About the Department of Psychiatry
The Department of Psychiatry has played a major leadership role in curriculum development for our over 400 medical students. Our General Psychiatry Residency program recruits academically strong, well-rounded trainees who go on to successful careers. The department offers ACGME accredited fellowships in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Forensic Psychiatry. Finally, a nationally recognized psychology internship is offered through the department and our clinical partner, University Behavioral HealthCare. We believe our training programs are a real strength and I hope you will consider further exploring the opportunities that we provide.
Our patient care activities include state of the art programs in acute services, psychopharmacology and diverse psychotherapy programs and serve child, adult and geriatric populations. Our department boasts nationally recognized programs and offers a full array of services in behavioral medicine, neuropsychiatry and transplantation medicine.
Our faculty serve the community through various clinical joint programs with primary care at the Chandler Clinic and with University Behavioral HealthCare. The department makes significant contributions to the needs of the medically underserved and chronically mentally ill population.
Message from the Interim Chair
Welcome to the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Department of Psychiatry website. I am glad to provide you with a brief introduction to our department and hope that you will explore our website.
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School was founded in 1966 and is located adjacent to the Rutgers University Campus. It was originally the Rutgers Medical School but became part of The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ) in 1975. In July of 2013 we once again became part of Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, as part of the New Jersey Medical and Health Sciences Education Restructuring Act.
As one of the nation's leading comprehensive medical schools, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School is dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in education, research, health care delivery, and the promotion of community health. In cooperation with Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, the medical school's principal affiliate, we comprise New Jersey's premier academic medical center. In addition, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School has 34 other hospital affiliates and ambulatory care sites throughout the region.
The medical school maintains educational programs at the undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate levels for more than 1,500 students on its campuses in New Brunswick and Piscataway, and provides continuing education courses for health care professionals and community education programs.
The Department of Psychiatry has an energetic and productive faculty who are devoted to our core missions of teaching, research, patient care and community service. We have an excellent student body and a superb group of residents. Our clinical and research resources are broad based and make for a top notch academic atmosphere.
Anthony Tobia, MD
Interim Chair
Contact Us
Office of the Interim Chair
671 Hoes Lane West
2nd Floor, Room D-205
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
Phone: 732-235-4440
Fax: 732-235-5158
Make an Appointment with a Physician: (732) 235-7647
Make a Donation
Help build the future of psychiatry. For information on donations, please contact:
Denise Gavala
E-mail: dgavala@winants.rutgers.edu
Phone: (848) 932-6022
General Psychiatry Residency Program
The General Psychiatry Residency Program is structured to provide residents with the knowledge and expertise to deliver superior psychiatric care to their patients. These goals are accomplished through a four-year broad-based curriculum, which includes such areas as neuropsychiatry, psychopathology, pharmacology and various psychotherapeutic approaches to their patient.
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
The program provides the opportunity to go beyond the training in general psychiatry to become a highly skilled provider of comprehensive medical care to children and adolescents suffering from psychiatric disorders. To achieve this goal, the training includes a carefully selected array of clinical and didactic experiences that ensure that the trainee will have the knowledge and skill to function with confidence in the wide variety of settings in which today’s child and adolescent psychiatry practices.
Explore the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship
Forensic Psychiatry
The Forensic Psychiatry fellowship offers advanced training for psychiatrists who wish to subspecialize in forensic psychiatry. Residents will rotate through New Jersey’s prisons, juvenile facilities, state forensic and civil hospitals, and private practices of faculty members. The didactic curriculum will join that of the consortium of forensic psychiatry programs in New York City, thereby providing the fellow both excellent didactic training and connections to one’s professional peers.
Grand Rounds
Grand Rounds lectures will be of interest to psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists, researchers, residents, psychology interns and clinicians.
Learning Objectives
The educational objectives of this series are as follows:
- to increase the knowledge of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School community regarding psychiatric diagnoses and treatments with special emphasis upon the biopsychosocial model.
- to increase the knowledge of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School community regarding the neurobiology, genetics, and epidemiology of psychiatric and neurobiology, genetics, and neuropsychiatric disorders
- to increase the knowledge of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School community regarding psychiatric treatments with an emphasis on cutting edge research and newer developments in biological interventions
- to increase the knowledge of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School community regarding cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic factors that contribute to diversity and disparities in psychiatric conditions and service utilization
Continuing Education Credit
The Rutgers Center for Continuing and Outreach Education is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians.
The Rutgers Center for Continuing and Outreach Education designates this educational activity up to 1 hour(s) in category 1 credit toward the AMA Physician's Recognition Award. Each physician should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity
Cancellation Policy
Rutgers reserves the right to modify the program content, program speaker, and program topic. Rutgers also reserves the right to cancel the program.
Life at Rutgers

Envision Yourself Here
Rutgers is located in central New Jersey in the city of New Brunswick and across the Raritan River in Piscataway. Middlesex-Somerset-Hunterdon counties rank fourth in per capita income nationwide. It is a manufacturing center, agricultural center, high-tech corporate center, and small-town America rolled into one.
