Michael Simon, MD

Colts Neck, NJ

Georgetown University, BS Health Care Management and Policy

Medical School
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Why Orthopaedics?
Orthopaedic anatomy, biomechanics, and musculoskeletal pathophysiology is fascinating, and it is a technically demanding field with excellent patient outcomes.

Why Robert Wood Johnson?
Exceptional, resident-focused operative experience, invested faculty, and a great, hard-working resident culture

Research interests/Publications
Simon M, Gencarelli P, Yang J, Elkhechen J, Avendano J, Kirschenbaum D, Katt B. “Postoperative Immobilization of Scaphoid Fractures: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature.” Hand, 2022. doi.org/10.1177/15589447221093675

Brzezinski A, Imbergamo C, Pfaff W, Tarapore R, Nasra M, Simon M, Gatt C. “Biomechanical Comparison of Meniscal Allograft Root Fixation Techniques: Anterograde Interference Bone Plug Fixation Yields Favorable Results Compared to Transosseous Suture Fixation Alone.” Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, and Rehabilitation, 2022. 4(3):e907-e914. doi.org/10.1016/j.asmr.2022.01.001

Brzezinski A, Mascarenhas D, Simon M, Kayiaros S. “A Unique Complication of Femoral Broach Fracture and Incarceration During Total Hip Arthroplasty. A Report of Two Cases.” Arthroplasty Today, 2021. 11:49-53. doi.org/10.1016/j.artd.2021.07.011

Specialty interest

Camping, whiskey