Independent Projects

Have you traveled internationally and completed a rotation during the summer after your M1 year?

Planning a rotation abroad in your M3 or M4 years?

Then you might consider completing your Independent Project (IP) with the Office of Global Health.

Dr. Javier I. Escobar, Associate Dean for the Office of Global Health and other faculty will advise students during the course of their Independent Project. The Independent Project requires 160 hours of scholarly work and a scholarly deliverable. Students must include scholarly research when citing their work.

View the Independent Project Description web page for detailed information about requirements for your Independent Project.

Download a PowerPoint presentation prepared by the Office of Education outlining the requirements for the Independent Project Requirement (as of AY 2013-2014).

Make an appointment today with the office to discuss plans for your upcoming project. Contact Christina Rozario for more details at or call the office at 732 235 6383.