Who We Are
Accordion Content
Fazil Aliev, PhD
Associate ProfessorAzima Ashraf, MD
Associate Professor
ashrafaz@ubhc.rutgers.eduGary Aston-Jones, MD
Distinguished Professor
Director, Brain Health Institute
Brain Health InstituteMary Beirne, MD
Assistant Professor
beirnema@ubhc.rutgers.eduMona Bijlani, MD
Associate Professor
Phone (732) 235-5927
bijlanmv@ubhc.rutgers.eduSarah Brislin, PhD
Research Instructor
Rutgers Addiction Research Center (RARC)
sarah.brislin@rutgers.eduVamsee Chaguturu, MD
Assistant Professor, Consultation Liaison
Phone: 732-235-7647
Fax: 732-235-7677
chagutvk@rwjms.rutgers.eduJohn Calvin Chatlos, MD
Associate Professor
Phone (732) 235-6900
Fax (732) 235-3485
chatlojc@ubhc.rutgers.eduRaymond Chong, MD
Assistant ProfessorTammy Chung, PhD
ProfessorNina Cooperman, PsyD
Associate Professor
Phone: (732) 235-4341
Fax: (732) 235-4277
cooperna@rwjms.rutgers.eduKristen Coppola, PhD
Assistant ProfessorAndrew C. Coyne, PhD
Phone: (732) 235-4051
Fax:(732) 235-3478Anthony Deo, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor, Consultation Liaison
Phone: 732-235-7647
Fax: 732-235-7677
ad1443@rwjms.rutgers.eduDanielle Dick, PhD
Director, Rutgers Addiction Research Center, Brain Health Institute
Greg Brown Endowed Chair in Neuroscience
https://www.danielledick.com/Roseanne D. Dobkin, PhD
Phone: (732) 235-4051
Fax: (732) 235-3478
dobkinro@rwjms.rutgers.eduJavier I. Escobar, MD, MSc
Associate Dean for Global Health
Global HealthJack Fatica, MD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (732) -235-6800
Fax (732) 235-6187
jf1123@ubhc.rutgers.eduCheryl Graber, MD
Associate Professor, General Psychiatry
Phone: 732-235-7647
Fax: 732-235-4220
cherylg@rwjms.rutgers.eduNidagalle Gowda, MD
Assistant Professor
gowdani@ubhc.rutgers.eduSally I-Chun Kuo, PhD
Assistant ProfessorShawen Ilaria, MD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (732) 235-4870
Fax: (732) 235-3923
si175@rwjms.rutgers.eduDorothy Isecke, MD
Assistant Professor
dorothy.isecke@rutgers.eduMorgan H. James, PhD
Assistant Professor
James LabKenneth Kaufman, MD
Phone: (732) 235-7647
Fax: (732) 235-7677
kaufmakr@rwjms.rutgers.eduWun Jung Kim, MD, MPH
Phone: (732) 235-4059
Fax: (732) 235-3923
wk138@rwjms.rutgers.eduAnna Kline, PhD
Associate Professor
klinean@rwjms.rutgers.eduAnna Konova, PhD
Assistant Professor
Konova LabRobert Lebeau, EdD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (732) 235-4129
Fax: (732) 235-5280
robert.lebeau@rwjms.rutgers.eduAlicia Lukachko, DrPH
Assistant ProfessorJeffrey Luci, PhD
Assistant ProfessorPaul Manowitz, PhD
Phone: (732) 235-4347
Fax: (732) 235-4430
manowitz@rwjms.rutgers.eduHumberto Marin, MD
Phone: (732) 235-3280
Fax: (732) 235-3478
marinhu@ubhc.rutgers.eduBrett Millar, PhD
Assistant ProfessorJason Mintz, MD
Assistant ProfessorJennifer Mulle, PhD
Associate ProfessorZeba S. Nizam, MD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (732) 235-4909
Fax: (732) 235-5630
nizameze@ubhc.rutgers.eduSherie Novotny, MD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (732) 235-4119
Fax: (732) 235-3923
novotnsl@ubhc.rutgers.eduGargi Patel, MD
Assistant Professor
Phone: (732) 235-4433
gpatel1@ubhc.rutgers.eduCarlos N. Pato, MD
Executive Chair of Psychiatry
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences
Phone: (732) 235-4440
Fax: (732) 235-5158
carlos.pato@rutgers.eduMichele Pato, MD
Professor - Awaiting Fac Appt
Inaugural Director, Rutgers Center for Genomics of Psychiatric Health and Addiction
mp1768@rwjms.rutgers.eduChristopher Pierce, PhD
ProfessorRachel Power, MD
Assistant ProfessorRobert Randolph, MD
Assistant ProfessorHanin Rashid, PhD
Assistant ProfessorDonald (Rusty) Reeves, MD
Phone: (973) 632-3194
Fax (973) 690-5179
rusty.reeves@rutgers.eduMark Rossi, PhD
Assistant ProfessorJessica Salvatore, PhD
Associate Professor
Director, Genes, Environment, and Neurodevelopment in Addictions Program
Center for Psychiatric Health and Genomics
Faculty website: https://sites.rutgers.edu/jessica-salvatore/
ORCiD Record: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5504-5087Carolyn E. Sartor, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Rutgers Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging ResearchMadhulika Sharma, MD
Assistant ProfessorMarie Sizemore, PhD
Assistant ProfessorMarc L. Steinberg, PhD
Phone: (732) 235-4341 | Fax: (732) 235-4277
steinbml@rwjms.rutgers.eduKeith Stowell, MD, MSPH, MPA
Associate Professor
Chief Medical Officer
Phone:(732) 235-4076
krs235@ubhc.rutgers.eduAnthony Tobia, MD
Senior Vice Chair
Phone: (732) 235-4440
Fax: (732) 235-5158
tobiaat@rwjms.rutgers.eduAdam Trenton, DO
Associate Professor
Phone: (732) 235-7647
Fax: (732) 235-7677
trentoaj@rwjms.rutgers.eduLeticia Velivis, MD
Assistant Professor, Consultation Liaison
Phone: 732-235-7647
Fax: 732-235-7677
leticia.velivis@rwjbh.orgJill M. Williams, MD
Professor, Program Director
(732) 235-4341
Fax: (732) 235-4277
williajm@rwjms.rutgers.eduSarah Young, MD
Associate Professor
Phone: (732) 235-8400
Fax: (732) 235-8395
youngsm@ubhc.rutgers.eduDavid Zald, PhD
Director, Center for Advanced Human Brain Imaging Research
