Resources - Books

Books on Racism
Books on Social Justice
Books on Implicit Bias and Microaggressions
Books for Identity and Leadership Conversations
Self-Help Handbooks
The Racial Healing Handbook: Practical Activites to Help You Challenge Privledge, Confront Systematic Racism, and Engage in Collective Healing (The Social Justice Handbook Series) | Anneliese A Singh, PhD, LPC The Antiracism Handbook: Practical Tools to Shift Your Mindset and Uproot Racism in Your Life and Community (The Social Justice Handbook Series) | Therma Bryant, PhD, Edith Arrington, PhD
The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health: Navigate an Unequal System, Learn Tools for Emotional Wellness, and Get the Help you Deserve | Rheeda Walkner, PhD The Pain We Carry: Healing from Complex PTSD for People of Color | Natalie Y. Gutierrez