad: Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras & Rutgers University
- Medical School: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Why Orthopaedics?: Orthopedics is one of the few specialties with the perfect blend of engineering, anatomy, surgery, and coolness factor!
- Why RWJMS?: It’s an excellent, close-knit, comprehensive program with top-tier faculty who are deeply vested in consistently producing well-rounded surgeons.
Dane Pizzo, MD
- Hometown: Frenchtown, NJ
- Undergraduate: Virginia Tech
- Medical School: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Specialty Interest: Sports
Paul Romeo, MD
- Hometown: Montville, NJ
- Undergrad: Temple University, Philadelphia, PA; Civil Engineering, BS
- Medical School: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Why Orthopaedics: Orthopaedics has truly been the only field of medicine I could see myself pursuing. The opportunity to provide patients with an immediate intervention to not only abate their ailment but also provide definitive treatment has always appealed to me. Coupling this with my background in engineering drew me to the field of orthopaedic surgery.
- Why Robert Wood Johnson: RWJ offers an unparalleled operative experience coupled with a diverse patient population and early independent opportunities to interact with patients. The faculty here are dedicated to teaching residents while allowing them to develop their clinical acumen through first-hand exposure to a wide array of orthopedic pathology.
- Research Interests/Publications: Shoulder/Elbow, Trauma, Joints
Hannah Lee
- Hometown: Holmdel, NJ
- Undergraduate Institution/Degree: The University of Pennsylvania, BA in Biology
- Undergrad Extracurricular: Club Soccer
- Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania
- Why Orthopaedics: Orthopaedic surgery is the perfect combination of dexterity, ingenuity, the body's most beautiful anatomy, and the opportunity to empower others. So much of life depends on mobility, and I want to help people move.
- Why RWJ: Strength in every subspecialty, engaging and committed faculty, incredible resident camaraderie, and proximity to loved ones -- there's no better place to become the best and happiest orthopedic surgeon I can be.
Matthew Chung
- Hometown: Queens, NY
- Undergrad: Brooklyn College – Creative Writing
- Medical School: SUNY – Downstate
- Why Orthopaedics: I appreciate the intricate problem-solving challenges, the tangible impact it has on improving patients' mobility and quality of life, and the gratification derived from restoring musculoskeletal function.
- Why RWJ: Resident camaraderie coupled with extensive operative experience.
Peter Filtes
- Hometown: Piscataway, NJ
- Undergrad: Rutgers University
- Medical School: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
- Robert Dow - Spine, UC Davis Medical Center
- Daniel Mascarenhas - Adult Reconstruction, UT Houston at McGovern Medical School
- Andrzej Brzezinski - Foot and Ankle, New England Baptist Hospital; Arthroplasty, Yale School of Medicine
- Andrew Butler - Foot and Ankle, Harvard Brigham and Women's Hospital
- James Ryan - Sports, University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine
- John Ghazi - Pediatrics, Texas Scottish Rite
- Steve Mennona - Trauma, Grant Medical Center Ohio; Adult Reconstruction, NYU Langone
- David Lee - Hand, UC Irvine
- William P. Bassett - Pediatrics, Texas Scottish Rite
- Dexter K. Bateman - Adult Reconstruction, UT Health
- Julianne Forlizzi - Sports, New England Baptist Hospital
- Christopher Caruso - Spine, The University of Pennsylvania
- Erin Honchurak - Pediatrics, Texas Scottish Rite Hospital
- Jared Preston - Adult Reconstruction, New England Baptist Hospital
- Stephen Ros - Hand, Mount Sinai
- Frank Chiarappa - Oncology, The University of Chicago Pritzker
- Edward Kim - Spine, New England Baptist Hospital
- Jeremy Korsh - Sports, Taos Orthopaedic Institute
- Zachary Vredenburgh - Sports, The University of Southern California
- Howard (Chaim) Bar Eli - Trauma, Jackson Health System
- Bertrand Parcells - Adult Reconstruction, Florida Orthopaedic Institute
- Owolabi Shonuga - Hand and Upper Extremity, The Rothman Institute
- Mohan Tripathi - Spine, The University of California San Diego
- Mark Ayoub - Trauma, The University of Pittsburgh
- John Erickson - Hand and Upper Extremity, NYU Langone Medical Center
- Christopher McCarthy - Spine, Brown University
- Valdet Nikci - Hand and Upper Extremity, Columbia Orthopaedics
- William Baione
- Brian Culp
- Kyle Lavery
- Jeffrey Rasumssen
- Diedre Bielicka
- Evan Conte
- Maahir Haque
- Adam Hyatt
- Marcos Martinez
- Colin Heinle
- Moiz Manaqibwala
- Rachel Sotsky
- Andrew Braunstein
- Matthew Werger
- Jayson Bell
- Andrew Goodwillie
- Frederick Scott
- Jason Schneidkraut
- Jeffrey Leary
- Adam Starr
- Adam Wilson
- John Delgado
- Alan Goteman
- Kevin Roenback
- Robert Masella
- Jason Nitche
- Michael Shin
Benefits and Salary
The Orthopaedic Surgery Residency Program offers a uniform package of benefits consistent with those provided at all graduate medical educational programs operated by the medical school. Full details regarding benefits and salary are continuously updated by the Office of Graduate Medical Education.

Contact Us
Michelle Allen
Administrative Coordinator
Phone: 732-235-7869
Fax: 732-235-6002
Email: allenmi@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Orthopaedic Surgery Resident Clinic
1 Robert Wood Johnson Place, Suite B
New Brunswick NJ 08903-0019
Hours of operation are every Thursday from 1-5 pm except holidays
Please call to schedule appointments: 732-828-3000 x2166