Center For Advanced Human Brain Imaging Research -
Mitchell Abrams, PsyD
Clinical Assistant ProfessorLeslie A. Allen, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate ProfessorEric Arauz, M.L.E.R.
Adjunct InstructorMichael Asher, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPeter Aupperle, M.D., M.P.H.
Clinical ProfessorSherry Barron-Seabrook, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorMarsha Bates, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate ProfessorTheodore Batlas, Psy.D.
Clinical InstructorJeffrey Berman, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorEdward Bilotti, M.D.
Clinical InstructorJohn Blake, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorLeonard Blank, Ph.D.
Clinical ProfessorAllen Blasucci, Psy.D.
Clinical InstructorIsiaka Bolarinwa, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorRobert Bransfield, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorEllen Brooks, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorGary Brown, D.O.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorFrancis Cancellieri, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorPatricia Carrington, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorArthur Cederbaum, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorRichard Cevasco, Ed.D.
Clinical InstructorMargaret Chan, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorKevin Chen, PhD, MPH
Adjunct Associate ProfessorRaymond Chong, M.D.
Clinical InstructorM. Salim Chowdhrey, M.B.B.S.
Clinical Associate ProfessorBrian Chu, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant ProfessorMarcia Clever, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorHayley Cohen, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJulie Coleman, B.S.N.
Clinical InstructorRichard Contrada, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorMark Cooperberg, Ph.D.
Clinical InstructorAdriana Cordal, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorDaniel Cowen, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorPeter DeNigris, Psy.D.
Clinical InstructorAnkur Desai, M.D.
Clinical InstructorKalyani Deshpande, M.D.
Clinical InstructorAngelica Diaz-Martinez, Psy.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJeffery Dickert, Ph.D., M.S.W.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJoseph Donnellan, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorSuzanne Doubrava, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorStacy Doumas, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJeffrey Dunn, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorNancy Durant, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorRobert Edelberg, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorIrina Efremova, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorNatarajan Elangovan, M.D.,M.P.H.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorShana Elga, M.D.
Clinical InstructorElizabeth Epstein, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorJanet Faust, Ph.D.
Clinical InstructorEvan Feibusch, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorRicardo Fernandez, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorAdriana Fitzsimmons, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorKunal Gandhi, M.B.B.S., M.P.H.
Adjunct InstructorDaniela Ganescu, M.D.
Clinical InstructorPeter Ganime, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorMyron Gessner, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorLinda Gochfeld, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorArnold Goldman, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorAlberto Goldwaser, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorPaul Goodnick, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorVinobha Gooriah, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorSteven Gordon, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate ProfessorKenneth Gould, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorJeffrey Green, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorDaniel Greenwald, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorPeter Guarnaccia, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate ProfessorLily Gutterman, M.D.
Clinical InstructorKaren Haboush, Psy.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorRuth Hamori, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorPeter Harris, M.D., Ph.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorSteven Hartman, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorMarie Hasson, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorElaine Herzog, Ed.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorPaulette Hines, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorElizabeth Hogan, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorHarriet Hollander, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorConstanza Hoyos Nervi, Psy.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorEmmanuel Hriso, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJames Hutchins, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorLee Hyer, Ed.D.
