Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship

Overview of the Program
Welcome to the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship!
The Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Fellowship in Emergency Ultrasound is a one-year program, accredited by the Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship Accreditation Council (EUFAC), designed to solidify basic ultrasound skills attained in residency and develop expertise in advanced applications. Heavy emphasis is placed on providing the fellow with the tools necessary to become successful administrators, researchers and educators in Emergency Ultrasound. Fellows graduating from our program will be capable of starting a full-scale ultrasound program and/or fellowship in an academic or community setting.
The Division of Emergency & Critical Care Ultrasound, led by Dr. Christopher Bryczkowski has rapidly become the face of point of care ultrasound within the institution. Our Mission is to serve as a center of excellence in clinical ultrasound, research, training and education. This occurs within and outside of our department, as we have been very successful in forming strategic alliances and collaborating with other specialties in the medical group. The ultrasound fellow plays a vital role in helping to carry out these missions while gaining invaluable administrative expertise.
We are recruiting and interviewing for the 2026-2027 season beginning September 2025. Please click here to apply: EUS Fellowship Application.
I look forward to answering any questions you may have after reviewing our brochure. Our coordinator, Nirali Kelly, can be contacted at 732-235-4296 or parikhni@rwjms.rutgers.edu and is always available to answer any of your questions.
Christopher Bryczkowski, MD
Assistant Professor
Current Fellows
Dominic Roskoski, MD
Miriam Sedrak, MD
Contact Us
Elective Information
Michelle Bardsley
Clerkship Coordinator
One Robert Wood Johnson Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Phone: 732-235-8783
Fax: 732-235-6434
Email: holswomi@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Fellowship Information
Nirali Kelly, MHRM
Residency & Fellowship Coordinator
One Robert Wood Johnson Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Phone: 732-235-4296
Fax: 732-235-6434
Email: parikhni@rwjms.rutgers.edu
Ultrasound Services
Christopher Bryczkowski, MD
Assistant Professor
One Robert Wood Johnson Place
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
Phone: 732-235-8717
Email: bryczkcj@rwjms.rutgers.edu