Adjunct ProfessorMichael Jackson, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorAlbert Jekelis. Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorFrank Jones Jr, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorJeffrey Kargman, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorDavid Kassoff, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorDaniel Kelleher, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJennifer Kelly, Ph.D.
Clinical InstructorMujahid Khan, M.B.B.C.
Clinical InstructorMadhurani Khare, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorNeeta Kher, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorPhilippe Khouri, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorEdward Kim, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorDebra Koss, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJonathan Krejci, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJay Kuris, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorMary Laney, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorFrances Levine, M.S.W., B.C.D.-P.
Adjunct InstructorSteven Levine, M.D.
Clinical InstructorJordan Lieberman, M.D.
Clinical InstructorEric London, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorGene Lui, D.O.
Clinical InstructorHanny Mabrouk, M.D.
Clinical InstructorMeroujan Maljian, M.D.
Clinical InstructorBonnie Markham, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant ProfessorPeter Martindale, M.D.
Clinical InstructorCharles Martinson, M.D., J.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorRazia Matin, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorDavid Mayer, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorMonica McGoldrick, M.S.W.
Clinical Associate ProfessorDavid Mechanic, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorBarbara Jean Menzel, Psy.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorStanley Messer, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorCharles Meusburger, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJoseph Miller, Ph.D.
Clinical InstructorShula Minsky, Ed.D.
Adjunct Associate ProfessorArunesh Mishra, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorYuki Mukai, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorDavid Nathan, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorArnaldo Negron, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorRicardo Oasin, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJames O'Neill, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorPatrick Pace, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorJayanta Pal, M.D.
Clinical InstructorGahan Pandina, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorRobert Pandina, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorDavid Panzer, Psy.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorHoward Paul, Ph.D.
Clinical ProfessorAyman Ramzy, M.B.B.C.
Clinical Associate ProfessorRobert Randolph, M.D.
Clinical InstructorSteven Resnick, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorMichael Ricketts, Ph.D.
Adjunct Assistant ProfessorMarc Ritsema, D.O.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorDoreen Robertson-Hoffmann, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorCarla Rodgers, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorRaymond Rosen, Ph.D.
Adjunct ProfessorGary Rosenberg, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorLeon Rosenberg, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorMarc Rothman, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorSusan Rowley, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorAnasuya Salem, M.B.B.S., M.P.H.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorLaura Schafer, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorMatthew Schiff, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorEsther Schlesinger, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorNeal Schofield, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorMoustafa Shafey, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorShailaja Shah, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorNajmussahar Shaikh, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorVivian Shnaidman, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorMichael Shore, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorDavid Siegman, Psy.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorDavid Sikowitz, M.D.
Clinical InstructorChristine Skotzko, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorJennifer Smith, Ph.D.
Clinical InstructorRamon Solhkhah, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorOlga Soto-Moise, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorGalina Staroselsky, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorEdward Steinberg, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorRobert Stern, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorStephanie Stern, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorLisa Sussman, Psy.D.
Clinical InstructorBradley Sussman, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorMarshall Swartzburg, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorEdward Szteinbaum, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorAnthony Tamburello, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorAlan Tipermas, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorEdward Tobe, D.O.
Clinical Associate ProfessorEvgeny Vaschillo, Ph.D.
Adjunct Associate ProfessorMarilouise Venditti, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJohn Verdon, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorJoseph Vetrano, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorNaomi Vilko, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorElizabeth Vreeland, M.S.N.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorMelissa Warman, Ph.D.
Clinical InstructorGerald Weinstein, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorKenneth Weiss, M.D.
Clinical ProfessorFrank Wetzel, III, Ph.D.
Clinical InstructorJohn Williams, M.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorJeffrey Wilson, M.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorPhilip Witt, Ph.D.
Clinical Associate ProfessorJeanne Wurmser, Ph.D.
Clinical Assistant ProfessorXueming Ye, M.D.
Clinical InstructorCatherine Yeager, Ph.D.
Clinical InstructorDavid Zykorie, M.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor -
Sherry McCoy
Administrative Offices
Phone: (732) 235-4440
Fax: (732) 235-5158
Email: mccoysr@rwjms.rutgers.eduCecily Barrington, PhD
Senior Director of Administration
Phone: (732) 235-4440
Fax: (732) 235-5158
Email: barrincc@rutgers.eduJose Cruz
Mental Health Clinician
Addiction Psychiatry
Phone: (732) 235-4497
Fax: (732) 235-4277
Email: cruzj3@rutgers.edu
Patricia Dooley
Program Manager
Addiction Psychiatry
Phone: (732) 235-3361
Fax: (732) 235-4277
Email: dooleypc@rutgers.eduCynthia Duncan-Robinson
Program Assistant
Administrative Offices
Phone: (732) 235-4440
Fax: (732) 235-5158
Email: cynthia.d.robinson@rutgers.eduChristine Hogan
Mental Health Clinician
Huntington's Disease Clinic
Phone: (732) 235-5993
Fax: (732) 235-4220
Email: hoganch1@rutgers.eduDawn Dunn
Program Coordinator Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Phone: (732) 235-4295
Fax: (732) 235-3923
Email: dmd472@rwjms.rutgers.eduDavid J. Gerak
Program Coordinator
General Psychiatry Residency
Phone: (732) 235-4433
Fax: (732) 235-4649
Email: dg723@rwjms.rutgers.eduKatherine Knoll
Program Support Specialist
Medical Student Education
Phone: (732) 235-4403
Fax: (732) 235-4430
Email: knollkm@rutgers.eduDina Mattern
Research Coordinator
Addiction Psychiatry
Phone: (732) 235-4053
Fax: (732) 235-4277
Email: dina.mattern@rutgers.eduLucia Colon
Principal Management Assistant
Phone: (732) 235-5786
Fax: (732) 235-4430
Email: lc830@rwjms.rutgers.eduMichelle Smith
Program Assistant
General Psychiatry Residency
Phone: (732) 235-4433
Fax: (732) 235-4649
Email: ms3943@rwjms.rutgers.eduJudy Rokeach
Nurse Clinician
Huntington's Disease Clinic
Phone: (732) 235-5993
Fax: (732) 235-4220
Email: jar464@rutgers.eduNaomi Tate-Riddick
Clinical Services Representative
Phone: (732) 235-7647
Fax: (732) 235-4220
Email: tatenr@rutgers.edu
Affiliations and Collaborations
Center of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Studies
607 Allison Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 732-445-2190
Tobacco Dependence Program
125 Paterson Street, Suite 2300
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: 732-235-8212
Fax: 732-235-8297
Email: info@tobaccoprogram.org
University Behavioral Health Care
671 Hoes Lane West
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Phone: 1-800-969-5300
Veteran Administration of New Jersey
151 Knollcroft Road
Mental Health & Behavioral Sciences
Lyons, NJ 07939
Telephone: 908-647-0180
Research Interests
Accordion Content
Viwek Bisen, DO
Interests: psychosomatic medicine, suicide, economics of healthcare
Dr. Bisen is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and is interested in the interface of medicine and psychiatry. Some of his interests are addiction, suicide, and neuropsychiatric disorders, specifically focusing on evidence-based psychiatric care in a general hospital. He is also interested in economics of healthcare, specifically sustainable healthcare innovation and entrepreneurship.
E-mail: bisenvs@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Nina Cooperman, PhD
Interests: smoking cessation, drug use, and HIV
Dr. Cooperman is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School (RWJMS). Her recent work has focused on developing smoking cessation interventions for smokers in drug treatment, smokers with psychiatric and personality disorders, and smokers with HIV. She frequently presents at trainings conducted by faculty at the RWJMS Division of Psychiatry on Treating Tobacco Dependence in Behavioral Health Settings. She is the recipient of a National Institute on Drug Abuse Career Development Award to develop a smoking cessation intervention for opiate dependent smokers. Dr. Cooperman has been Principal or Co-investigator on several NIH funded studies, including projects investigating adherence to antiretroviral medication among people with HIV, smoking cessation interventions for smokers seeking treatment in the emergency department, and risky sexual behavior among women in Mumbai, India. She is a Motivational Interviewing Trainer; she has published many peer-reviewed research papers; and, she is a frequent presenter at national and international conferences.
E-mail: cooperna@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Roseanne Dobkin, PhD
Interests: Parkinson’s disease, depression, telemedicine
Dr. Roseanne Dobkin is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, in Piscataway, NJ. She is also a practicing psychologist in New Jersey and Delaware. The majority of her research and clinical work over the past 13 years has focused on the treatment of the psychiatric complications (i.e., depression, anxiety, insomnia, cognition) in Parkinson’s disease (PD). She has also begun to systematically examine barriers to mental health care utilization in PD, as well as the use of telemedicine to leverage patient access to specialized mental health care. Dr. Dobkin's research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Patterson Trust Awards Program in Clinical Research, the Michael J.Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, and the Health Services and Research Development Division (HSR&D) of the Veteran Affairs Administration.
E-mail: dobkinro@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Molly Erickson, PhD
Interests: schizophrenia, EEG, cognition
Dr. Erickson’s program of research is focused on understanding the neural mechanisms that give rise to sensory and early cognitive impairment in schizophrenia, with a larger aim to understand how early abnormalities impact cognitive domains that are important for functional outcome and overall quality of life.
In pursuit of these aims, Dr. Erickson’s research includes the use of electroencephalography (EEG) and behavioral paradigms to understand basic neural and psychological processes associated with visual attention and working memory impairment among this patient population. Additional areas of interest include the use of EEG to measure abnormalities in network organization during rest, as well as to understand the role of the glutamate signaling system in disrupted prediction formation and cognition more broadly.
E-mail: me401@ubhc.rutgers.edu
Javier Escobar, MD
Interests: Global Health, Psychiatric Diagnosis, Cross-Cultural Research.
Dr. Javier Escobar is a Professor of Psychiatry and the Associate Dean for Global Health. His has done research on integration of mental health into primary care and interventions for medically unexplained physical symptoms, He is currently co-investigator, mentor and advisor for international research projects on bipolar disorder and severe psychoses (schizophrenia) on population isolates that have been published in JAMA, Brain and other leading journals. His research has been funded by NIH and many Foundations. Also, he is involved in research mentoring for new investigators.
Visit the Office of Global Health
E-mail: escobaja@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Michael Gara, PhD
Interests: Social cognition in psychopathpology, medically unexplained physical symptoms, ethnic disparities in psychiatric diagnosis; statistics: data mining, psychometrics; clinical trials
Dr. Gara is a Professor of Psychiatry and his ongoing research includes Ethnic Disparities in Psychiatric Diagnosis, particularly schizophrenia; Telepsychiatry for depression in Parkinson’s disease, and Treatment of Medically Unexplained Symptoms in Primary Care. He serves as a consultant for NJ State Trauma Informed Care Project, and as a statistician for a variety of other clinical trials.
E-mail: garami@ubhc.rutgers.edu
Gary Aston-Jones, PhD
Interests: brain neuromodulatory systems, cognitive performance, drug abuse, sleep and waking, and affective disorders
Dr. Aston-Jones is a Professor of Psychiatry and the Director of the Rutgers Brain Health Institute. He is interested in the role of locus coeruleus-noradrenergic system in behavior and cognitive processes. He has conducted studies of the roles of brain modulatory systems in cognitive function throughout his career. He pioneered unit recordings from locus coeruleus (LC) noradrenergic neurons in behaving rats and monkeys, and currently use tetrodes and multi-electrode arrays to record from LC and cortical neurons in rats performing cognitive tasks. He developed prominent theories of LC function, culminating in the Adaptive Gain Theory.
Visit the Brain Health Institute Lab
E-mail: gsa35@ca.rutgers.edu
Kenneth Kaufman, MD
Interests: Psychopharmacology, Epilepsy, Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in the treatment of psychiatric disorders, Sports psychiatry, Ethics
Dr. Kaufman is a Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology and Anesthesiology with broad interests and associated eclectic publications. He is a general psychiatrist specializing in affective (bipolar) disorders, psychiatric aspects of epilepsy, and the use of AEDs in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. His focus on psychopharmacology has led to a better understanding of both unique efficacy of AEDs in psychiatry (“Antiepileptic drugs in the treatment of psychiatric disorders”). His interests in ethics and sports and the World Anti-doping Code (WADC) have led to publications addressing the ethical use of pharmaceuticals in sports. His interests in ethics and research design have led to publications on “Comparative bioethics in bipolar and epilepsy research” and “Ethical considerations in placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials.” His interests in sports, epilepsy, sports psychiatry and psychiatric aspects of epilepsy have led to his co-authoring “Epilepsy, seizures, physical exercise and sports: A report from the ILAE Task Force on Sports and Epilepsy.” He is on the editorial boards of British Journal of Psychiatry, Epilepsy & Behavior, and Annals of Clinical Psychiatry and is the Deputy Editor of BJPsych Open.
E-mail: kaufmakr@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Brian Keane, PhD
Interests: schizophrenia, visual perception, behavioral psychophysics, vision, schizophrenia, fMRI, psychophysics
Dr. Keane is an Assistant Professor of psychiatry. His overarching aim is to understand the mechanisms underlying normal object perception and how these mechanisms become compromised during serious mental illness. He approaches the topic by conducting behavioral and neuroimaging investigations on healthy individuals, persons with schizophrenia, and related clinical populations. A major finding from his research is that abnormal visual perception flags the presence, stage, or symptoms of schizophrenia, yielding insight into how the illness emerges and how it changes the brain over time.
E-mail: keanebp@ubhc.rutgers.edu
Anna Kline, PhD
Interests: trauma, substance abuse, co-occurring disorders
Dr. Kline is an Associate Professor of psychiatry and her research interests focus on the intersection of trauma, mental illness and substance abuse, especially in military veterans. Her research has included large-scale, epidemiological studies as well as clinical trials and demonstration projects exploring novel treatment interventions. Studies have included an investigation of the mental health effects of military deployment among 3,000 New Jersey National Guard soldiers deployed to Iraq, an RCT testing a mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for veterans at risk of suicide, and a demonstration project testing a case management intervention for homeless veterans with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse disorders. She has published papers on post-traumatic stress disorder, military suicide, co-occurring disorders and factors affecting treatment utilization and retention in at-risk populations.
E-mail: kline.anna@gmail.com
Paul Lehrer, PhD
Interests: Biofeedback, Psychophysiology, Psychosomatics, Anxiety, Panic
Dr. Lehrer is a Professor of Psychiatry. His research emphasis has been on process involved in cognitive behavior therapy and psychophysiological therapies, more than on specific disorders. His recent research has involved psychophysiological and cognitive behavioral interventions for treating asthma, somatization, and panic. He also has studied the psychophysiological dynamics of heart rate variability and heart rate variability biofeedback in various disorders, and has evaluated cognitive behavior therapy for patients with multiple somatic symptom (somatization) disorder and comorbid asthma and panic disorder. Over the years he also has evaluated psychophysiological and behavioral approaches to a variety of other disorders, including major depression, general anxiety and stress, performance anxiety, headaches, and fibromyalgia. He has a particular interest in looking at heart rate variability as a sign of resilience in these and other disorders, and the use of heart rate variability biofeedback to improve resilience.
E-mail: lehrer@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Paul Manowitz, PhD
Interests: Biological Basis of Mental Illness
Dr. Paul Manowitz is a Professor of Psychiatry and is interested in the biochemistry and genetics of mental illness. One of his main goals is the identification of genes that influence executive functioning in humans. His research has identified a polymorphism of arylsulfatase A that occurs much more frequently in alcoholics than in normal control. Tissue culture experiments have shown that this variant enzyme is mislocalized and much less metabolically stable compared with the normal, wild type enzyme. In addition, he is studying cognitive endophenotypes related to schizophrenia that can be genetically analyzed.
E-mail: manowitz@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Humberto Marin, MD
Interests: clinical psychopharmacology, Huntington’s disease, mental aspects of neuropsychiatric disorders, culture and mental health, psychiatry in primary care.
Dr. Marin is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and has been involved in clinical psychopharmacology research and research in mental aspects of Parkinson’s disease with Dr. Matthew Menza; in cultural psychiatry research and research in somatization disorders with Dr. Javier Escobar; in research in Huntington’s disease, currently with the HD Society; and in research on psychiatric treatment in primary care settings, currently with the Camden Coalition.
E-mail: marinhu@ubhc.rutgers.edu
Sherrie Novotny, MD
Interests: Autism
Dr. Novotny is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. Her research has focused on various aspects of autism and has included a variety of interventional trials. These studies have been supported by the Department of Defense, NCCAM and NARSAD and the pharmaceutical industry.
E-mail: novotnsl@ubhc.rutgers.edu
Ted Petti, MD, MPH
Interests: Adolescence; Language disorders, non-suicidal self-injury; and communication disorders
Dr. Petti is a Professor of Psychiatry whose current research interests involve self-perceived communication ability in children and teens who are receiving psychiatric services. He is analyzing a large data set of inpatient and therapeutic day school older children and teens concerning their perceptions of communication skills and deficits. Non-suicidal self injury is another major area of concern, most specifically around the deliberate ingestion of foreign objects. Coping mechanisms in children and adolescents is another of his interests. He has a large data set of youth receiving services in either an adolescent medicine clinic or an acute child and adolescent in patient unit as well as a group of teens receiving services for sickle cell disease.
E-mail: pettita@ubhc.rutgers.edu
Rusty Reeves, MD
Interests: forensics issues
Dr. Reeves is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and the Training Director of the Department of Psychiatry's forensic psychiatry fellowship. He is also the Director of Psychiatry of Rutgers - University Correctional Health Care which provides the medical and mental health care to New Jersey's state prisoners. Dr. Reeves' research focuses on the management and treatment of mental disorders in prisoners. Dr. Reeves has published in textbooks and in peer-reviewed journals on, for example, involuntary medication in prisoners, and management of suicide risk among prisoners.
E-mail: reevesdo@ubhc.rutgers.edu
Jessica E. Salvatore, Ph.D.
Research Interests: alcohol and drug abuse, close relationships, gene-environment correlation, gene-environment interaction, familial transmission
Dr. Salvatore is a developmental psychologist with training in psychiatric and behavioral genetics. Her primary area of focus is on how substance misuse affects and is affected by social factors and close relationships across the lifespan. Within this broad theme, she takes a genetically informed perspective, with the dual goals of delineating gene-environment interplay among substance use and relationship factors, and strengthening inferences in observational data.
Faculty website: https://sites.rutgers.edu/jessica-salvatore/
Dan Schneider, MD
Interests: Conversion disorder (Functional Neurological Syndrome), Dementia, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease
Dr. Schneider is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology. He is both a movement disorders specialist and a behavioral neurologist, and is interested in the research questions involving the psychiatric and cognitive manifestations of neurological disease. He has run clinical trials involving Huntington’s disease and treatments of MCI in Parkinson's disease. He also is engaging in a collaboration with one of the neuroscience labs at the Rutgers Newark campus to look at individual differences in learning deficits in Parkinson's disease, both before and after deep brain stimulation. Finally, he is interested in so-called functional or dissociative motor disorders and is currently working with our department of Physical and Occupational Therapy to create a program for treatment of these disorders.
E-mail: schneidp@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Steve Silverstein, PhD
Interests: schizophrenia, perception, cognition, retina
Dr. Steven Silverstein is Director of Research, and Director of the Division of Schizophrenia Research at Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care (UBHC), and Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He is the former Chair of the American Psychological Association’s Task Force on Serious Mental Illness, and an Executive Board member and President-Elect of the Society for Research in Psychopathology. He has over 25 years of experience in treating people with schizophrenia, and has directed inpatient units and outpatient programs for this population. This includes work with both chronic and first episode patients. Dr. Silverstein’s research interests are in the development of schizophrenia, perceptual and cognitive changes found in schizophrenia, and prediction of treatment response and relapse. He has over 185 publications related to schizophrenia, and is currently Principal Investigator (PI) on multiple NIMH and foundation grants involving assessment and treatment.
E-mail: silvers1@ubhc.rutgers.edu
Marc Steinberg, PhD
Interests: tobacco, motivational interviewing, task persistence
Dr. Steinberg conducts research on tobacco use and dependence, particularly in vulnerable populations such as those with mental illness and low socioeconomic status. Dr. Steinberg is interested in psychosocial treatment development, proposed mediators of tobacco dependence treatment such as task persistence/ distress tolerance, and using motivational interviewing to encourage smokers to quit. Dr. Steinberg is a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers and is active in the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco (SRNT). He is currently Deputy Editor for the international peer reviewed journal, Nicotine & Tobacco Research. Additional information on Dr. Steinberg's work can be found at the Tobacco Research & Intervention Lab website.
Email: marc.steinberg@rutgers.edu
Anthony Tobia, MD
Interests: innovative curriculum, popular culture, Psyfeld, REDRUM, FIDLER, psychosomatic medicine
Dr. Anthony Tobia is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry. He is involved in quality improvement and scholarly projects with the psychiatry residents at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School as well as independent projects and independently designed electives for medical students; Capstone projects for Masters students at the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; and Capstone projects for undergraduate students in the College of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Rutgers University. His interests include innovative curriculum development, use of popular culture to teach, and psychosomatic medicine.
TWITTER: @ATobiaMD and @Psyfeld
E-mail: tobiaat@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Adam Trenton, MD
Interests: Psychosomatic medicine, sports psychiatry, medical education
Dr. Trenton is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry. Dr. Trenton’s primary clinical and research interests are in Psychosomatic Medicine. Some of his interests within the field include: physical manifestations of psychiatric illness, HIV psychiatry, and the provision of psychiatric care in the general medical hospital. Dr. Trenton also has a strong interest in Sports Psychiatry and works in collaboration with the Rutgers Athletic Department to provide care to student athletes. He is also interested in medical education, and enjoys teaching medical students and residents in didactic sessions and on hospital rounds.
E-mail: trentoaj@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Jill Williams, MD
Interests: smoking, addiction, tobacco
Dr. Williams is a Professor of Psychiatry and conducts research on co-occurring mental illness and addictions, particularly studies of medication assisted treatments (MAT). This includes clinical studies of smoking in people with mental illness or other addictions as well as studies of system change interventions that increase tobacco treatment in the behavioral health setting.
E-mail: williajm@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Affiliations and Collaborations
Center of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Studies
607 Allison Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 732-445-2190
Tobacco Dependence Program
125 Paterson Street, Suite 2300
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Phone: 732-235-8212
Fax: 732-235-8297
Email: info@tobaccoprogram.org
University Behavioral Health Care
671 Hoes Lane West
Piscataway, NJ 08855
Phone: 1-800-969-5300
Veteran Administration of New Jersey
151 Knollcroft Road
Mental Health & Behavioral Sciences
Lyons, NJ 07939
Telephone: 908-647-0180
Clinical Services
Our clinical programs support and enhance our department's mission of training future clinicians in mental health through education, research and community service.
Adult Psychiatric Clinic
The Adult Psychiatry Clinic provides diagnosis and treatment of a wide variety of psychiatric disorders. Our providers are academic faculty members at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and are involved in cutting-edge research in diagnosis and treatment. Our psychiatrists and psychologists can also provide expert consultations and second opinions for individuals and their caregivers. A full range of psychological therapies, including cognitive behavioral therapy, biofeedback, supportive therapy and insight-oriented therapy are available. Sophisticated psychopharmacology approaches are also offered and tailored to the individual's situation.
Autism Clinic
The Autism Clinic is directed by Sherie Novotny, MD, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and pediatrician at Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. She has trained at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in pediatrics, psychiatry and child psychiatry. Her previous appointment was with Dr. Eric Hollander at the Seaver Autism Research Center at Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in Manhattan, where she assisted in several research protocols. She has expertise in treating the behavioral symptoms of autism spectrum disorders. She is currently running several clinical treatment trials for children with these disorders. These trials include medications for behavioral problems as well as metabolic imbalance.
Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Program
The Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology Program provides psychiatric evaluations for the pharmacologic management of childhood mental disorders. It accepts referrals from other physicians and mental health professionals for the consultation and/or joint management of cases. Fellows and residents in training provide care under the direct supervision of the attending physician/faculty member.

Our Divisions
Our department is made up of 3 divisions, each focusing on a subspecialty area of psychiatry.